
  • 网络ROMANS;rom
  1. 比如看到一个向你引用罗马书第12章19节的牧师

    For instance , seeing the priest who quoted you romans 12:19

  2. 这些工价是死(罗马书6:23)。

    Those wages are death ( Romans 6:23 ) .

  3. 耶鲁公开课所以在罗马书第12章14节里,保罗说“祝福那些逼迫你的人趣味单词Canon佳能['kænən]n.标准;教规;正典圣经;教士

    So in Romans 12:14 , Paul says , " Bless those who persecute you .

  4. 我们在《罗马书》和《加拉太书》中谈过保罗。

    Paul , we 've talked about Paul in Romans and Galatians .

  5. 《罗马书》的主题是“神的公义。”

    The theme of Romans is " the righteousness of God . "

  6. 这引出对罗马书的新的解读。

    That takes us to what 's become a new interpretation of Romans .

  7. 保罗在《罗马书》中提及行为时,他明显在说犹太律法规定的行为。

    When Paul talks about works in Romans he 's clearly talking about works of Jewish law .

  8. 现在来看《罗马书》

    Look at Romans now .

  9. 如罗马书3章9节所描述的,伏在罪恶权势下的人,是怎样的景况?

    What does it look like to be " under the power of sin " as Rom.3:9 describes human beings ?

  10. 罗马书关键词汇不同的用法?律/律法。义,称义,算为义。灵。肉体。

    How key words are used in Romans : law . Righteousness , justification , imputation . Spirit . Flesh .

  11. 罗马书是新约中写好的第七卷,保罗的第六封信,写在公元后五十六年十二月到五十七年二月的哥林多。

    Romans was written by Paul from Corinth December-February AD56-AD57 as his sixth letter and the seventh New Testament book written .

  12. 保罗《罗马书》中说唯有因信才能称义,亚伯拉罕也是因信称义而不是因为受割礼。

    Justification for Paul in Romans has always been by faith , even Abraham was justified by faith not by circumcision .

  13. 这可能是直接引用罗马书,保罗在罗马书里说律法是好的。

    That of course can be a quotation right out of Romans because Romans itself has Paul says the law is good .

  14. 神的话是唯一能在人心中激动人相信救恩指之道和有关的教训:罗马书10:17。

    Only the Word of God can motivate a person to believe the Way of salvation and teachings related thereto : Rom10:17 .

  15. 是个人救赎,这是信仰的个人救赎教条,这是保罗写罗马书的原因。

    It 's individual salvation , and it 's a doctrine of individual salvation by faith that 's the reason Paul wrote Romans .

  16. 保罗写罗马书时的罗马教会,已经不是单纯的犹太群体。

    The Roman church , at the time Paul is writing this letter , is by this time no longer a purely Jewish group .

  17. 一种人为“将来要显示的荣耀”(罗马书8:18)愿意忍受贫穷,饥饿,侮辱和羞辱;

    One is willing to suffer poverty , hunger , indignity , and shame because of " the glory which shall be revealed "( Rom.8:18 );

  18. 我们靠自己的能力,无法做到心意更新而变化(罗马书12章2节),乃是要靠在我们里面的圣灵。

    We can 't renew our minds by ourselves ( Rom.12:2 ); it 's the transforming work of the Holy Spirit who lives in us .

  19. (复)军队或军团;圣经新约中的罗马书中使用;万军之主。

    ( plural ) hosts or armies ; used in the book of Romans in the New Testament of the Bible : ` Lord of Sabaoth ' .

  20. 罗马书第三章十节说:“没有义人,连一个也没有!”事实上,我们都是生在罪里。

    Romans 3 : l0 says " There is none righteous , no , not one . " The truth is we were all born with sin .

  21. 他现在在天上。神在罗马书第十章十三节说:“凡求告主名的,就必得救。”

    He 's in Heaven now and God says in Romans l0 : l3 ," For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved . "

  22. “匠人难道没有权柄,从一团泥里拿一块作成贵重的器皿,又拿一块作成卑贱的器皿么?”-圣经“罗马书。

    " Hath not the potter power over the clay , to make one vessel unto honor , and another unto dishonor ?" - The Bible , Romans .

  23. 为帮助你记住无论你理解不理解都要信靠神这个真理,你可以把以弗所书1:11和罗马书8:28背起来。

    Why not memorize Ephesians 1 : 11 and Romans 8 : 28 to help you remember to trust the Lord Jesus even when you don 't understand .

  24. 《罗马书》是非常复杂的书信,但也不至于简单到,可以从传统的新教徒的虔敬中得出结论,也即行为就是人类活动。

    Romans is a complicated letter , but it wasn 't as simple you might give the idea from traditional Protestant piety which is , works are human activity .

  25. 罗马书的创作情形皆然不同,首先来看罗马书告诉我们什么,有关保罗对待律法的名声?

    Romans is written in a very different situation , but let 's first just see , what does Romans tell us about Paul 's reputation with regard to the law ?

  26. 他是否正在看《罗马书》和《创世纪》,他看到保罗引用《创世纪》中这句话,因此他引用同样的话提出反对观点?

    Is he actually reading Romans and Galatians and he sees that Paul quotes this passage from Genesis , and therefore , he quotes the same passage to make the opposite point ?

  27. 这正是加拉太书的观点,还记得吗,讲加拉太书和罗马书时,我谈到,在保罗眼中,犹太律法不仅仅是一系列规则。

    This is very much Galatians , remember when I gave the lecture on Galatians and Romans I talked about how the Jewish law for Paul is not simply a list of rules .

  28. 我会简单说一下,休息后再详谈,对罗马书的传统解读,是这是保罗的神学论文。

    I 'm going to do this quickly and we can talk about it maybe more after the break , but the traditional interpretation of Romans was that this was Paul 's theological treatise .

  29. 但纵览罗马书的修辞,越来越多的学者都相信,保罗雄辩的主要受众,是耶稣的非犹太信徒。

    But if you look through the rhetoric of Romans , more and more of us scholars are convinced that the main recipients of Paul 's rhetoric is supposed to be Gentile believers in Jesus .

  30. ??罗马书3:23说,因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。不要小看罪,因为罪带来的是永远的死亡和与神分离。

    Romans 3 : 23 says , " For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God . " Sin is a problem because it brings an everlasting death and separation from God .