
luó mǎ zōnɡ jiào
  • Roman religion
  1. 他强迫其臣民接受罗马宗教,对违者以严厉惩罚相威胁。

    He coerced his subjects into observance of the Roman religion and threatened severe penalties against backsliders .

  2. 随着罗马人对不列颠的征服和统治,古罗马宗教和东部地中海沿岸地区的一些其它宗教传入不列颠。

    With the conquest and domination of the Romans on Britain , the Roman religion and the Eastern Mediterranean coastal areas of some other religion passed in Britain .

  3. 罗马宗教裁判所是成立于1542年由教皇保罗三压制路德教在意大利。

    The Roman Inquisition was established in1542 by Pope Paul III to suppress Lutheranism in Italy .

  4. 关于古罗马的宗教和神话的研究

    a study of the religions and mythologies of ancient Rome

  5. 罗马天主教宗教人员受训成为医生和护士。

    The Roman Catholic religious workers are trained as doctors and nurses .

  6. 死者灵魂死者的灵魂,在古罗马的宗教中被认为是一种较次要的超自然力量。

    The spirits of the dead , regarded as minor supernatural powers in ancient Roman religion .

  7. 基督教获皇帝支持,成为罗马主要宗教,最后更风靡欧洲。

    With the emperor as a patron , Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire and ultimately of Europe .

  8. 首位来自南美洲的罗马天主教宗教宗方济各星期天返回南美洲,对厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚和巴拉圭进行八天访问。

    Pope Francis , the first South American pontiff , has returned to that continent to begin an eight-day visit to Ecuador , Bolivia and Paraguay .

  9. 罗马的宗教精英还举办足球锦标赛,即神职者杯足球赛,这从一定程度上激发了梵蒂冈板球队的成立。

    There is also a soccer tournament played by Roma 's religious elite known as Clericus Cup which was part of inspiration for the Vatican 's cricket team .

  10. 1829年的今天,英国国会给予罗马天主教以宗教的自由。

    1829-The British Parliament grants freedom of religion to Roman Catholics .

  11. 罗马帝国早期宗教政策与基督教的发展

    The Religious Policy of the Early Roman Empire and the Development of Christianity

  12. 这些教堂是最早到此定居的基督徒建造的。他们有些人是为了躲避罗马帝国的宗教迫害。

    The churches carved by Christians who first settled the area , some of them escaping religious persecution by the Roman Empire .

  13. 罗马共和国时期宗教情感对政治行为的影响

    Religious Emotions Influence on Political Actions in Roman Republic

  14. 几年后,基督教被牢固确立为罗马帝国的法定宗教。

    In a few years Christianity was securely established as the official religion of the empire .

  15. 罗马天主教是官方宗教,有信仰其他宗教的自由。

    Roman Catholicism is the official religion , with freedom of other religions guaranteed by the constitution .

  16. 这里曾经是古罗马的商业,宗教和政治中心

    that this was once the center of commerce , religion , and politics in ancient Rome .

  17. 一个多世纪来,密特拉教,一个源自波斯的宗教,成为罗马最大的单一宗教。

    For more than a century , Mithraism , a religion derived from Persia , was the largest single religion in Rome .

  18. 做此研究的目的是想通过梳理清楚罗马不列颠人的宗教信仰走向,以了解占中心地位的宗教崇拜对社会产生的影响。

    The purpose of this study is to clearly carding religious sects and trend in Roman Britain , in order to understand the central place of religious worship to social influence .

  19. 但必须指出,在盎格鲁-撒克逊诸国的基督教化历程中,罗马与爱尔兰的宗教影响是混合交融在一起的,因此不可孤立地看待二者在改宗中起到的作用。

    However , it must be pointed out that , in the Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England , the religious influence of Rome and Ireland is mixed together ; therefore , it could not be viewed in isolation from the role played by these two churches .

  20. 作为古罗马文化象征之一的角斗并非一种单纯孤立的娱乐方式,它与古罗马的宗教、政治、经济、文化及古罗马的兴衰都有着密切的联系。

    As one of the symbols of Ancient Roman culture , gladiatorial combats isn 't a type of amusement only , instead , it is closely related to religion , politics , economy , culture , the rise and decline of Ancient Rome and has a profound effect on them .

  21. 当时,我作为罗马天主教会任命的牧师,与一些从世界各地的牧师们来参观这座清真寺,这些牧师来到罗马参加关于宗教对话的暑期课程。

    I was an ordained minister of the Roman Catholic Church at the time and I was visiting with a group of priests from around the world , attending Rome for a summer course on interreligious dialogue .