
  • sunscreen;suntan lotion;Sunblock
  1. 每两个小时重新涂一次防晒油,尤其是在游泳的时候。

    Re-apply sunscreen every two hours , especially if you have been swimming .

  2. 在户外,擦防晒油可以保护你的皮肤。

    Using sunscreen will help protect your skin when you are outdoors .

  3. 我姐姐抹了些防晒油,一整天睡在游泳池边。

    My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool all day .

  4. 痂皮脱落后,无需再擦药膏,但需擦防晒油(SPF15以上),在室内也要涂抹,以防紫外线UVA/UVB的伤害。

    After the crusts fall off , do not need to rub ointment , but the need to rub suntan lotion ( SPF15 or above ), but also painting indoors , to prevent ultraviolet UVA / UVB damage .

  5. 他擦上防晒油保护自己不被太阳晒伤。

    He put on sunscreen to protect himself from the sun .

  6. 吃防晒油的那家伙呢?

    What about that guy over there eating sun block ?

  7. 这种防晒油的良好效果,使黑姑娘心服口服!

    This suntan lotion convinces the Black girl of its good effect .

  8. 涂抹婴儿油或防晒油等油性产品。

    Apply an oily product such as baby oil or suntan oil .

  9. 小贴士:防晒油是抗衰老的最好产品了。

    Tip : Sunscreen is the best anti-aging product you can use .

  10. 杰夫脸红是因为忘了擦防晒油。

    Jeff 's face is red because he forgot to wear sunscreen .

  11. 两瓶很贵的防晒油吗?

    With two tubes of very expensive suntan oil ?

  12. 天气将会很热&需携带防晒油。

    Weather will be hot & bring your sunscreen .

  13. 你给孩子们搽防晒油了吗?

    Have you put any sunscreen on the children ?

  14. 不想晒伤的话,你就得擦防晒油。

    If you don 't want sunburn , you need to wear sunscreen .

  15. 她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上。

    She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms .

  16. 我去找点防晒油来,我马上回来。

    I 'm gonna get some suntan lotion . I 'll be right back .

  17. 你要抹防晒油以防被太阳光晒伤。

    You have to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun 's rays .

  18. 这位海滩小妞跑过来,说是要给我涂防晒油。

    This little beach bunny bounced up and offered to put lotion on me .

  19. 她显然是喝太多防晒油了。

    She 's been drinking too much coppertone .

  20. 不要忘记你的沙滩鞋,遮阳帽,和防晒油。

    Don 't forget your beach shoes , sun hat , and sun screen !

  21. 她抹了防晒油。

    She slathered herself with suntan oil .

  22. 可不要忘了抹点防晒油。

    And don 't forget your sunscreen .

  23. 她给自己擦上防晒油。

    She oiled herself with sun-tan lotion .

  24. 擦了防晒油的脸不漂亮。

    A sunburned face is not stylish .

  25. 你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。

    You definitely won 't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF ( sun protection factor ) 30 .

  26. 在圣托里尼的海滩上,哪怕你只是记住了带上防晒油这一件小事,你就不会被人骂作傻瓜。

    At Santorini beach , one small thing like a bottle of sun block will stop people calling you stupid .

  27. 要让它们各自发挥出最大作用,请先涂防晒油,然后等它被皮肤吸收后,再擦上驱虫物。

    To get the most from each product , apply your sunscreen first and wait for it to absorb before applying repellent .

  28. 快拿出咱们的游泳衣和防晒油,把铲雪的铁锨扔在一旁,咱们动身去南方吧。

    Let 's get out our bathing suits and suntan oil and put away our snow shovels . Let 's go south .

  29. 据他计算,这家店有95种不同的小吃,61种防晒油和防晒霜以及80种不同的止痛药。

    He counts 95 different kinds of snacks ; 61 varieties of suntan oil and sun block ; and 80 different painkillers .

  30. 据证据显示,如果把防晒油和驱虫物一起使用,就会大大地降低彼此的功效。

    There is evidence that when sunscreen and insect repellents are used together , they may significantly decrease each other 's efficacy .