
nán fēng
  • souther;south wind;southerly;south
南风 [nán fēng]
  • [souther;south wind] 从南边吹来的风

南风[nán fēng]
  1. 从认知失调理论看儿童的南风教育

    Looking Souther Education Of Children From Cognitive Dissonance Theory

  2. 有关认知失调理论的实验研究表明,小的物质奖励和轻微的批评即南风教育,最有利于儿童内化教育树立的正确态度。

    Some experimental studys about cognitive dissonance theory show souther education which is charactered with little physical encouragement and tender criticism will make for children internalize correct attitude which is advocated by education .

  3. 刮的是南风。

    The wind is blowing from the south .

  4. 风越刮越大,逐渐转为南风。

    As it strengthened the wind was veering southerly

  5. 突然起了南风。

    The wind suddenly began to blow from the south .

  6. 在同一光照条件下,绒毛番龙眼叶片中O2~-、H2O2、MDA含量、SOD利CAT活性显著高于滇南风吹楠。

    With the pooled data from both species under all light levels , there were significantly correlation among O2 - , H2O2 and MDA contents , and SOD and CAT activities .

  7. ELNino盛期的冬季东亚地区则出现异常的南风;

    However , in the winter during the mature phase of an El Nino event , there are anomalous southerlies over the East Asian region .

  8. 在蒂法信(DivisionStreet)街靠近包厘街(Bowery)的一端,我路过新南风餐厅(NewSouthWindrestaurant)的旧址,这家餐厅卖了30年茶水,茶都是从一个飞机发动机那么大的烧水炉里接出来的。

    Near the Bowery end of Division Street , I passed a spot that used to be the New South Wind restaurant . For 30 years , it served tea from a water heater the size of a plane engine .

  9. 东北亚地区夏季850hPa南风异常与东北旱涝的关系

    Relationship Between the Northeast Asian Summer South Wind Anomaly and the Precipitation in Northeast China

  10. 应用粳稻金南风巨大胚突变体和籼稻南京11杂交F2群体58个植株构建了包含74个分子标记位点的遗传连锁图。

    Using 58 plants derived from the F2 population of the cross Nanjing 11 ( indica ) / Kinmaze ge mutant ( japonica ), a rice molecular linkage map containing 74 markers and referring to 12 linkage groups ( chromosomes ) was constructed .

  11. 生长季盛行西南风和南风。

    Southwest and southern winds are prevailing in the growth season .

  12. 强劲的南风从旅行开始就紧紧跟着我们。

    Strong southerly winds dogged our travel from the outset .

  13. 南风将屹立于世界企业之林。

    Nafine will establish its own image among the world famous enterprise .

  14. 山西南风集团大胆实施资本扩张

    Shanxi Nanfeng Group Made a Daring Act in Capital Expansion

  15. 偏南风符合行人舒适度评估准则,不会造成明显风环境问题。

    The near southerly wind will not cause pedestrians discomfort .

  16. 南风把温暖的空气吹遍全国。

    The south wind blows warm air across the country .

  17. 而南风古灶正是集陶艺之精华的地方。

    And the Ancient Nanfeng Klin is the symbol of fine art .

  18. 而新疆南部南风增强,有利于南方暖湿气流向北输送。

    The southerly has also intensified in southern Xinjiang .

  19. 在这一带,冬天刮南风是下雨的迹象。

    South winds in winter are a guarantee of rain in these parts .

  20. 风向充了,转为南风。

    The wind has come about into the south .

  21. 冬季盛行偏北风,夏季盛行偏南风,四季分明,雨热同季。

    Northerly winds prevail in winter , while southerly winds reign in summer .

  22. 周末预计会阳光明媚,并刮起徐徐的南风。

    And the weekend promises sunshine and southerly breezes .

  23. 隋唐时期南风北渐述论

    On the Spread of South-China Customs into the North during the Sui-Tang Period

  24. 今天夜里这里将有一阵南风。

    There will be a south wind here tonight .

  25. 是南风还是北风?

    ` Is the wind north or south ? '

  26. 嘉莉打开前窗,迎面吹来一阵南风。

    Carrie raised the front windows , and felt the south wind blowing .

  27. 原来刮的南风已转成北风了。

    The wind which was blowing from the South has shifted to the north .

  28. 我们还计算了赤道上这三个经度的南风分量。

    The south wind components cross the equator at these three longitude are also calculated .

  29. 南风气流对四川盆地西部突发性暴雨影响的数值试验

    Numerical experiment of the influence of Southern flow on torrential rain in West Sichuan Basin

  30. 湖南郴州南风坳银矿床银的赋存状态及分布规律

    Silver occurrence and distribution regulation in the nanfeng'ao Ag deposit in chenzhou , Hunan Province