
zhù cánɡ shì
  • storage room;closet;depository;box room;field house;store closet
  1. 这个阁楼用作贮藏室,堆放一些零碎物品。

    The attic was used as storage room for odds and ends .

  2. 我后来跑到贮藏室,而且不只我一个人

    Yeah , I ended up in the storage room , and not alone .

  3. 桌子太大,放不进贮藏室里。

    The table is too big to go onto the closet .

  4. 他被指定在一个小得可怜的贮藏室里工作。

    He was given a miserable little cubby-hole to work in .

  5. 定期消毒办公室环境、仓库,贮藏室定期清理。

    Regular disinfection office environment , storage , Storage cleaned regularly .

  6. 不,走贮藏室是他的唯一路线。

    No , the storage rooms were the only route .

  7. 她叫他们保证绝不再偷吃贮藏室里的食物。

    She made them promise they would never raid the larder again .

  8. 亨利:你看过贮藏室橱柜里还有没有纸?

    Henry : Have you looked in the store cupboard for more ?

  9. 一天,刚刚吃过早饭,他们都聚集到牛奶贮藏室里。

    One day just after breakfast they all gathered in the milkhouse .

  10. 的贮藏室。磁隧道结实质上是一块很容易转向的小磁铁。

    The MTJ is essentially a small magnet whose direction is easily flipped .

  11. 是贮藏室是贮藏室

    Storage space . Storage space That 's it .

  12. 适用于上层建筑、干舷、甲板、贮藏室、船舱、引擎室等。

    Superstructure , topside , decks , stores , holds , engine room , etc.

  13. 我得去撇牛奶了,她说。于是他们一起去了牛奶贮藏室。

    ' I must go skimming ,' she said Together they went to the milk-house .

  14. 贮藏室(尤指住宅中的)。

    Store-room ( esp in a house )

  15. 钱德勒:我后来跑到了贮藏室,而且不只我一个人。

    Chandler : Yeah , I ended up in the storage room , and not alone .

  16. 位于船上夹板之间或船尾部一个小贮藏室。

    A small locker at the stern of a boat or between decks of a ship .

  17. 在这重建,门从博物馆导致贮藏室为图书馆。

    In this reconstruction , the doors from the Museum lead to storage rooms for the Library .

  18. 我把纸箱搬进贮藏室,动作麻利地想把事情探个究竟。

    I carried the carton down to the storage room , where I quickly went to work .

  19. 它们是储存过去时光的贮藏室,也是用来编纂历史的纪念碑。

    They are built as vaults to preserve the past , and as monuments to edited histories .

  20. 理查夫人不想吓唬这可怜的人,所以她很快地藏到楼梯下的小贮藏室里。

    Not wanting to frighten the poor man , Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs .

  21. 我们将第三间卧室用作贮藏室,用来存放爱德华舍不得丢弃的杂物。

    We 're using the third bedroom as a storeroom for all the junk that Edward refuses to throw out .

  22. 你听说贮藏室被窃之事吗?真是一件不幸的事,结果人人受到怀疑。

    Did you hear about the thefts from the storeroom ? It 's a bad business , and everybody is suspect .

  23. 让蒂姆关上贮藏室的门,我不想让狗今晚跑到那儿去。

    Please tell Tim to close the door to the basement . I don 't want the dog down there tonight .

  24. 作为非浸泡区域的防锈防腐保护层。适用于上层建筑、干舷、甲板、贮藏室、船舱、引擎室等。

    As an anticorrosive for non-immersed areas . Superstructure , topside , decks , stores , holds , engine room , etc.

  25. 这仓库主要是放空箱子的贮藏室。常规籼稻种子常温库的安全贮藏措施

    The warehouse was chiefly a repository for empty boxes . Safe saving measures of seeds of conventional varieties in normal temperature storehouse

  26. 小红帽一来到,狼就让她吃食品贮藏室的肉,喝那些酒(即血)。

    Upon arrival , the wolf tells the girl to eat the flesh and drink the wine ( blood ) in the pantry .

  27. 如果你的宠物经常跟着你绕着屋子周围转,值得注意的是车库和贮藏室也需要特殊对待。

    If your pet is your shadow and frequently follows you around the house , remember that garage and storage areas need special attention , too .

  28. 他们对他保证了无数次,但是他仍然不相信,仍然会狡猾地溜到贮藏室附近亲自窥探。

    They reassured him countless times ; but he could not believe them , and pried cunningly about the lazarette to see with his own eyes .

  29. 全国人口消费总额,按商品分列在商业消毒之后,产品贴上标签并放入贮藏室,以分配给消费者。

    Total consumption of the population by commodity Following the commercial sterilization step , the product is labeled and placed in storage for distribution to the consumer .

  30. 无疑,有一个女仆从这下面的贮藏室里取了什么东西上来,不能同时拿着手里的东西把门关上。

    Doubtless one of the housekeepers had brought something up from a storeroom farther below , and been unable to both manage the burden and close the door .