
zhù mù chǎng
  • Log yard;timber yard;lumber yard;timber depot
贮木场[zhù mù chǎng]
  1. 贮木场楞堆火灾场景模拟设计

    Fire Scene Simulation Design of the Lumber Yard Log Pile

  2. 木材仓储管理是贮木场管理的核心内容,随着物流技术的快速发展,显示出木材仓储管理水平比较落后。

    The lumber warehousing management is the central content of lumber yard management , with the rapid development of logistics technology , demonstrated the lumber warehousing management level is quite backward .

  3. 本文主要论述应用多变量CAR模型预报南方集体林区贮木场原木库存量动态变化,并用计算机模拟。

    The paper uses CAR model of multi-variables to predict dynamic change of dog deposit in southern wood yard , and uses computer to simulate .

  4. 贮木场原木到材预报模型的研究

    Studies on the Prediction Model of Log Arrival in Timber Yards

  5. 林区贮木场工艺布局的类型和分析

    Type and analyses of technological arrangement of log yard in forest area

  6. 装载机在局贮木场作业的临界产量研究

    A study on critical output of loaders at timber yard

  7. 对东北、内蒙古林区贮木场原木纵向选材输送机上原木线载荷的分析

    The linear load of the sorting , longitudinal conveyor at log yard

  8. 随后,对贮木场空间管理信息系统进行设计。

    Subsequently , the log yard space management information system is designed .

  9. 林区贮木场均衡生产的初步研究

    A preliminary study on balanced production of forestry log yard

  10. 贮木场平曲线原木输送机设置的探讨

    Installation of horizonal curve log conveyer in log yard

  11. 贮木场机械系统的优化模型

    The optimal model for machine system of log yard

  12. 福建省贮木场的发展与展望

    Development and Future of Timber Yards in Fujian Province

  13. 在附近的贮木场见面。

    To meet him down at our local lumberyard .

  14. 森工贮木场消防安全评估的内涵和方法

    The Connotation and Means of Fire Safety Assessment of Forest Industry Timber Yard

  15. 南方集体林区贮木场原木库存随机预报模型的研究

    Study on the Random Prediction Model for Timber Stock in South Collective Forestry Yard

  16. 关于贮木场原木纵向输送机的类型分析

    Analysis of log longitudinal conveyer in log yards

  17. 贮木场原木纵向输送机考察报告

    Observation report of longitndinal conveyors in log yards

  18. 贮木场楞头排列方法的探讨

    The arrangement methods of decks in log yard

  19. 南方贮木场原木库存线性随机最优反馈控制系统

    A linear stochastic optimal feedback control system used for log inventory in southern log yard

  20. 贮木场原木结存系数探讨

    Log s storage coefficients in log yards

  21. 贮木场系统的动态定性分析

    Dynamic Qualitative Analysis for Log Yard System

  22. 贮木场原木输送机械类型分析

    Analysis of log transportation machine types

  23. 贮木场的经营管理状况决定着林场的经营管理效果。

    The forest farm management effect is determined by the status of the log yard management .

  24. 福建省贮木场职工死因调查研究

    Investigation on cause of the death of staff and workers of timber yard in Fujian Province

  25. 为了贮木场的未来,管理者就得引进新的管理理念来管理企业。

    For the future of timber yard , manager should use new managing theory to manage enterprise .

  26. 数据采集的速度是影响贮木场木材生产管理质量的一个重要因素。

    The efficiency of data collection is an important factor impacting the timber management quality at log yard .

  27. 西南高山林区中转贮木场技术改造中有关问题的理论分析

    A theoretical analysis on the problems concerning the technological remodification of the timber relay yard in mountain forest area in the southwest of China

  28. 我想着明早可以开车去我叔叔的贮木场,弄些木材回来做马棚。

    So I was thinking we could drive our truck to my uncle 's lumberyard in the morning and get the wood for the barn .

  29. 贮木场火灾被公认为最难扑救的火灾之一,它是森林火灾中较常见且危险性较大的一种事故。

    It is very difficult to put out the fire in log yard , which is common and regarded as one of the most dangerous accidents in forest conflagrations .

  30. 研究森工贮木场消防安全评估的内容、分类、原理及其森工贮木场消防安全评估的方法.确定了森工贮木场消防安全评估的任务、意义。

    The contents , classification , principle and the means of fire safety assessment of forest industry timber yard are studied and the task and meaning of fire safety assessment are defined .