
huánɡ fù jiǎo zhì
  • yellows bellied pheasant
  1. 人工光照对黄腹角雉繁殖行为的影响

    The effect of artificial light on reproduction of cabot 's Tragopan

  2. 黄腹角雉在江西的分布与保护

    The distribution and conservation of yellow-bellied tragopan in jiangxi province

  3. 黄腹角雉再引入的初步研究

    A primary study on the reintroduction of cabot 's Tragopan

  4. 黄腹角雉雄鸟的求偶炫耀为典型的正面型。

    The courtship display bhaviour of Cabot 's Tragopan is of typical frontal displays .

  5. 黄腹角雉求偶炫耀行为

    Courtship display behaviour of cabot 's Tragopan

  6. 通过对黄腹角雉产精的特点以及对精液的系统分析后,所建立的人工授精技术使卵受精率可达85%以上,解决了长期笼养下的黄腹角雉卵受精率低的问题。

    The egg fertilization of the Cabot 's Tragopan can reach 85 percent by artificial insemination . The technique established by Beijing Normal University resolves the problem of the low egg fertilization rate of Cabot 's Tragopan keeping in captivity for a long time .