
  • Animal Protection
  1. 让每位市民都认识到保护动物的重要性很有必要。

    It 's quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection .

  2. 天鹅是国家二级保护动物,因为它严守“一夫一妻”制,因此在中国文化中常被视作永恒和忠贞爱情的象征。

    Swans are under second class animal protection in China . Because they pair for life , they are often seen as a symbol of eternal and faithful love in Chinese culture .

  3. 诸如在牛屁股上画眼睛的做法起初看起来很疯狂,但它们可能在保护动物方面取得实际进展。

    Efforts like painting eyes on cow butts may seem crazy at first , but they could make actual headway in the fight for conservation .

  4. 大鸨(Otistarda)是国家级保护动物,CITES附录物种。

    Great bustard ( Otis tarda ) is listed as a first-rating protected bird in China and CITES II .

  5. 大鲵(Andriasdavidianus)俗称娃娃鱼,属两栖类,有尾目,隐鳃鲵科,是国家二级保护动物和世界上最大的珍稀两栖动物。

    Andrias davidianus is the biggest amphibian in the world .

  6. 在许多国家SPCA保护动物。

    The SPCA cares for animals in many countries .

  7. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)是我国特有的国家Ⅰ级珍稀濒危保护动物。

    Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is an endangered species that is endemic to China .

  8. 红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophuspictus)是国家二级保护动物。

    Chrysolophus pictus is the national secondary protected animals .

  9. 1996年中华鲟被列入IUCN红皮书濒危物种,也是我国一级重点保护动物。本研究针对当前中华鲟群体的濒危现状,应用微卫星DNA标记开展中华鲟保护遗传学研究。

    Chinese sturgeon is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 1996 , and is also under the category I in state protection species list of China .

  10. 鸳鸯(Aixgalericulata)在我国被列为国家Ⅱ级保护动物,国际鸟类联盟将其列为无危(LC)物种。

    Mandarin Ducks was listed as a Class II key state protection animal of China and BirdLife International ( 2000 ) listed the Mandarin Duck ( Aix galericulata ) as a least concern species .

  11. 朱鹮(Nipponianippon)是濒危鸟类,我国Ⅰ级重点保护动物,目前世界上只有一一个野生种群,分布于我国陕西省洋县及其周边地区,数量约336只。

    The Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon ) is one of the most endangered species in the world , with the only wild population of about 336 individuals distributing in Yangxian county of Shaanxi Province , China .

  12. 中国大鲵(Andriasdavidianus)属于国家二级保护动物,已被列入《濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约》即CITES公约附录Ⅰ中,属于两栖纲、有尾目、隐鳃鲵科。

    Chinese giant salamander ( Andrias davidianus ) belongs to a national second class protected animal which has been listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) in Appendix I , it belongs to the Amphibia , Caudata , Cryptobranchidae .

  13. 它在中国被列为国家二级保护动物。

    It is listed as a second-class protected animal in China .

  14. 让我们加入到保护动物的活动中去吧。

    Let 's take part in the activity to protect animals .

  15. 在越南的各大城市,很容易弄到野外捕获及受保护动物的制品。

    Wild-caught and protected animal products are easily procured in Vietnamese cities .

  16. 拥有神奇手指的女孩热衷于保护动物。

    The girl with the magic finger is passionate about protecting animals .

  17. 单单出于私利方面的考虑来保护动物是不够的。

    It is not enough to protect animals for self-interested reasons alone .

  18. 这张专集赚得的钱将会用来帮助保护动物。

    The money from it will help to conserve animals .

  19. 给您写信谈谈关于保护动物的事。

    I am writing to you about protecting the animals .

  20. 很多人都建议制定规则以保护动物权益。

    Many people have suggested setting up more rules to protect animal rights .

  21. 经证实这只猴子属国家级保护动物;

    Monkey turns out to be a protected species .

  22. 另一个保护动物品种的有效方法是建造野生动物保护区。

    Another effective way to preserve animal species is to create wildlife reserves .

  23. 为什么首相在保护动物福利的问题上如此反复无常?

    Why is the minister so inconsistent in his approach to animal welfare ?

  24. 但自1981年《野生动物和乡村法》颁布后,天鹅被列为保护动物。

    Swans now have statutory protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 .

  25. 可那招待给我讲了十分钟要保护动物。

    And I got a ten-minute lecture on animal rights from the waitress .

  26. 在中国,凤头鹰和燕隼都属于国家二级保护动物。

    Crested goshawk and Eurasian hobby are both Class-B protected animals in China .

  27. 陕西省Ⅰ级重点保护动物(兽类)的历史变迁

    Historical flux of the first-rank protected animals ( beasts ) in Shaanxi province

  28. 湖南郴州重点保护动物种类及其分布的初步研究

    A survey on the species and distribution of the important protection animals in

  29. 保护动物会抗议人们穿裘皮大衣。

    The Humane Society protested against wearing fur coats .

  30. 里面有十种一级保护动物,包括大熊猫和金丝猴。

    It has10 species under first-class protection including giant pandas and golden monkeys .