
  • 网络postgraduate recommendation;Security research
  1. 武汉一所高校一名大四学生称,她最近刚刚自愿放弃了学校的保研资格。

    A senior university student said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan .

  2. 临着一个重要的选择,是工作,保研,还是考研。

    Why you think it was a big problem to you ?

  3. 富布赖保研总经理弗朗斯伦说:“新的措施可能会立刻让投机减少,如果没有取得预期效果,还会有更多的措施出台。”

    " The new measures could immediately dampen sentiment ," said Francis Lun , general manager of Fulbright Securities . " Further measures could also be introduced if the desired results aren 't achieved . "