
  1. 他没有透露自8月5号建立婚姻离婚保险网站之后一共接到的保单数。

    He won 't reveal how many policies he 's sold since the August 5 launch of WedLockDivorceInsurance.com .

  2. 这也是一种吸引人们关注淘宝保险门户网站的途径。该门户网站于2010年推出。

    It 's also a way to boost attention for Taobao 's insurance portal , which was launched in 2010 .

  3. 该平台以阳光保险官方网站为后台基础,实现一站化管理,节约运营资源和成本。

    This platform , using Sunshine Insurance official website as background foundation , achieves one-station management , saves operating resources and cost .

  4. 你是每年都在某个保险比价网站上填一遍个人信息,还是无所谓地接受自己现有保险毫无竞争力的续约条款?

    Do you fill in your personal details on an insurance comparison website every year , or just accept uncompetitive renewal terms ?

  5. 基于UML的医疗保险信息门户网站的开发

    Development for health care website based on UML

  6. 医生的观察通过服务总线传送到托管病人所在保险公司门户网站的Web服务器。

    The doctor 's observations travel over the service bus into a Web server hosting the portal of the insurance company that covers the patient .

  7. 此场景基于保险报价比较网站,该网站涉及允许用户指定报价详细信息的Web接口。

    This scenario is based on an insurance quote comparison Web site that involves a Web interface that allows users to specify details of their quote .

  8. 该过程基于上文提到的汽车保险报价比较网站用例,并且假设您熟悉WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper中的应用程序构建的基本概念,特别是中介开发的基本概念。

    It 's based on a car insurance quote comparison Web site use case that was mentioned earlier , and assumes that you 're familiar with the basic concepts of application construction within WebSphere Integration Developer and more specifically , mediation development .

  9. 所以,你可以在州保险部门的网站上了解相关信息。

    So , you 'll be able to get that information on your individual state department of insurance Web site .

  10. 尽管许多保险产品可以通过保险公司自己的网站购买,但通过银行保险业务销售还是主要渠道。

    While many insurance products can be bought through insurers " own websites , distribution through bancassurance is the dominant channel .