
lǐ péi
  • settlement of claim;settle a claim;payment of claims
理赔[lǐ péi]
  1. 是保险诈骗还是基于假行政行为的正当理赔

    Is It the Crime of Insurance Fraud Or the Legitimate Settlement of Claim Based on the Sham Administrative Act

  2. 船舶的适航性与保险理赔

    Vessel 's Seaworthiness and Settlement of Claims under Insurance

  3. 六)洽办货物理赔,船舶海事处理,办理船员遣返,就医,旅游等

    Arrange the cargo claiming and maritime affairs , crews repatriation , medical treatment , traveling so on . (

  4. 研究理赔次数过程Nt的传统方法非常有限。

    The traditional method of researching claim times process N_t is limited .

  5. 2.lossofbusiness经营亏损贵店必须再提交一份理赔申请,便可同时获得所给予的经营亏损补偿。

    You will also receive compensation for loss of business , though you will have to make a separate claim .

  6. n.(保险)理赔;费用申请保险公司并未核准这项理赔。

    claim he claim was not approved by the insurance company .

  7. 图2显示了IBMProcessDesigner中理赔业务流程图(BPD)的业务流程。

    Figure 2 shows the business process diagram for the claims process business process diagram ( BPD ) in IBM Process Designer .

  8. 这里可以映射功能性需求,以便重用软件资产,如理赔系统的保险UML模型。

    Here the functional requirement can be mapped to reusable software assets such as an insurance UML model of a claim system .

  9. 在新模型中,理赔到达过程为复合Poisson过程和复合二项过程。

    In this new model , the claim access process is the integration of the compound Poisson process and compound binary process .

  10. 在过去一年中,英国家庭保险理赔中最常见的物品是32英寸的东芝电视机,三星笔记本电脑和索尼PS游戏机。

    The most common items in home insurance claims over the past year were32in Toshiba televisions , Samsung laptop computers and Sony PlayStation games consoles .

  11. 将理赔到达过程推广为更新过程、广义复合Poisson过程、Cox过程、Gamma过程和逆高斯过程等等。

    Under the assumption that the claim-arrival process is the renewal process , Cox process , generalized compound Poisson process , Gamma process and inverse Gaussian process etc.

  12. 并在理赔发生过程为混合Poisson过程时,通过应用Markov链的性质,获得这种情况下终极破产概率应满足的积分方程。

    Through the application of theory of Markov chain , the integral of infinite ruin probability is concluded when the occurrence of the claims follow the mix Poisson process .

  13. 该模型中保险公司具有两类保险,每类保险的理赔次数过程都是Poisson过程与一个共同的Erlang(n)过程的和。

    In this model , the insurer have two dependent classes of insurance business for each of which the claim number process relate to Poisson process and the same Erlang ( n ) process .

  14. 重点讨论了如何在核心子系统中应用EDC技术实现理赔信息实时安全的传输。

    Meanwhile , how to use real-time and security transmission of claims information of EDC technology in the core subsystems are discussed seriously .

  15. ICD的设计对卫生保健产生直接影响,因为它影响公共卫生规划、预防、理赔和治疗。

    The design of the ICD has a direct impact on health care , as it influences public health programmes , prevention , reimbursement and treatment .

  16. 针对这类理赔相关的风险模型,本文就利息力为常数的情形得到破产时刻罚金折现期望的积分-微分方程和Laplace变换。

    About this correlated aggregate claims risk model , the integro-differential equation and the Laplace transform for the expected discounted penalty function at ruin are obtained in the case of constant force of interest .

  17. 本项目采用B/S架构,完全基于J2EE技术,融合电子商务和现代保险理念,将理赔业务逻辑通过计算机网络实现。

    This project is a B / S structure , entirely based on J2EE technology , claim management information system of integration of e-commerce and the modern concept of insurance , and implement claims business logic through the computer network .

  18. 特别地,当个体理赔符合指数分布时,由于指数分布具有无记忆性质,可以得到Φ(u,b)以及Ee-δT&0的精确解。

    In particular , when the claim size distribution is exponential , the exact solutions of Φ( u , b ) and E ( e ~ ( - δ T - _0 )) are obtained , since the exponential distribution has a good property of memoryless .

  19. 在第三章,作为Cai(2002)中模型的推广,文中分别用二个任意有限阶滑动平均模型去模拟每年的保费收入和利率,为了论证的方便,理赔依然假定为独立同分布的。

    In Chapter 3 , generalizing the models of Cai ( 2002 ), we use two autoregressive moving-average models to model the premiums and rates of interest respectively . And for the sake of argument , the claims are assumed to be independent .

  20. 本文研究了理赔额服从混合指数分布时的泊松风险模型,并给出了初始资本为0时破产概率Ψ(0)的精确表达式以及初始资本为u时破产概率Ψ(u)的精确表达式。

    In the paper , a Poisson risk model for claims with mixed exponential distribution is studied , and the exact expressions of bankruptcy probability Ψ( 0 ) as the initial capital is 0 and Ψ( u ) as the initial capital is u are given .

  21. 他在1990年将注意力转向他认为没有事实根据的理论,当时他与刺杀案研究员、前保险理赔调查员佩里(DavidPerry)一同进行研究,并对有关达拉斯一位已故警官是第二位持枪歹徒的说法表示怀疑。

    He turned his focus to theories he considered unfounded in 1990 , when he teamed up with David Perry , a former insurance-claims investigator turned assassination researcher , and discredited claims that a deceased Dallas police officer had been a second gunman .

  22. 在此模型下,当个别理赔额服从指数分布的时候,FilipLundberg和Cramer等人得到了破产概率的显示表达式。

    In this kind of model , the clear expression for the ruin probability is given by Filip Lundberg and Cramer when the claim amount is exponentially distributed .

  23. 将风险模型进行更全面的推广,将保费到达由常数率到达推广为平稳无后效流过程,理赔到达过程推广为普通的更新过程,得到一种推广的Andersen更新风险模型。

    A generalized Andersen risk model is studied under the condition that the premium arrival process is a finite stream of random events with independent increments , and the claims arrival process is a general renewal process .

  24. 本文构建了基于MVC框架的系统架构和工作流程。系统详细论述了在MVC框架下系统用户层的开发设计,并最终实现了基于MVC框架的协同售后三包理赔管理系统。

    This thesis constructs the system structure and working process based on MVC Framework , and through the analysis and design of user interface layer under the MVC pattern , realized the Collaborative after-sales guarantee fee settlement management system based on the MVC framework at finally .

  25. 本文给出了复合Poisson盈余过程在其个体理赔量服从两个指数分布的混合分布时破产概率的显示解,并研究了此情形下破产概率的Lundberg界。

    This paper gives a close form of the ruin probability of a compound Poisson surplus process with its individual claim amount distributing as a mixing of two exponentials , and the Lundberg bounds are studied under this condition .

  26. 讨论了带利率和干扰因素的双广义Poisson风险模型,模型中保费的收入和理赔都是广义Poisson过程,应用鞅论的方法,得到了破产概率的Lundberg不等式。

    This paper studies the double generalized risk model with interest and diffusion . The premium income and the claim are a generalized Poisson process in this model . The Lundberg inequality of ruin probability is obtained by the method of martingale .

  27. 对于客户存储在THDEX仓库内未保价的货物,如丢失,本公司最高理赔金额为$100。

    For all claims of lost for uninsured parcels in the warehouse of THDEX , the maximum amount of compensate is $ 100 .

  28. 第三章船舶保险和船舶保赔保险索赔和理赔之比较,本章通过对索赔时效、赔偿金的支付、免赔额(Deductible)、最高赔偿限额的比较来分析二者之不同;

    Chapter III the comparison of counterclaim and claim settlement between hull insurance and protection Sindemnity : In chapter III difference between them will be compared and analyzed by virtue of analysis of counterclaim time bar , payment of compensation Deductible , compensation limitation .

  29. 在连续时间模型中最典型的是复合泊松模型,于1905年由Lundberg所创立。本文从以下三个方面进行了研究:一是用更一般的点过程Cox过程代替泊松过程来描述理赔次数;

    Among the continuous-time risk models , the most classic one is compound Poisson model , founded by Lundberg in 1905.the article generalize it from the flowing three aspects : firstly we replace Poisson process with general stochastic dot process for example Cox process to describe the claim number .

  30. 根据费用发生的时间与准备金评估时点的关系,未决赔款准备金分为已发生未报案未决赔款(IBNR)准备金、已发生已报案未决赔款准备金和理赔费用准备金。

    According to the delays and reserve evaluation time , the loss reserve can be divided into three parts : incurred but not reported ( IBNR ) reserve , case reserve and claim adjustment expenses reserve .