
  1. 在辐射生物学实验中,具有高LET的粒子的使用,为研究不同离子密度和生物学系统之间的相互关系及证实模型和理论的物理基础提供了基本和良好的工具。

    The use of high LET particles in radiobiological experiments provides a fundamental and powerful tool to study the relationship between different ionization densities and biological system as well as to prove the physical basis of models and theories .

  2. 本文首先介绍了天线理论的物理基础和数学基础,然后综合论述了几种近代天线理论,尤其对天线理论在60年代发生的两次突破(几何绕射理论和矩量法)作了比较详细的论述。

    In this paper , we introduce first the physical and mathematical foundations of antenna theories , and then discuss synthetically modern antenna theories , including especially thorough treatment of the two outstanding theories ( geometrical theory of diffraction and moment method ) initiated in the sixties .

  3. 文章描述了由ATP分子水解释放的生物能量传递的新理论的物理和生物学基础。

    We present the biological and physical foundations of the new theory of transport of bio-energy released by hydrolysis of ATP molecules .

  4. 模糊划分理论具有严谨的理论和物理基础,考虑了水文现象发生的必然性与随机性以及在划分、识别中的模糊性,是一种无模式可参考的分类理论。

    Fuzzy classified theory has strict theory and physics base . It integrates inevitability and randomicity and fuzzy classification and identification of hydrological phenomenon .