
  • 网络rational person;rational people;a reasonable person;rational human being;reasonable man
  1. 利他惩罚(altruisticpunishment)是指自愿为惩罚违反社会规范的人支付成本(Bowels&Gintis,2004)的一种行为,它超越经济人和理性人假说,是一种亲社会行为。

    Altruistic Punishment refers to the voluntary payment for those who violate social rules and be punished ( Bowels & Gintis , 2004 ), is a kind of behavior patterns which above " economic man " and " rational people " hypothesis , and is a kind of prosaically behavior .

  2. 最后,他研究了框架效应及其在理性人模型中的应用。

    Finally , he studied the effect of framework and its application on the rational people model .

  3. IPO抑价的经典研究理论与方法,是在传统金融学的理论框架下展开的,以理性人假设为其前提条件,目前已形成了较为成熟、完整的理论体系。

    Classic study IPO underpricing in the theory and method is based on " rational man hypothesis ", carried out under the traditional finance theory and framework .

  4. 经济学家会问:如果我是一个理性人(rationalagent)、身处充满其他理性人的世界,而且除了某些特定参数的值以外我知晓关于世界的一切,那么我会有何种行为?

    The economist asked : How would I behave if I were a rational agent in a world populated by other rational agents , and I knew everything about the world except for the values of particular parameters ?

  5. 其次,研究了水电厂商作为Price-maker型理性人的策略性竞价问题。

    Secondly , strategic bidding issues of hydropower plant as price-maker " rational " is studied .

  6. 许多经典的现代金融理论和模型均是建立在理性人假设和Fama提出的有效市场假说这两个理论基础之上,其研究范式也局限于完全理性的分析框架。

    Many classical theories and models of MF are based on the rational agent suppose and Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) put forward by Fama , which research pattern also localized on the analysis frame of complete rationality .

  7. 理性人标准是对自由裁量权的规制,能有效地预防自由裁量权的滥用。

    The reasonable person standard can prevent discretion from abusing .

  8. 本文的理性人就是有目的的行动者,他们采取行动的目的就是为了获利。

    Rational man is purposive actor , aiming at profiting .

  9. 这一部分首先对理性人假设困境进行分析,从而使理性基础地位得到加固。

    This part analyze hypothesis of rational man to reinforce rational foundation .

  10. 理性人是法官拟制的中立的、独立的判断者。

    Judges fabricate the reasonable person as a neutral , independent observer .

  11. 博弈论研究理性人的互动行为。

    Game theory focuses on the study of the interaction of people involved .

  12. 税收征纳双方的理性人特征

    The Rational Characteristic of Taxpayers and the Tax Authority

  13. 因此,尊重他人也就是尊重他们为理性人。

    Respecting persons , therefore , means to respect them as rational creatures .

  14. 博弈推理中“理性人”的困惑

    On Puzzles of ' Rational Player ' in Games

  15. 作为理性人,每名牛郎追求取得最大得益。

    As a rational being , each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain .

  16. 理性人根据教育投资的净收益值以及收益率的高低作出个人的教育投资决策。

    A rational man always makes his investment on the private rate of return .

  17. 民法适用的理性人标准

    Applying the reasonable person standard in civil adjudication

  18. 本论文贯穿始终的是理性人前提假设和成本&效益分析方法。

    This article is permeated with the assumption of reason person and cost-effect method .

  19. 本文首先分析了理性人假设下的投资者行为;

    To begin with , this essay analyzes the investor behavior according to rational assumption ;

  20. 从理性人假设看西方经济学的发展&从2002年诺贝尔经济学奖谈起

    On the Development of Western Economics through a Study of the Hypothesis of Rational Person

  21. 然而,主流理论自始至终遵循的一个重要前提是理性人假设。

    However , the leading theory has an important prerequisite which is rational man hypothesis .

  22. 纽曼自由教育反思:理性人教育的价值与局限性

    Reflections on Newman 's Liberal Education : Values and Limitations of Rational Individuals ' Education

  23. 动物繁育子代的行为与经济学中的理性人行为一样,进行成本收益的计算。

    The behavior of animal breeding filial generation was analysed according to the cost-revenue law .

  24. 通过分析纳什均衡,得出理性人面临两难困境的结论。

    The conclusion of " rational person faces predicament " is derivesed through Nash Equilibrium analysing .

  25. 对于事实问题裁量的干预,本文采取了合理性基准,即未有基于专断、任性、滥用裁量等情况,与事实认定相关的论据在一个正常理性人那里看来是可以接受的。

    For the intervention on the discretion of facts issues , this paper adopted rationality benchmarks .

  26. 理性人的个人理性行为可能导致集体非理性;体环:非理性时尚

    Rational behaviors of rational individuals may lead to non-rational collectively ; BODY PIERCING : IRRATIONAL FASHION

  27. 这个参照系统决定于理性人知识的限制。

    This frame of reference will be determined by the limitations on the rational man 's knowledge .

  28. 从理性人说开去

    On rational economic man

  29. 基于行为金融理论分析基金作为有限理性人加剧股票市场波动的原因。

    Based on behavioral finance theory , we analyze fund as a limited rational man causes increased stock market volatility .

  30. 客观的标准主要有善良管理人的标准(理性人的标准)、法定的标准等。

    Main objective standard criteria can be about a good administrator ( reasonable person standard ) and the statutory standards .