
  1. 本文根据理论联系实际的原则,采用网页调查方法,对中美高校图书馆的WEB站点用户信息能力教育开展情况进行比较研究,提出进一步完善我国高校图书馆用户信息能力教育的建议。

    This paper , applying theory into practice , makes a comparison between the literacy education status of libraries in China and the United States and suggests perfecting our national information literacy education of library users .

  2. 试谈在哲学教学中如何贯彻理论联系实际的原则

    Trying Discussion How to Carry out Principle of " Apply Theory to Reality " in Philosophy Teaching

  3. 论文坚持理论联系实际的原则,主要采用实证研究的方式,力求研究过程的科学性和研究结论的可推广性。

    This paper takes the empirical study way , to study the process of scientific and research of extension .

  4. 按照理论联系实际的原则对国内小家电行业营销渠道现状进行了分析。

    According to the principle of linking theory with reality , the marketing channel status of small domestic electric appliance industry are analyzed .

  5. 结果:病案讨论教学法缩短了课堂与临床的距离,有利于贯彻理论联系实际的原则。

    Results : Case-discussing teaching method is benefit : to fulfill linking theory with practice and shorten the distance between class and clinic .

  6. 论文通过整理总结了相关文献资料,运用具体图片进行了案例说明与介绍,秉承理论联系实际的原则,在寻求理论研究有所突破的同时,结合我国的实际情况进行了具体探讨。

    The paper has made a concrete research based on the practical situation through collecting relative reference material and adopting pictures and combing theory and practice .

  7. 论文在研究过程中,始终遵循理论联系实际的原则,主要采用了定性和定量分析相结合的方法。

    In the course of research , the paper always adheres to the principle of linking theory with practice and mainly uses the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis .

  8. 本着理论联系实际的原则,采用模糊评价法、综合分析法建立了石油专用设备投资评价体系及效益跟踪考评方法;

    This paper established investment evaluation system for specialized equipment and profit evaluation method on the principle of the theory connected with the practice , fuzzy evaluation method and comprehensive analyzing method .

  9. 本文遵循理论联系实际的原则,通过分析具体阅读案例,探索了图式理论与分层教学结合后对初中英语阅读教学产生的实际影响。

    Putting theory into practice by analyzing cases of reading class , this paper makes an attempt to explore the effectiveness of Schema Theory in teaching reading by different levels in junior middle schools .

  10. 思想政治课为实现培养学生思想道德素质的教育目标,必须突出思想政治课的思想教育性,重视理论联系实际的原则,树立创新的教学观念,运用有效的教学方法。

    Ideological politics lessons aim at realizing the development of students ' moral quality so as to highlight ideological content of education , take principles of integration of theory with practice seriously and develop creative concepts .

  11. 最后文章秉承理论联系实际的原则,通过具体案例对逆向物流规划内容进行了论证,并利用计算机仿真技术分析优化结果,以增加说服力。

    All in all , under the principle of theory and practice combination , this paper had an argumentation to the reverse logistics programming through concrete cases , even more it optimized the consequence by computer simulation technology to increase the persuasiveness .

  12. 目前,根据九年义务教育全日制初级中学美术教学大纲(试行)中规定要贯彻理论联系实际的原则,教学内容的选择要注意联系学生生活的实际。

    At present , under nine-year compulsory education curricula art full-time junior middle schools ( Tentative ) to implement the provisions of the principle of linking theory with reality , the choice of teaching students to pay attention to the lives of actual contact .

  13. 理论联系实际的原则:教师主导作用与学生主体性相统一原则,遵循原则的目的是为了不滥用隐喻语言,也对隐喻语言的使用做出指导。

    The principle of integrating theory with practice ; The principle that unifies Teacher leading role with student main ness , it is not to abuse metaphor language to follow the purpose of principle , it also make guidance for the use of metaphor language .

  14. 在设备前期管理中,本着理论联系实际的原则,对设备的规划管理进行了详细的论述,运用了模糊评价法、综合分析法,建立了煤炭企业专用设备投资评价体系。

    In the earlier stage of EM , This paper discussed the programming management of equipment in detail and established investment evaluation system for specialized equipment using fuzzy evaluation method and comprehensive analyzing method which was built on the principle of the theory connected with the practice .

  15. 另一方面,近阶段,不断出现的桥梁倒塌事故又说明脱离了理论联系实际的原则所造成的严重后果,两者从不同侧面论证了力学原理在桥梁施工及施工监理中的重要性。

    On the other hand , the recently unceasing events of bridge collapses show that the serious result due to the deviation of the principle , which theory should connected to the practice . Both proofed the importance of application of the mechanical principles on the bridge construction and supervision .

  16. 贯彻理论联系实际的根本原则,是由高校思想政治理论课的性质、功能所决定的。

    The fundamental principle of integrating theory with practice is determined by the nature and function of this course .

  17. 总之,高等学校必须坚定不移地贯彻理论联系实际的教学原则。

    In one word , higher educational organizations must firmly carry out the teaching principle of combining theory with practice .

  18. 二是贯彻理论联系实际的根本原则和方法,把哲学原理与各种实际联系起来讲,或从实际材料中引出哲学观点,或寓哲学论证于科学证明之中。

    Second , it carries out cardinal principle and method that the theory intergrates with practice , explains combining the philosophy principle with various kinds of realities , or draws the philosophical view from the real material , or proves philosophy theory with science .

  19. 坚定方向原则、弘扬传统作风,它体现在树立坚定正确的政治方向、发扬艰苦奋斗的工作作风、贯彻理论联系实际的工作原则。

    ( B ) firm the direction and the principle , and carry forward the traditional style , which is reflected in building up the firm and correct political orientation , carrying forward the work style of hard struggle and carrying out the work principles of integrating theory with practice .

  20. 政治理论教学中要切实坚持理论联系实际的原则,既要简明扼要讲清基本理论,又要联系和分析各种社会现象,其中包括消极现象。

    During the political theoretical teaching , we must stick to the principle of integrating theory with practice . That is to say , we must explain the basic theory clearly , but also integrate and analyze all kinds of social phenomenon .