
  • 网络teaching order;instructional sequence
  1. 探索了面上取点、一补x法及合理安排教学顺序等作为传统教学方法的补充,取得了良好的效果。

    Exploring some methods such as getting spots from surface , one supplying X and applying reasonably teaching order to makeup for the tradition teaching , satisfactory effects are achieved .

  2. 接着阐述了实现这个项目的一些关键技术:用加权有向图作为教学顺序设计区的数据结构,并运用标准模板库中的vector作为栈来实现教学顺序设计区的功能;

    And then made a brief introduce to this system according to each module : Use the weighting oriented graph as the data structure of the teaching order design area , and realize the function of teaching order design area using the vector of standard template library as the stack ;

  3. 网球正手击球教学顺序的实验研究

    Experimental Research On The Order Of Forehand Stroke In Tennis Teaching

  4. 合理的教学顺序是预防错误的有效途径;

    Reasonable teaching order is the effective way to prevent errors .

  5. 第五章从教学顺序、教学策略、教材编写等方面对转折类关联词教学提出相关建议。

    The fifth chapter gives some advices from teaching order , teaching strategies , teaching materials .

  6. 全世界的学校的教学顺序都是这样的:阅读,写作,然后再是听力,最后是写作。这真的让人感觉到奇怪。

    Isn 't it strange that schools across the world teach reading first , then writing , then listening , and finally speaking ?

  7. 先挺身式跳远后背越式跳高的教学顺序对学生掌握正确技术动作、减少错误动作发生率,明显优于先背越式跳高后挺身跳远的教学顺序。

    Experiment showed that the teaching sequence of Fosbury Flop first , back style high jump second is significantly superior to that of vice versa .

  8. 尝试交换并重新组合两种积分的教学顺序后,教学效果得到了明显的提高。

    By exchanging and reforming the teaching order of indefinite integral and definite integral , we get the teaching effects much better than before evidently .

  9. 相关教材相协调,主辅教材相搭配,理论教材适时的穿插,合理的安排教学顺序有助于提高教学效果。

    A good selection of related materials , major and auxiliary teaching materials , timely interposition of theoretical teaching materials and reasonable arrangement of teaching sequence will help improve the teaching effect .

  10. 本文归纳了汉字本身的特点,结合习得语言的心理学及认知规律,初步拟定了汉字教学顺序的设计原则,并在此基础上制定设计方案。

    Combined with the acquisition of language psychology and cognitive law , we make a preliminary protocol Chinese characters teaching procedure design principle and make a formulation design at the same time .

  11. 为此我根据学生的兴趣及物理学原理对三步上篮的教学顺序,内容进行了全面的分析与改进。

    According to the student for this me the interest and the physics principle to " the running jump shot " the teaching order , the content has carried on the comprehensive analysis and the improvement .

  12. 通过对职业体育教学顺序、比重、教法原则及确定教学内容依据的论述,进一步提高了认识,转变了观念,有助推进素质教育的进程与效果。

    The paper discusses the order , rate , teaching principles and basis for choosing teaching content of the vocational physical education teaching , and also suggests that our vision should be reoriented to push the process of quality education .

  13. 结果表明:逆向叠加教学顺序、结构&定向教学方法、与教学重点与难点相匹配的练习手段三者有机组合的三级跳远教法效果达到了预期实验设计目的。

    The results show : " reverse reading instruction sequence "," structure-oriented " teaching methods , and teaching focus on the match with difficult exercises in the triple jump Shariah means all organic combination of experimental design achieved the expected results .

  14. 然而,传统的网球正手、反手击落地球技术教学顺序是先教原地击球技术,然后是步法移动技术,并且对于把教学的重点放在击球技术上,忽略了步法移动技术的重要性。

    However , the traditional tennis forehand , backhand down the earth to teach technology education is to place the order batting technique , and then step mobile technology , and focus for the teaching of technical shots , ignoring the step of mobile technology importance .

  15. 足球踢球教学的合理顺序安排研究

    Study on arrangement of rational sequence in soccer kick teaching

  16. 三步单手肩上投篮教学中技术顺序的研究

    A Study on the Technical Arder in the Teaching of Three-Step Shot by One Hand Over Shoulder

  17. 系统设计的教学内容的顺序一直是化学教学设计的薄弱环节。

    The order of teaching contents by systematic design is always a weak link in chemistry teaching design .

  18. 在大纲的制定过程中,综合式大纲对于教学内容的顺序编排尤为重视,排序的主要标准是教学内容的使用频率和难易程度。

    Synthetic syllabuses emphasize particularly on the sequencing of teaching contents and the criteria of sequencing chiefly fall to " frequency " and " complexity " .

  19. 汉语教师应该首先了解学生的母语与文化背景以便安排教学内容与顺序。

    First , Chinese language teacher should understand the native language and cultural background of the students in order to arrange teaching content and choose appropriate and efficient methods .

  20. 规划了教学内容与教学顺序等。

    Programming the content and gradation of teaching .

  21. 体操教学素材开设的顺序为:支撑跳跃、轻器械体操、广播体操、技巧、体育舞蹈、队列队形、团体操、艺术体操、韵律体操和健美操。

    The sequence of teaching contents for gymnastics should be vaulting horse , Light-hickey gymnastics , broadcasting gymnastics , floor exercise , sports dancing , alignment order , team gymnastics , artistic gymnastics , Rhythmic gymnastics and Aerobics .

  22. 在此基础上,结合本文得出的频度副词的习得顺序,提出教学难度分级和教学顺序应当符合频度副词习得顺序的建议。

    On this basis , combined with the acquisition order of frequency adverbs concluded in this paper , puts forward Suggestions for the graded teaching difficulty , and shall conform to the teaching order frequency adverbs acquisition order proposal .

  23. 实验结果表明:技术具有多层面特点,包括结构、要素和功能三个层次,影响着教学的进度、动作教学顺序和目标;

    The results indicated that the characteristics of swimming technique are of multi level , including structure , element and function , which affect the teaching progress , the teaching sequence of movements and the purpose of teaching .

  24. 在教学流程上,我们采用的教学顺序是:告知具体学习目标和要求,同时下传自学提纲;

    When it comes to the process , the learners should be told the specific requirements and targets and be offered outlines for self-study ;

  25. 目前的中小学数学教学,有时候存在学科逻辑主干不明、教学顺序混乱、重点不突出和探究性学习流于形式等问题。

    There are four primary problems in the present education of the primary and secondary mathematics , which are the logic trunk of subject being dim , teaching order being disordered , key points being not prominent and inquiry learning being formalistic .

  26. 本文对正面扣球技术教学中的难点、课次与阶段划分、教学顺序、时数与次数及练习手段进行了研究,有一定的参考价值。

    The difficut points , phases and sequences of teaching , teaching period and teaching times have been analysed in this study .

  27. 逆序教学法与常规教学法在教学过程有了教学顺序的先后之分,在教学要求上和练习次数上就会反映出哪一项教学内容在先,练习次数和重复次数就会相对要多一些情况。

    It is different from the regular teaching method in terms of teaching order in the process of teaching . It is reflected that the teaching content which takes priority in teaching process will be practiced and repeated more times .

  28. 随后详细阐述了课堂教学评价软件系统(ETS)的分析与设计,按照课堂教学评价的实施顺序,把软件系统划分为相应的四个主模块:数据库准备、数据输入、数据处理、显示与打印。

    Thirdly , the paper elaborates on analyzing and designing the software system ( ETS ) . It divides ETS into four main modules according to the evaluating sequences : database preparing , data inputting , data processing and displaying & printing .

  29. 研究结果表明,显性教学与隐性教学之间的协同作用确实存在,而且两种教学方式的结合顺序对于教学效果也的确存在影响,而就定语从句的语法教学而言,显性-隐性的方式更适合。

    The experimental results manifest that synergistic effect between explicit and implicit instruction does exist , and the combination order of the two modes of teaching approaches influences the teaching effect indeed .

  30. 它应从以下三个方面来安排教学活动:一、以意念和功能项目为基础而不是以语法规则为基础来安排教学内容和顺序;

    It should be arranged into the teaching according to the three aspects : firstly , functional-notional type should be the basic to the arrangement of the teaching content and order , not the grammar rules ;