
jiào yù ɡǎi ɡé
  • educational reform
  1. 最后提出解严以后教育改革运动对于教育发展之正面和负面的影响。

    Finally , it describes the positive and negative influences of educational reform movement .

  2. CAD教学与图学教育改革

    CAD teaching and graphics educational reform

  3. 多年来,他一直在唠叨教育改革的事。

    He has been banging on about education reform for years .

  4. 他们同以南方为大本营的教育改革势力集团有着密切的联系。

    They are well-connected with the south-based education-reform mafia .

  5. 教育改革提高了教师收入,也有助于吸引年轻的高素质专业人才加入。

    Reforms in education have brought higher salaries for teachers and have helped to attract young , highly qualified5 professionals .

  6. 加入WTO与高等教育改革发展对策

    China 's Entry into WTO and the Reform and Development of Higher Education

  7. 随着STCW新公约的生效和实施,航海教育改革在世界范围展开。

    With the entry into force and implementation of new STCW Convention , radical changes of maritime education and training are taking place around the world .

  8. 适应社会发展需要培养高层次秘书人才&对本科秘书专业教育改革的思考

    Reflections on the Educational Reform of the Four-year Specialty of Secretary

  9. 关于深化民族地区教育改革的思考

    Thoughts on How to Deepen the Educational Reform in Minority Regions

  10. 双序结合整体教育改革及其本质特征

    Comprehensive Education Reform with Two Order combination and Its Essential Features

  11. 高校图书馆与新时期教育改革

    Library of Higher Learning and Education Reform in the New Era

  12. 王安石的教育改革及现代启示

    The Reforms in Education of WANG An-shi and the Modern Inspiration

  13. 知识批判及对知识教育改革的启示

    Knowledge Criticism and Its Enlightenment to the Reform of Knowledge Education

  14. 高师地理教育改革与现代化的思考

    Reform and modernization of geography education in normal universities and colleges

  15. 开展数学建模教学活动与大学数学教育改革

    Activities of the Construction of Mathematical Models in University Math Teaching Reform

  16. 用科学发展观指导医学教育改革和创新

    Medical Education Reform and Innovation Guided by the View of Scientific Development

  17. 充满理想色彩的语文教育改革&对语文新课程标准的实施及师资培训的几点思考

    New Curriculum Criterion of Chinese Language Teaching and Teacher Training

  18. 高校体育教育改革的关键:课程体系改革

    The Key to Physical Education Reform : Course System Reform

  19. 知识经济时代与高等教育改革

    The Period of Knowledge Economy and Reformation of Higher Education

  20. 关于高校本科会计教育改革的思考

    Thoughts on Undergraduate Education Reform of Accounting Major in Colleges and Universities

  21. 信息类专业高等职业教育改革之我见

    My Opinions on Higher Vocational Education Reform within Information Speciality

  22. 21世纪初中国高等教育改革与发展思想的核心理念

    Essential Ideas of Chinese Higher Education Reform and Development in 21st Century

  23. 新形势下高等教育改革的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Higher Education Reform in New Situations

  24. 国际高等教育改革趋势和我们的借鉴

    The tendency of world higher education reformation and its reference

  25. 现代信息技术背景下的教育改革

    The Educational Reform in the Background of Modern Information Technology

  26. 当代中国高等医学教育改革研究

    Research on Reforms of Contemporary China 's Higher Medical Education

  27. 以学生全面发展为本的工程图学教育改革

    The Engineering Graphics Education Reform Based on the Comprehensive Development of Students

  28. 高等教育改革、预防性储蓄与居民消费行为

    Higher Education Reform , Precautionary Saving and Consumer Behavior

  29. 开展电子设计竞赛推进素质教育改革

    Developing electrical design contest to promote quality education reform

  30. 关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的思考

    Thoughts on the Deepening of Educational Reform and the Promoting of Quality Education