
  • 网络Teacher Exchange
  1. 第五部分提出在执行层面上完善教师交流政策的几点建议。

    The fifth part puts forward several advices on how to improve the teacher exchange policy on the level of implementing the policy .

  2. 第四部分放眼海外,对美国和日本的有关教师交流政策进行简单介绍,并汲取有益的启示。

    The fourth part is based on the overseas data , briefly introduces the relevant teacher exchange policy of the United States and Japan , and learns some experiences from them .

  3. 这次交流是去年双方教师交流的继续。

    This exchange is the continuation of last year 's talk among teachers at both sides .

  4. 第六,构建县级义务教育师资配置均衡化的指标,完善教师交流与合作的激励制度。

    Establish the indicator of a balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education , improve communication and cooperation of teachers incentive system .

  5. 除了继续实行教师交流政策,更应该重视农村教师自身的发展。

    Expect for continuing to implement urban and rural teachers exchange system , we must attach importance to help rural teachers realize self-development .

  6. 建立城乡教师交流机制,加速乡村教师现代人格发育与形成。

    Setting up communicative mechanism between urban and suburb teachers results in accelerate the forming and growing of modern personality of teachers in the suburb .

  7. 本论文研究在美中国留学生与美籍指导教师交流时双方的跨文化交际顾虑。

    This dissertation is an empirical study focusing on the intercultural and interpersonal aspects of the communication between Chinese graduate students and their American advisors in the U.

  8. 第二部分首先界定了交流的内涵,然后通过分析政府职能和当前政治环境阐述了实施教师交流政策的意义。

    The second part defines the " exchange " first , and then puts forward the meaning of carrying out the teacher exchange policy by analyzing the role of government and the current political environment .

  9. 在开展双语教学实践过程中,通过采用英文原版教材、登陆国外大学同类课程网站、与国际知名大学教师交流,教育国际化、现代化才能够真正得以实现。

    In bilingual teaching , by using original English textbooks , browsing website of some similar subjects of foreign colleges , and communicating with teachers in famous international colleges , internationalization and modernization are really implemented .

  10. 吉布先生和前任教育部长丽兹·特鲁斯已经安排了上海和英国之间的数学教师交流项目,并且专门设立了35个数学教学中心,以推动“精通式”教学法的实施。

    Mr Gibb and his predecessor as schools minister , Liz Truss , arranged exchanges between maths teachers in Shanghai and England , and set up 35 specialistmaths teaching centres to encourage the " mastery " approach .

  11. 英国教育大臣尼克·吉布表示,未来两年内,将持续开展上海和英国之间的数学教师交流项目,以此提升本国小学的数学教学水平。

    Minister of State for Schools Nick Gibb said at the time that a China and Shanghai teachers exchange program would continue during the following two years , to strengthen the teaching of math in primary schools .

  12. 文化学的研究方法为主要研究方法,研究者亲临现场体验研究,并通过与教师交流访谈获得第一手资料,以期确保研究的准确性与真实性。

    The research method of culturology is the main research technique . The author participates in the teaching and obtained the first-hand information through interviews with teachers in order to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the research .

  13. 论文指导交流系统将传统的毕业论文指导过程在网络上实现,学生与指导教师交流更加便捷,论文指导过程中的各个环节更加容易检查、督促。

    The platfom of instruction and exchange of thesis guides the process of the traditional thesis implemented online . The exchange of students and instructors is more convenient . And all aspects of the process of thesis guide are easier to check and supervise .

  14. 本文采用教育叙事的方式,对笔者进入特教学校之初的识字教学情况,与教师交流协作过程,以及进行多媒体字源识字教学的教学过程和教学结果进行叙述。

    In this paper , the narrative of education applied to narrate the literacy teaching condition when I first entered into the special education school and exchange with the teachers on collaborative process , as well as multimedia etymological literacy teaching process and results .

  15. 在上述研究的基础上,应用先进的ASP技术,进一步开发了材料加工虚拟实验室的Web访问系统。实现了学生的在线登陆,浏览和进行实验,提交报告以及与指导教师在线交流的功能。

    Ground on the previous research , with technique of ASP this paper invented web part of the system that made students land the web , explore and experimentize , put in experimental report and communicate with the teacher on line .

  16. 结果发现随班就读听障学生自身及其教师对交流困难的感知情况在交谈舒适度(EC)和背景噪声(BN)两类问题上的感知差异有统计学意义。

    There was significant difference between the perception of the mainstreaming students with hearing impairment and that of their teachers ' for the subscale Ease of Communication ( EC ) and Background Noise ( BN ) .

  17. 在线答疑系统的建设,解决了网络教学这种非面对面教学形式中学生与教师之间交流的难题。

    Help-on-line system solves the communication problem between teachers and students .

  18. 第二,实施教师岗位交流;

    Second , to implement communication among teachers .

  19. 但无论是家长还是教师,交流策略的使用能有效地加强交流的有效性。

    Whether parents or teachers , the use of communication strategies can effectively enhance communication effectiveness .

  20. 中小学教师城乡交流的问题及其解决策略研究

    Research on Interchange Problems of Primary and Secondary Teachers between Cities and Suburbs and Its Strategies for Resolution

  21. 方便学生在进行《包装结构设计》基础知识学习的同时,通过在线留言与教师进行交流。

    Facilitate students during the " packaging design " fundamental knowledge learning , through online message exchange with teachers .

  22. 地方高校教师国际交流的现状及应对措施&以浙江海洋学院为例

    Status and solution to teachers ' international exchange in local colleges & A case study of Zhejiang Ocean University

  23. 手势在语文教师体态交流中具有特殊作用并得到广泛运用。

    The finger language has special function and has been used widely intercommunication of posture for instructors who teaching Chinese .

  24. 学生与教师的交流已被公认为是影响教学效率的一个重要变量,而国际留学生与其求学所在国指导教师的交流也相应成为影响国际教育成败的一个关键因素。

    As international education develops , the communication between international students and their foreign advisors has become an important variable affecting the process of effective learning and teaching .

  25. 开展多种教研活动有利于增进教师间交流互助,提高教师整体的教学水平,并对信息技术学科的发展起到了重要的推动作用。

    Kinds of research activities are propitious to promoting communion and help between teachers , advancing teaching level of whole teachers , taking important role in promoting information technology subject .

  26. 详细对策为,增强师资建设,平衡各地域师资力量,提高以专职心理教师为交流主体的比率;

    The concrete countermeasure is , strengthens the teachers to construct , is balanced various local teachers strength , enhances take the professional psychology teacher as the exchange main body ratio ;

  27. 通过学生端的代理模块,帮助学生完成学习材料的收集及与虚拟学伴和教师的交流,同时,通过教学代理给学生及时的引导和建议,从而实现适应性学习。

    Through the agent model , students can collect study materials , can communicate with study partners or teachers , and can gain guidance or suggestion , thus realize adjustable study .

  28. 这种做法会使学生在得到充分尊重的前提下,更易于和教师进行交流,发表自己的见解。

    This kind of way of doing will make the student while getting the premise of full respect , much easier than carry on exchanges and announce own views with teacher .

  29. 提高数学交流意识、改变交流方式、教给学生数学交流方法、加强教师在交流中的主导作用是培养数学交流能力的有效途径。

    Advance mathematical exchange consciousness , transforming mode of mathematical exchange , teaching way of mathematical exchange for students , strengthen leading action of teacher are availability track to ability of mathematical exchange .

  30. 由于研究者设计的方案是一种扎根理论,干预方案本身就是在与教师们交流,碰撞的基础上形成的,尤其是第二个方案,所以方案形成的过程本身就是一种干预的过程。

    Because the two programs are " grass-rooted " theories , the process of forming the two programs which were the results of communication and discussion with teachers , is a process of disturbance .