
  1. 高校图书馆部主任管理层应建立轮岗制度

    The Branch Directors Management in Academic Libraries should Establish Work Shit System

  2. 这对于未来义务教育教师轮岗制度的实施,可以作为制度铺垫。

    This can make a strong foundation for implementation of compulsory education teachers ' rotational system in the future .

  3. 第五,完善县域内教师资源互动与共同发展机制,建立校长和教师定期交流合作与轮岗制度。

    Improve the mechanisms for interaction and development of teacher resources in the county , establish regular exchanges and cooperation between principals and teachers and rotation system .

  4. 其中,具体措施包括完善相关法律法规,建立财务人员垂直管理体制,实行强制轮岗和回避制度,提高财务人员自身的综合素质。

    Among them , specific measures include improvement of relevant laws and regulations , establish financial officers vertical management system , mandatory rotation and avoidance system , improve the overall quality of their financial staff .

  5. 深化干部人事制度改革,推行公务员考试录用、竞争上岗、轮岗交流与培训制度。

    The reform to the personnel system was deepened , with the introduction of examinations in recruitment for public service , competition for positions , job rotation , personnel exchanges and training programs .