
lún huá
  • roller skating;blading;skidding;skidding of the wheel
轮滑[lún huá]
  1. 轮滑运动如同滑冰运动一样,分为速度轮滑,花样轮滑和轮滑球三种。

    Just as Skating , skidding is also classified into speed skidding , figure skidding and rollerball .

  2. 安徽省高职院校轮滑运动课程的教学设计与实验研究

    Teaching Design and Experimental Research about the Courses of the Skidding of Wheel in Anhui Vocational Colleges

  3. 就在这时,巴特摇摇晃晃地滑着轮滑回来了。

    Just then , Bart returned , wobbling on his skates

  4. 梅尔·布莱克伍德�轮滑女孩帮公司(RollerGirlGang)

    Mel Blackwood , Roller Girl Gang

  5. 从完全的轮滑初学者,到以它为职业。

    From total beginners , to making a career out of it .

  6. 目前,对一些轮滑品牌的大量需求意味着长长的等待名单。

    Huge demand for some brands of skate now means long waiting lists .

  7. 在活动受限的这些月份里,轮滑运动带来的自由感使许多人为之着迷。

    The freedom of roller-skating has captivated so many in these restricted months .

  8. 最近几个月,关键词“轮滑”在谷歌上的搜索量翻了一番。

    Roller-skating Google searches doubled in recent months .

  9. 在视频获得了近300万次的观看量之后,她辞掉了工作,改行以自由式轮滑为职业。

    Almost three million views later , she 's given up her job and made freestyle roller-skating her career .

  10. 这张X光片的主人是位女性,轮滑时摔伤,导致踝关节骨折错位,

    This is an X-ray of a woman who fractured and dislocated her ankle in a roller-skating accident .

  11. 普通高校体育选项课开设轮滑球教学的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Setting up the Roller Hockey Teaching in Optional Courses in Universities

  12. S3是专门用来自由式轮滑的,我在论坛里看见一些S3坏掉的照片。如果你用它来跳的话,它就会坏的!

    S3 is only for freestyle slalom , I saw some pictures of S3 broken on the forum , if you jump with it , it will be broken .

  13. 结果表明:采用PI控制、模糊控制和模糊PI控制建立的油门控制系统可将驱动轮滑转率控制在最佳值附近,并能消除驱动轮过度滑转现象。

    The results show that the engine throttle controller established by the above-mentioned control methods can avoid excessive spin of driving wheel and keep the slip rate between tire and sand in optimum state with good traction performance .

  14. 基于驱动轮滑转率的PID和模糊PID两种控制方法,在均一、分离、对接路面上都能够获得良好的牵引性和通过性,对汽车牵引力控制的进一步研究有一定的参考价值。

    The PID and fuzzy PID control method based on the driving wheel slip ratio , can obtain good traction and passing when vehicle was running on the uniform , separate , docking road , it has some reference value for further study of the vehicle traction control .

  15. LesBerges是塞纳河畔约1.5英里的狭长地带,专为行人保留,2013年开放。这里曾是弥漫着柴油浓烟的高速公路,现在人们纷纷来此散步、慢跑、骑自行车或玩轮滑。

    Les Berges , a nearly 1.5-mile stretch along the Seine reserved for pedestrians , debuted in 2013 , so what was once a diesel-fume-choked highway is now thronged with strolling families , joggers , bicyclists and skaters .

  16. 初级轮滑课学生易犯错误与应对措施

    Countermeasures against the Beginner 's Familiar Mistakes in Roller Skating Teaching

  17. 浅谈速度滑冰与速度轮滑技术的区别

    On the Difference between Speed Skating and IN-Line Speed Skating Technology

  18. 轮滑运动在高校体育教学中的实践

    Practice of Roller Skating in Teaching of Physical Education in the Universities

  19. 对速度轮滑双蹬技术结构的分析

    Right Flat-out Round Double-Push Diagram Slice of Construction Technique Analysis

  20. 一时兴起她加入了当地的一个轮滑队。

    So on a whim she joined a local roller derby team .

  21. 你在轮滑田径场搜集来的。

    Collected by you from inside the roller derby oval .

  22. 认为轮滑运动具有一定的健身价值、社会价值和可观的经济效益。

    It can fit everyone 's taste and has considerable economic benefit .

  23. 你一次也没来看过我轮滑。

    You didn 't once come and see me skate .

  24. 对,请你去看轮滑大赛的人?

    Yeah , the one that took you to the roller derby ?

  25. 你可以按照你所从事的轮滑项目,定制你的鞋。

    You can customize your skates , as you like to skate .

  26. 速度轮滑训练对速度滑冰项目的影响及作用

    Effect of Speed Roller Skating Training on the Speed Skaters ' Ability

  27. 轮滑教学培养大学生艺术素质的实践研究

    Practical Research on Roller Skating Teaching for Cultivating University Students Artistic Quality

  28. 离合式轮滑鞋替代固定式轮滑鞋的可能性研究

    Research on the Possibility of Clap Roll Skate Instead of Stationary One

  29. 近来轮滑运动在全世界很流行。

    Eg : Jibbing is catching on recently all round .

  30. 波利斯:上帝啊,我爱轮滑。

    Bliss : Jesus Christ . I am in love with this .