
lún tì yùn dòng
  • diadochokinesia;diadochocinesia
轮替运动[lún tì yùn dòng]
  1. 国人儿童口腔轮替运动速率参考标准的制订目的口腔轮替运动速率(diadochokineticrate,DR)是衡量言语产生过程中舌部运动灵活程度以及言语清晰度的一个重要指标。

    The Norm Establishment of Diadochokinetic Rate for Chinese Normal Children Objective Diadochokinetic rate ( DR ) plays an important role in articulation and phonological process , especially for the judgment of tongue mobility and stability .

  2. 口腔轮替运动速率标准的修订及其应用研究

    The Revise and Practical Applications of the Norm of Diadochokinesia Rate

  3. 口腔轮替运动速率在提高聋儿口部运动能力中的指导意义

    Clinical application of DR in improving the ability of oral-motor for hearing-impaired children

  4. 口腔轮替运动速率是构音功能定量评估的重要内容之一。

    Diadochokinesia rate ( DR ) is a part of the important content of the quantitative assessment of articulating function .