
  • 网络muscle tone;muscle tension;hypotonia;Muscle Strength
  1. 山谷斗牛犬需要运动,以维持肌肉张力,和所有周围的健康状况良好。

    The Valley Bulldog requires exercise to maintain muscle tone and all-around good health .

  2. 按摩之一,也是最有效的方法,以改善血液循环及肌肉张力。

    Massage is also one of the most effective ways to improve circulation and muscle tone .

  3. 面部肌肉张力没有吸引力也可以通过舒缓的音乐和简单的插花得到缓解。密苏里州堪萨斯城天然温泉的共同拥有人RichardDeLozier说。

    Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements , says Richard DeLozier , co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City , Mo.

  4. 通过JH-2肌肉张力换能器将信号输出BL-410生物机能实验系统读出标本的张力、收缩波平均振幅及收缩频率的变化值。

    Signals were output with JH-2 muscle tension converter ; tension of samples , average amplitude of systolic wave and changes of systolic frequency were recorded with BL-410 biological function experimental system .

  5. 但是右脚踝关节肌健反射亢进,右腿肌肉张力大。

    The tensile force at my right leg is excessive than usual .

  6. 肌肉张力与肌肉长度变化关系新探

    New Study on Relationship Between Muscle Tension and Length

  7. 张力过强(手臂或腿部肌肉张力过大,导致运动困难)

    Hypertonia ( excessive muscle tone in arms or legs that lead to difficulty in movement )

  8. 我开始得到浮肿,这是因为虽然我失去我的肌肉张力。

    I began to get puffy , it was as though I was losing my muscle tone .

  9. 结论:三级康复干预的早期有助于诱发软瘫肌肉张力出现,持续康复干预则抑制肌张力增高,促使高肌张力转归为正常;

    Conclusion : The early training of rehabilitation intervention can induce occurrence of muscle tone of hemiplegic extremities .

  10. 力量训练和有氧运动能促进血液循环,改善肌肉张力,就会滋润肌肤让你看起来更加年轻。

    Strength training and cardio boost circulation and improve muscle tone , which results in younger-looking , toned skin .

  11. 肉毒素已经被批准治疗各种症状包括颈部肌肉张力障碍或颈部肌肉僵硬。

    Botox has been approved to treat a variety of conditions including cervical dystonia , or rigid neck muscles .

  12. 肌肉张力减小,实际上我们可能会暂时失去对四肢的控制,正如俗话中所说的笑得没了气力。

    Muscle tension decreases , and indeed we may temporarily lose control of our limbs , as in the expression " weak with laughter " .

  13. 双牛用墨浓淡适宜,传神地刻划出斗牛的肌肉张力、逃者喘息躲避的憨态、击者蛮不可挡的气势。

    The exact lines and appropriate saturation vividly display the muscle tensions and the irresistibility of the attacking bull , the pants and naughtiness of the escaping one .

  14. 在这种情况下,上呼吸道可能会因为喉衬缺少肌肉张力而在人们的睡眠中会不规律的塌陷,造成打鼾。

    Here , the upper airway collapses at irregular intervals during sleep , possibly due to a lack of muscle tone in the throat lining , which triggers snoring .

  15. 在考虑位移因素对起跳效果的影响时也要注意肌肉张力&长度的关系以及肌肉工作能力的问题。

    In addition , considering the displacement factors influencing the take-off effect , you must paid attention to the relationship of muscle tension – length and the work ability of muscles .

  16. 佝偻病儿童头发中铁、铜、钙、锌的分析婴儿型的病人其临床表徵为四个月大时出现发育不良,肌肉张力低,以及影像学上有佝偻症之表现。

    Analysis of Iron , Copper , Calcium and Zinc in Hair of Rickets Baby ; The infantile case presented with failure to thrive , hypotonia , and radiologic rickets at 4 months old .

  17. 随着年龄的增长,体育运动有助于保持肌肉张力和灵活性,同时也能提升整个身体素质,保护心脏远离疾病,让你无论是从精神还是外貌上都处于年轻态。

    Physical exercise will help maintain muscle-tone and flexibility as you get older and also improve overall health and fitness , help protect against heart problems , and help you stay look and feel younger .

  18. 虚拟伙伴使用专为菲尔兹研究设计的锻炼游戏——“CyBud-X”,120名20多岁的参与者进行五种不同的可提高肌肉张力的平板支撑锻炼,他们要从3名同性中挑出一位作为自己的伙伴。

    Using " CyBud-X , " an exercise game specifically developed for Feltz 's research , 120 college-aged participants were given five different isometric plank exercises to do with one of three same-sex partner choices .

  19. 老年人无诱因的声音嘶哑所出现的声带闭合不全形式以梭形裂隙最多见,主要是由于声带肌肉张力减退,出现声带松弛所致。

    The incomplete closure most commonly seen was spindle shaped fissure form in the hoarseness without precipitating cause in aged patients . It is mainly due to the decrease of muscle tone leading to the relaxation of vocal cord .

  20. 如欢快的乐曲,强劲的节奏,可以加强肌肉张力,振奋精神;柔和的音调和轻缓的节奏,可以平衡呼吸、镇静安神;优美的音色可降低神经紧张程度,令人轻松愉快。

    Such as the cheerful music , strong rhythm , can enhance muscle tone and vigor ; soft tone and leisurely pace , you can balance the breathing , sedative ; beautiful tone can reduce nervous tension , very relaxed and happy .

  21. 拥有7'2臂展长度…,具有敏捷性,良好的速度和稳定的跳跃能力的一位高于平均水平的运动员…,非常擅长跑动和突破终结…强壮,健壮的身体,良好的肌肉张力……

    Possesses great length with a 7 '2 wingspan ... An above average athlete with agility , good speed and solid leaping ability ... Very good at running the floor and finishing on the break ... Strong , athletic body with good muscle tone ...

  22. 肌肉收缩张力与收缩速度基本关系阐释

    An Annotation on Basic Relation between Muscular Tension and Muscular Velocity

  23. 神经紧张、粗食过多、服用泻药等都会增加肠壁肌肉的张力。

    Nervous tensions , excessive amounts of bulky foods and the use of laxatives increase the muscle tone of intestine .

  24. 那些能够给肌肉以张力(比如举重)或者产生冲量(比如慢跑)的锻炼对保持肌肉强壮是最好的。

    Exercise that stresses your muscles ( like weight lifting ) or creates an impact ( like jogging ) is best for keeping muscles strong .

  25. 腰椎间盘突出症急性发作,若镇痛不及时,腰部肌肉肌张力呈病理性增高的同时,腰部脊神经根周围的持续水肿会对神经造成永久性损害。

    Acute lumbar disc herniation , if the pain is not timely , the waist was pathological muscle increased muscle tension , while the lumbar spinal nerve root edema will continue to cause permanent nerve damage .

  26. 发明家约翰•赫夫今年61岁,他一直对医学很感兴趣,而且花了许多时间阅读有关运动及运动对身体的好处的研究&例如运动可以促进血液循环和肌肉的张力。

    John huff , 61 , an inventor , has always been interested in medicine , and spent time reading studies about motion and its benefits to the body , such as improved circulation and muscle tone .

  27. 结论:早期预防及康复治疗,能有效提高肩关节周围肌肉的张力,加强关节的稳定性,防止肩关节半脱位等并发症的发生。

    CONCLUSION : Inchoate precaution and rehabilitation management can raise the tension of muscle around the shoulder joint , strengthen stability of the joint and prevent the occurrence of complication such as semiluxation of shoulder joint and so on .

  28. 而通过适度的体育锻炼以增强肌肉的张力、减轻体重以及积极防治骨质疏松等,对于防止下肢力线的改变,延缓退行性骨关节病的发生发展将会起到积极作用。

    The suitable physical exercises for increasing the muscular tension and decreasing the body weight and the active prevention and treatment of osteoporosis will play an active role in the prevention of the lower extremity force line change and the delay of the degenerative osteoarthritis attack .

  29. 肌肉等长收缩张力-长度性质测试仪的研制

    The Development of Muscle Isometric Contraction Test Instrument

  30. 作者在股四头肌成形、膝关节松解的基础上,应用髌骨牵引,使挛缩的肌肉在持续张力作用下得以延长。

    After quadricepsplasty was performed , patella traction was applied to extend the contracted muscle by constant tension .