
jī jǐn zhāng
  • muscular tension;muscular tone;muscle tonus
肌紧张[jī jǐn zhāng]
  1. 目的:探讨减轻慢性咽炎伴咽反射敏感患者口腔病治疗时恶心与肌紧张反应的有效方法。

    AIM : To evaluate the effects of anesthetic spray on alleviating nausea and muscular tension of pharynx in sensitive patient during dental treatment .

  2. 肌梭是骨骼肌内一种重要的本体感受器,参与肌紧张的维持和对随意运动的精细调节。

    Muscle spindle is an important proprioceptor in the skeletal muscle , which contributes to the maintenance of muscular tension and the fine modulation of voluntary movements .

  3. 肌紧张和屈肌反射在1h后恢复。

    The skeletal muscle tone and the flexor reflex were recovered gradually after 1 hour .

  4. BK(Ca)通道在维持平滑肌细胞膜电位的维持和肌紧张的调节中起着重要作用。

    BK_ ( Ca ) channel plays an important role in regulating smooth muscle contractility and maintaining membrane potential .

  5. 加里•圭列罗(GaryGuerriero)是位于纽约的美国运动训练中心(USAthleticTrainingCenter)的合伙人,每年为数百名背痛患者提供治疗。他说,背痛源于整日久坐导致的髂腰肌紧张。

    Gary Guerriero , co-owner of the US Athletic Training Center in New York , who treats hundreds of patients a year with back pain , says the problem stems from a tightening of the iliopsoas muscle complex when you sit all day .

  6. 临床表现为易惊、睡眠不安、夜哭、四肢震颤、头向后仰、背肌紧张、面部抽搐,严重者出现喉痉挛。

    Night crying , tremor , hypsokinesis and facial or glottic spasm .

  7. 由于膈肌紧张,最好采用胸式呼吸。

    Because midriff flesh is nervous , had better use pectoral type breath .

  8. 推测Gi-小脑传入纤维投射可能在某些小脑功能活动,如肌紧张及姿势的调节等方面发挥重要作用。

    The Gi-cerebellar afferent fiber projection may play important roles in some cerebellar func-tions , such as regulating myotonia and posture .

  9. 作者使用咀嚼肌紧张度、复合变量、情绪和压力对下颌痛进行了线性回归分析。

    The authors used masticatory muscle tension , the composite variable , mood and stress to predict jaw pain using linear regression .

  10. “腹平坦,右上腹有明显压疼伴有肌紧张及反跳疼”

    " The abdomen flat with marked tenderness over the right upper quadrant , where muscular spasm and rebound tenderness were present . "

  11. 结果:软组织主要变化有:下面高增加,下唇明显前移,上唇后移,颏唇沟变浅,唇肌紧张度改善。

    Results The main changes include : increase of lower facial height , protrusion of lower lips , retrusion of upper lips and the improvement of incompetent lips .

  12. 巩膜无黄染。心肺正常。腹平坦,右上腹有明显压疼伴有肌紧张及反跳疼。

    The sclera was not icteric . The heart and lung was normal . The abdomen flat with marked tenderness over the right upper quadrant , where muscular spasm and rebound tenderness were present .

  13. 前庭系统是脊椎动物中高度保守的感觉系统,对保持身体的空间位置、姿势平衡,调节肌紧张及协调眼球运动、自主神经活动的调节等起着重要作用。

    The vestibular system is a highly conserved sensory system in vertebrates that is largely responsible for maintenance of animal orientation in space , posture , and balance and play an important role in muscle tone regulation and oculomotor and autonomic outflow .

  14. 并实现了上、下颌4颗第二或第一磨牙同时后移。结果:软组织主要变化有:下面高增加,下唇明显前移,上唇后移,颏唇沟变浅,唇肌紧张度改善。

    And all the second or all the first molars ' retrusion were made at the same time . Results The main changes include : increase of lower facial height , protrusion of lower lips , retrusion of upper lips and the improvement of incompetent lips .

  15. 生脉散、越鞠丸、失笑散加减后中药复方干预心肌梗死大鼠心室肌血管紧张素Ⅱ和醛固酮含量及血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体mRNA表达的变化

    Effect of compound Chinese medicine of Shengmai powder , Yueju pill and Shixiao powder on levels of angiotensin ⅱ, aldosterone and mRNA expression of angiotensin ⅱ receptor in myocardium of rats with myocardial infarction

  16. 观察了链脲佐菌素实验性糖尿病大鼠心房、心室肌血管紧张素Ⅱ(ATⅡ)和心房、心室肌超微结构的改变。

    Alterations in angiotensin - ⅱ( AT ⅱ) level and the ultrastructure of atrial and ventricular myocardia in streptozotocin-induced experimental diabetic rats were observed .

  17. 大鼠非梗死区心室肌血管紧张素Ⅱ、醛固酮含量:模型组明显高于其他4组(除外中药复方低剂量组醛固酮含量,P<0.05~0.01)。

    Levels of angiotensin ⅱ and aldosterone in non-infarction myocardium : those in model group were significantly higher than the other 4 groups ( except t he content of aldosterone in low dose compound Chinese medicine group , P < 0.05-0.01 ) .

  18. 模拟失重对大鼠大脑中动脉与肠系膜小动脉肌源性紧张度的不同影响

    Differential effect of simulated microgravity on myogenic tone of middle cerebral and mesenteric small arteries in rats

  19. 心房颤动犬心房肌肾素-血管紧张素系统改变

    Changes of atrial renin-angiotensin system in atrial fibrillation dogs induced by chronic rapid atrial pacing

  20. 划幅小―果划程比所需要的短,就会过多地引起肌肉紧缩,因而使肌纤维膜过度紧张和疼痛。

    Lack of Stroke Length - strokes that are shorter than what is required cause too many contractions and therefore excessive muscle fatigue and pain .

  21. 结论后牙支持是否完整是影响重度磨耗患者咀嚼肌功能的主要因素,后牙支持不全者肌紧张度增加,功能下降。

    Conclusion In patients with severe tooth wear , absence of complete posterior tooth support was the main factor that influenced the functions of patients ' masticatory muscles . Those with incomplete posterior support had higher muscle tension and lower muscle functions .