
  • Good helper;good assistant
  1. 节能王,是您厨房的好帮手,用炉必选节能王。

    Energy-Saving-King is your good assistant in kitchen , and your first choice .

  2. 敏感性分析是投资商的好帮手

    Sensitiveness analysis is an investor 's good assistant

  3. 在这些事情上你一直是个难得的好帮手。

    You 're always an incredible help on these cases .

  4. 查理?噢,他是个不可多得的好帮手,非常喜欢孩子。

    Charlie ? Oh , he 's a treasure , loves children .

  5. 这种电池充电器是摄影工作者的好帮手。

    This battery booster is a boon for photographers .

  6. 这女孩是她妈妈的好帮手。

    The girl is a good help to her mother .

  7. 他们也是小学生放学后的好帮手。

    They are also great helpers for primary school students after school .

  8. 布朗先生离开镇上时如释重负,因为他知道他的油漆店有个好帮手。

    Mr Brown was relieved when he left town , because he knew his paint shop was in good hands .

  9. 作为青少年,如果我们好好利用电子产品,他们可以给我们的生活增添更多乐趣,成为我们学习的好帮手。

    As teenagers , if we put the e-products into good use , they can add more fun to our life and become good helpers to our study .

  10. 对于那些想拥有时尚的外表但又没有时间来追赶潮流的忙碌女性而言,衣橱诊断师是一个好帮手。

    For a busy woman who wants to look modern and fashionable but just doesn ’ t have to time to keep up with the trends , a wardrobe therapist is a great way to go .

  11. 要得到更详细的信息请查阅maninittab,并且请记住,UML是您的好帮手。

    View man inittab for further details , and remember , UML is your friend .

  12. 《王特绿色MIS》会成为管理人员的好帮手,用其设计归档资料管理系统等管理工作所需要的计算机管理信息系统,可以使日常管理工作更加规范、方便、快捷、轻松。

    The MIS can be used to design computer management information system for filed information management system , etc , it provides management staff with a standard , convenient , quick helper .

  13. 你真是我的好帮手,卡丽。

    You 've been a real help to me , carrie .

  14. 是颈椎病的康复、预防和保健的家庭必备好帮手。

    Vertebra rehabilitation , prevention and care family essential good helper .

  15. 能快速干燥的晒图机,是建筑设计师的好帮手。

    The quick-dry Blueprinter is a good helper for an architect .

  16. 现在这个时代要找个好帮手真是太难了。

    It 's so hard to find good help these days !

  17. 它真是企业财务的好帮手。

    It 's really a coagent in enterprise 's finance .

  18. 嘿,你会成为好帮手的。

    Hey , and a good help you 'd be , too .

  19. 是开发数据库图表的好帮手。

    Development of the database tables is a good helper .

  20. 噢,现在真是很难找到好帮手。

    Ohh , you just can 't get good help these days .

  21. 我的词典是我学习中的好帮手。

    My dictionaries act as great helpers in my study .

  22. 我打扫房屋时,妹妹是个好帮手。

    My sister is a fine aid when I clean the house .

  23. 我老伴说我是他的好帮手。

    My boss said I was his right arm .

  24. 我相信他会是一个好帮手。

    I believe he will be a good helper .

  25. 数学教学好帮手&Z+Z智能教育平台之超级画板

    A Good Coagent of Maths Teaching ―― Super Sketchpad

  26. 圣诞老人活得好好的,而我们都是他的好帮手。

    Santa was alive and well , and we were on his team .

  27. 是美容行业及娱乐场所的好帮手。

    It is a good help for the beauty agent and recreation ground .

  28. 是你相片处理的好帮手。

    Is a good helper for your photo processing .

  29. 清楚自己在网上想要什么的人的好帮手。

    The lifesaver for people who know what they want on the Internet .

  30. 本公司是样品熔融的专家,分析的好帮手。

    Yusuo , the expert on bead fusion , your assistant on analysis .