
  • 网络promoting blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction
  1. 肺间质纤维化治则治法为:慢性进展期治以补肺益肾化痰活血通络,急性加重期兼以清热养阴。

    The therapeutical principle and methods of pulmonary are as follows : invigorating lung and kidney , eliminating phlegm and promoting blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction in chronic progression stage , clearing heat and nourishing yin in acute exacerbation stage .

  2. 结果:益气化瘀方可以增加血管芽的数量和面积,与活血通络方作用相似,优于芬必得;模型组软骨终板内VEGF表达明显,但表达率减少;

    Results : Yiqi Huayu Fang was used to increase the number and area of afferent bud , to improve the expression of intravascular VEGF .

  3. 结果:工艺研究:以黄芪甲苷(astragalosideIV)和总黄酮苷(totalflavones)含量为考察指标,采用正交试验法对活血通络口服液的提取工艺进行优选。

    Result : The procedure including : Taking content of Astragaloside IV and the total flavones as parameter , we optimized the extracting procedure with orthogonal test .

  4. 方法将80例肩周炎患者随机分为A组、B组,A组采用活血通络介质走罐法结合关节松动术,并嘱患者进行功能锻炼,B组仅施以关节松动术并配合功能锻炼。

    Method Eighty cases of shoulder periarthritis were randomly divided into group A and group B. Group A was treated by movable cupping in combination with joint mobilization and dirigation and group B , by joint mobilization in cooperation with dirigation only .

  5. 活血通络方对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后Cyto-C和caspase表达的干预

    Study on the Intervention Effect of Huoxue Tongluo Recipe on the Expression of Cyto-C and Caspase in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion

  6. 结论:补肾活血通络法治疗CAA疗效好、毒副反应少。其作用机制可能是通过调节机体免疫功能,从而阻抑了CAA患者造血细胞的过度凋亡。

    Conclusion : TCM is effective in treating CAA with less toxic and side-effect , the mechanism might be the inhibition on over apoptosis of hematopoietic cells in CAA patients through regulating immune function of organism .

  7. 活血通络药饼结合扶元药饼治疗骨性关节炎的疗效观察

    Observation on the therapeutic effect of traditional medicine on knee arthritis

  8. 探讨清热解毒、活血通络法稳定动脉粥样硬化斑块的干预机制;

    To discuss the mechanism of its intervention on stabilizing atherosclerotic plaque ;

  9. 活血通络毓种胶囊与妇科诊疗自控仪治疗子宫因素不孕308例临床分析

    Analysis of 308 Uteruses Sterility Women Treated by Automatic Control Apparatus of Gynaecology

  10. 柔肝舒筋、活血通络法;

    Nourishing liver to telex tendons with promoting blood circulation to activate collaterals ;

  11. 活血通络解毒汤治疗带状疱疹及其恢复期神经痛的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Huoxue Tongluo Jiedu Decoction in Treating Herpes Zoster and Ensuing Neuralgia

  12. 活血通络法对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后白细胞浸润的影响

    Effect of Method of Huoxue Tongluo on Neutrophil Infiltration after Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion in Rats

  13. 益气活血通络法治疗顽固性头痛48例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treating 48 Cases of refractory Headache with Promoting blood Circulation to Remove Meridian Obstruction

  14. 补肾活血通络法治疗老年脑梗死108例疗效观察

    The observations on curative efficacy for 108 patients with senile cerebral infarction with Bushen Huoxue Tongluo Method

  15. 活血通络汤治疗深部静脉血栓形成34例疗效观察

    The blood circulation passes winds the soup treatment depth portion phlebothrombosis 34 example curative effects to observe

  16. 结论清脑安神汤具有活血通络、开窍醒脑的作用,可调节和改善精神分裂症和抑郁症患者微循环。

    Conclusions Qingnao Anshen decoction is able to improve and adjust microcirculation of patients with schizophrenia and depression .

  17. 活血通络法治疗小儿哮喘与甲皱微循环的关系

    Treatment of Infantile Asthma with Promoting Blood Circulation and Dredging Collaterals : Its Relationship with Nail fold Microcirculation

  18. 活血通络汤对深静脉血栓形成中血管内皮细胞保护作用的研究

    Study on Protective Effects of Huo Xue Tong Luo Broth on Vascular Endothelial Cells in Deep Venous Thrombosis

  19. 补肾壮督活血通络法治疗腰椎间盘突出症

    Invigorates the Kidney Supervises the Blood Circulation to Pass Strongly Winds Law Treatment Waist Intervertebral Disc Prominent Sickness

  20. 治疗当考虑补益肺肾、宣痹祛邪、活血通络。

    In treatment , it is advisable to invigorate the lung and kidney , remove obstruction and activate blood circulation .

  21. 益气活血通络法治疗糖尿病合并周围神经病变70例

    The Method of Replenishing Qi and Promoting Blood Flow to Remove Obstruction in Collaterals for 70 Cases of Diabetes-Complicated Peripheral Nerve Lesions

  22. 针灸的活血通络、调畅气机的作用改善了周围神经功能的损伤。

    Acupuncture , tuning of dredging invigorate the role of angry machine improved the camouflage of peripheral nerve function of damage . 3 .

  23. 结论:中风病毒损脑络不但存在瘀毒,同时热毒亦存在较多。临床治疗应在活血通络基础上加之清热解毒药。

    The clinical therapeutics may include the drug of cleanup heat detoxification on the basis of drug of Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis .

  24. 益气活血通络法联合亚低温对大鼠缺血性中风气虚血瘀证的保护作用

    Protective Effects of Method of Supplementing Qi and Activating Blood Circulation and Channels Combined with Mild-hypothermia in Cerebral Infarction Model Rats of Qi-deficiency and Blood Stasis

  25. 滋阴益气熄风活血通络法对糖尿病大鼠糖代谢及症状的实验研究

    Experiment Study of Nourishing Yin , Invigorating Qi , Extinguishing Wind , Promoting Blood Circulation and Draining Collateral Method to Glucose Metabolism and Symptoms to DM Rats

  26. 气阴两虚挟瘀是临床上最常见的证候,故治疗采用活血通络、益气养阴为治疗大法,兼顾标本。

    Yin Deficiency Blood rely on are the most common clinical syndromes , the treatment used Huoxue Tongluo , Yiqi Yangyin Dafa for the treatment of both specimens .

  27. 目的探讨减压抽滤、低速离心、高速离心、壳聚糖絮凝、活性炭脱色作为前处理方法对活血通络水提液膜过程中通量及膜污染度的影响。

    The definition of membrane fouling was presented , the progress in membrane fouling research were thoroughly reviewed , and the technical measures for lessening membrane fouling effect .

  28. 应用活血通络毓种胶囊与妇科诊疗自控仪治疗子宫因素不孕308例。妇科诊断治疗仪采用微电脑自动控制药液进入子宫腔的输入量及压强,精确测量宫腔容积。

    Since May of1988,308 uteruses sterility women have been treated with automatic control apparatus of Gynaecology , which can control input medicine volume and intensity of pressure into uteruses .

  29. 滋阴益气、息风活血通络法对糖尿病大鼠坐骨神经雪旺细胞凋亡影响的实验研究

    The Experiment Study of Nourishing Yin , Invigorating Qi , Extinguishing Wind , Promoting Blood Circulation and Draining Collateral Method of the Sciatic Nerve Schwann Cells Apoptosis of DM Rats

  30. 结论:温针灸痉挛关节周围的阴经穴位能有效地柔筋舒经、活血通络、缓除关节部的肌腱、韧带的痉挛,从而改善关节活动度。

    Conclusion : Warm needling at acupoints of the Yin Channel surrounding the spasmodic joints can relieve effectively spasm of muscle tendon and ligament in the joint region to improve mobility of joints .