
  • 网络Massage techniques;manipulations
  1. 两种按摩手法缓解产妇乳胀症状的比较

    A Comparison of the Breast Distension Relieving Effects of Two Massage Manipulations

  2. 手法选择直推与指压,分别代表轻、重按摩手法。

    The finger straight moving and finger pressure methods were chosen to represent the light and heavy massage manipulations separately .

  3. 用SD大白鼠的联体小腿三头肌进行了300次实验,论证了中医按摩手法&捏在截瘫组或去脊髓组都具有延长肌肉工作时间、推迟疲劳产生的生理效应。

    A total of 300 experiments were carried out on SD white rats ' shank triceps connected with their paraplegic bodies and results showed that the traditional Chinese method of kneading massotherapy could help lengthen the working time of muscles and delay the occurrence of fatigue .

  4. 针刺结合矫形按摩手法治疗颈椎病30例疗效观察义肢矫形及足病诊疗

    Acupuncture Combined with Orthopedic Massage Manipulation in Treating 30 Cases of Cervical Spondylosis

  5. 他的按摩手法非常好。

    His massage rule and program is very good .

  6. 结论刘氏按摩手法治疗青少年颈椎病疗效明显。

    Conclusion Liu 's massage technique is effective on cervical vertebra disease of teenagers .

  7. 目的:探讨儿童注意力缺陷多动症的按摩手法治疗方法及机制。

    OBJECTIVE : To probe manipulation and mechanism of massage on ADHD in children .

  8. 按摩手法和穴位注射对骨骼肌拉伤治疗的临床观察

    Clinic Observation of the Treatment of Skeletal Muscular Strain with Massage and Tempt Injection

  9. 按摩手法捏对肌肉疲劳的影响

    Effect of Kneading Massotherapy in Removing Muscular Fatigue

  10. 运动保健的按摩手法及应用

    Sport Health Care Massage Technique and Application

  11. 女子手球运动损伤特点及郑氏按摩手法的应用

    Characteristics of Sports Injuries in Female Handball Players and Application of Zheng 's Massage Manipulation

  12. 方法:单纯采用按摩手法治疗儿童注意力缺陷多动症患儿33例。

    INTERVENTIONS : Simple massage manipulation was adopted in treatment of the 33 ADHD children .

  13. 治疗组40例,采用中医疗法(针刺及按摩手法)治疗;

    The treatment group of40 patients , using Chinese medicine ( acupuncture and massage ) treatment ;

  14. 目的观察针刺结合矫形按摩手法治疗颈椎病的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of acupuncture combined with orthopedic massage manipulation on cervical spondylosis .

  15. 股内侧肌和腓肠肌疲劳后反应时的变化及郑氏按摩手法的干预效应

    Effect of Zheng 's massage on the reaction time of muscle vastus medialis and gastrocnemius after fatigue

  16. 轻重按摩手法拮抗家兔内毒素发热的对比观察

    Contrast Observation on the Antagonistic Action of Light and Heavy Massage Manipulations to the Rabbit 's Endotoxic Fever

  17. 目的探讨杨青山深部揉压按摩手法和常规按摩手法对椎动脉型颈椎病的不同疗效。

    Objective To investigate respectively different curative effects of Yang Qing-shans deep kneading-pressing manipulation and other routine massage manipulations .

  18. 采用配方精华油加上特别按摩手法,令颈部实时收紧颈纹。

    Using the special blend of pure essential oil , micro-neck therapy massage , improves skin tone and elasticity .

  19. 本片详细讲述了如何运用按摩手法,对头部、上肢、腰部、下肢和足部穴位进行养生保健。

    This film will introduce how hand massage can be applied on the acupoints of head , upper limbs , haunch , crura and feet .

  20. 精心把震动、拿、捏、颤多种按摩手法用现代划技术存储在微电脑芯片中。

    Carefully the vibration , the massage , rubs pinches , inspires trembles the many kinds of massages technique to delimit with the modern age the technology to save in the microcomputer chip .

  21. 目的:观察股内侧肌和腓肠肌疲劳后反应时的变化及应用郑怀贤教授创立的郑氏按摩手法对这种变化的影响。

    AIM : To observe the changes of reaction time of muscle vastus medialis and gastrocnemius after fatigue and the interventional effects of Zheng 's massage initiated by Zheng Huaixian on the changes .

  22. 通过对按摩手法建模和分析,制定了双臂协调控制系统的方案。在第一代中医按摩机器人运动控制系统的基础上,完成了按摩机器人双臂协调控制系统的设计。

    With modeling of the massage tactics and the research of dual-arm Coordinated Control , the author completed the designation of the dual-arm coordinated control system on the basis of the first generation of Chinese massage robot .

  23. 方法根据经络学说的理论和针炙的临床实践经验[1],选取具有通经活络、补气生血作用的穴位,运用按摩手法按压穴位进行治疗,定名为指针疗法。

    Methods On the basis of meridian theory and acupuncture practical experience in clinic , selecting the points with the functions of expediting channel and activating meridian , invigorating vital energy and blood , pressing these points through massage tact , and the above therapeutic method was named finger therapeutics .

  24. 推拿按摩要求手法持久、有力、均匀、柔和,从而达到渗透的目的。

    Traditional massage requires that manipulation should be permanent forceful even and soft so as to be deep and thorough .

  25. 对腰椎间盘突出症的相关生理解剖特点、临床表现及其发生机制进行了探讨,提出了一些有针对性的推拿按摩治疗手法。

    By means of analyzing the feature and the clinical case of slipped lumbar vertebra disk , this paper puts forward some pointful method to treat the case .

  26. 运用现代原理和微电脑高科技术,尽可能模仿专业按摩师的手法及技巧。

    Using the modern mechanism and the microcomputer high branch technology , imitate the specialized massage technique and the skill as far as possible .

  27. 本次研究的研究过程及研究工作的心得体会为规范化工作提供了较有利的参考资料,现有的文本对于按摩推拿学手法规范化工作提供了参考的模版。

    This research course and experience of research work offer more favorable reference for the standardization work , the existing text also offer a reference template to the standardization work in Massage technique .

  28. 在研究进展过程中,研究者着实对于如何进行按摩推拿学手法规范化的途径和关键指标,以形成相对规范化的描述方法,开展了较为深入的探索和研究。

    During the research the researcher focus on how to find the right way and key Indicators in the standardization of Massage technique , more In-depth exploration and research to form the description of a relatively standardized approach .

  29. 综合上文所做的运动学分析和路径规划研究,通过对按摩机器人各种按摩手法的建模与分析,完成了中医按摩机器人双臂协调控制系统的设计。

    Integrated the kinematics analysis and the path planning studies made above , with modeling and analyzing the various massage forms . the dual-arm coordinated control system of the Chinese message robot was designed .

  30. 慢性软组织损害的治疗除药物、理疗外,中国特有的推拿按摩、针灸、手法及银质针松解术在治疗慢性软组织损伤中发挥了重要作用。

    Drug administration and physiotherapy are the routine therapy for chronic soft tissue injury , and massage , acupuncture , maneuver and release in traditional Chinese medicine play an important role in the treatment of chronic soft tissue injury .