
  • massage chair;massage armchair
  1. 基于PIC系列单片机的电动按摩椅的研制

    Research of Electric Massage Chair based on Series of PIC Singlechip Microcomputer

  2. 总部驻上海的中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)的雷小山(ShaunRein)表示:中国官员正在寻求更低调的礼物,可以在家中消费的东西,比如医药或按摩椅。

    Chinese officials are looking for more discreet gifts , something that can be consumed in the home , like medicine , or a massage chair , says Shaun Rein , of China Market Research in Shanghai .

  3. 基于LIN总线的汽车按摩椅控制系统研究

    Research of car massage armchair control system based on LIN-bus

  4. 这栋豪宅的3D影院配有环绕音效系统和按摩椅,还收藏了一些好莱坞大片的DVD影碟,其中包括《肖申克的救赎》(ShawshankRedemption)和《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》(AliceinWonderland)。

    And the mansion 's 3-D cinema has Surround-sound , massage chairs , and a small collection of Hollywood hits on DVD , including Shawshank Redemption and Alice in Wonderland .

  5. 龙城(dragonmart)希望成为中国商品在海外最大的贸易中心,这里的4000家企业,销售着从机械到安全系统、从塑料玩具到按摩椅等各种商品。

    With 4000 Chinese businesses selling everything from machinery to security systems , plastic toys to massage chairs , the Dragon mart is hoping to become the largest trading hub abroad for Chinese products .

  6. 随后销售人员将会劝说顾客买下按摩椅。

    Later , the clerk will try to persuade the customer to buy the chair .

  7. 谷歌公司十分宠爱员工,工作中为他们提供按摩椅和台球桌。

    Google pampers its employees by offering them massage armchairs and billiard tables at work .

  8. 按摩椅液晶终端显示人机界面系统的研制

    Research of the Human-Machine Interface System of the Liquid Crystal Terminal Display for Massage Chair

  9. 按摩椅的按摩功能:系统内定程序,速度和强度可调;

    Massage function of massage chair : system built in program , speed and adjustable speed ;

  10. 这个按摩椅好软好舒服,如果能一直坐在上面就好了。

    Nina : This massage chair is so comfortable . I wish I could just keep sitting on it .

  11. 专业生产按摩椅、按摩床、按摩垫、按摩器具等高科技健康产品。

    Professional production of massage chairs , massage table , massage pad , massage appliances and other high-tech health products .

  12. 对大多数人来说,办公室里的免费按摩椅和无限量美食可以将工作环境变为世外桃源。

    To most people , free massages at the office and unlimited servings of gourmet food would help turn a workplace into a mini oasis .

  13. 只要是有肌肉拉伤、韧带骨骼发炎、高血压、心脏病、坐骨神经痛、骨质酥松等等毛病的人,都不能坐按摩椅。

    Anyone suffering from a muscle strain , inflammation of ligaments , high blood pressure , heart disease , sciatica or osteoporosis should not use a massage chair .

  14. 在你午休时跑去当地的美甲沙龙,并坐15分钟的按摩椅。

    Get a Quickie Rubdown : Run to a local nail salon on your lunch break , and get a15-minute chair massage ( they offer them at most places ) .

  15. 附设高级按摩椅、蒸汽浴室、按摩浴缸、情趣椅,舒适、浪漫、尊荣享受,尽在海德堡。

    The ancillary or subsidiary organization of the advanced massage chair , sauna , massage bathtub , temperament and interest chair , comfortable , romantic , the rank and honour is enjoyed , all in Hi-motel .

  16. 在五星电器,只要顾客开始浏览大件商品,五星电器的销售人员就会给顾客递上圣女果、一杯热水,有时还会给顾客提供一张按摩椅。

    The moment a customer starts browsing a big-ticket item , a Five Star sales clerk will offer the shopper cherry tomatoes , a cup of hot water to sip or some time in a massage chair .

  17. TC801芯片可行的输入选择及通用计时功能可以使该芯片应用到许多场合,如广泛应用于多品种、多系列的电熨斗、按摩椅、停车报警定时、各种小家电控制器等消费类电子产品中。

    The optionally input mode and generally count function make the chip fit for lots of occasions , such as used widely in all kinds of electric iron , kneading seat , parking time alarm , controller of various home wiring .

  18. 而对许多前谷歌员工来说,谷歌众所周知的高级员工福利并不能使他们在工作中感到幸福,现在他们已经开始在网上吐槽谷歌,抱怨休息室里的按摩椅太吵,整体气场过于热情。

    But to a growing number of former Google employees , the company 's well-publicized perks are not enough to keep them happy at their jobs and now they 've taken to the internet to complain about the noisy massage chairs in the nap rooms and overly enthusiastic corporate following .

  19. 除非她舍得过来看看spend:度过bliss:极乐,狂喜星期六早上是她的按摩时间经过昨晚的事extra:额外的massage:按摩我想她要在按摩椅上多待一会儿了对了给你admirer:仰慕者、求爱者有追求者了哦

    That would require her stopping by . Saturday mornings are spent at , bliss , and after last night , I think she could use some extra , time on the massage table . - Jenny : Well , here . Somebody has an admirer .