
  • 网络Right Offering;Share Flotation;TRADE SALE
  1. 电讯盈科委托投行瑞银(ubs)就此次股权出售提供建议,瑞银昨天拒绝置评。

    UBS , the investment bank hired by PCCW to advise on the sale of the stake , yesterday declined to comment .

  2. 其中一个例外是南非的标准银行(StandardBank),该行已扩张至非洲各地,并于近期将20%股权出售给资金雄厚的中国工商银行(ICBC)。

    One exception is South Africa 's Standard Bank , which has expanded across the continent and recently sold a 20 per cent stake to the deep-pocketed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  3. 知情人士表示,安盛最近已聘请摩根士丹利(morganstanley)担任此次股权出售的顾问。

    AXA recently appointed Morgan Stanley to advise on the sale , which has been triggered by regulatory demands , said people familiar with the situation .

  4. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)目前暂时无法得知这两次股权出售究竟会让华平对泰山石化的总体投资以盈利、还是亏损告终。

    Fortune has not been able to learn if the stock sales and buyout offer would result in a net gain or loss for Warburg Pincus on the overall Titan investment .

  5. 一年前开始运营的香港甘泉航空(Oasis)已同意以3000万美元将5%至10%的股权出售给资产管理公司ValuePartners。

    Oasis , a Hong Kong carrier that started flying a year ago , has agreed to sell a stake of between 5 and 10 per cent to Value Partners , an asset manager , for $ 30m .

  6. 爱立信于2011年退出了手机市场,当时该公司将其在合资企业索尼-爱立信(SonyEricsson)所持股权出售给了索尼。

    The Swedish company got out of mobile phones in 2011 when it sold its stake in the Sony Ericsson joint venture back to the Japanese group .

  7. 直到最近,韩德胜还一直支持将欧宝55%的股权出售给Magna的交易。

    Up until recently , Mr. Henderson had been a proponent of a deal that would sell 55 % of Opel to Magna .

  8. 上周二,他却将美邦的多数股权出售给了摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),获得65亿美元股东权益,他现在正在兜售花旗的其它部门,包括美国的消费者金融业务。

    On Tuesday , he sold Morgan Stanley a majority in Smith Barney to gain $ 6.5bn of equity and he is now hawking other divisions , including consumer finance in the US .

  9. 双方两年前达成协议,秋明BP将把控股权出售给Gazprom,但交易迄今未完成,原因同样是由于价格分歧。

    The two sides reached agreement two years ago that TNK-BP would sell control to the Russian gas group but the deal is yet to be completed , also because of disagreement over price .

  10. 俄罗斯最大的投资银行之一&资本复兴公司(RenaissanceCapital)昨日表示,将以5亿美元价格把50%股权出售给一位亿万富翁;上周俄罗斯市场出现十年来最大跌幅,推动了这桩交易。

    Renaissance Capital , one of Russia 's biggest investment banks , yesterday said it was selling a 50 per cent stake to a billionaire oligarch for $ 500m in a deal accelerated by the steepest declines on the Russian market in a decade last week .

  11. 如今,李泽楷旗下控股公司的少数股东又投票否决相关计划,拒绝将电讯盈科23%控股权出售给李泽楷之父、亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)参与的一个财团。

    Now minority shareholders at Mr Li 's holding company have voted down a proposal to sell the controlling 23 per cent stake in PCCW to a consortium that included his father , billionaire Li Ka-shing .

  12. 福布斯(Forbes)家族同意将其传媒帝国大量的少数股权出售给摇滚明星波诺(Bono)旗下的收购基金Elevation,交易价值约为3亿美元。

    The Forbes family has agreed to sell a large minority stake in its media empire to Elevation , the buy-out fund of rock star Bono , in a deal worth about $ 300m .

  13. 几位行业专家表示,bg集团考虑将其欣欣向荣的油气业务的少数股权出售,对此感兴趣的公司之中就有中国石油公司的身影。

    Several industry specialists said that the UK energy group BG had considered the sale of a minority stake in its thriving oil and gas business and that Chinese oil companies had been among those interested .

  14. 业界巨头李泽楷(richardli)旗下的香港固话电信集团电讯盈科(pccw)昨日表示,计划将一些核心资产重组至一个独立的控股集团,并将新公司45%的股权出售给投资者。

    PCCW , the Hong Kong fixed-line telecoms group chaired by tycoon Richard Li , said yesterday it planned to fold some of its core assets into a separate holding group and sell up to 45 per cent of the new company to investors .

  15. 作为获得约1.25亿美元初创资金计划的一部分,总部位于马来西亚的AirAsiaX正进行相关谈判,将20%的股权出售给私人股本投资者。AirAsiaX是东南亚最大低价航空公司的长途航空子公司。

    AirAsia X , a Malaysia-based long-haul offshoot of south-east Asia 's largest budget airline , is in talks to sell a 20 per cent stake to private equity investors as part of plans to secure around $ 125m in start-up capital .

  16. 美国最大的椰汁销售商VitaCoco周一宣布达成协议,以1.66亿美元左右(约合10亿元人民币)的价格,把25%的股权出售给红牛中国的所有方。

    Vita Coco , the biggest seller of coconut water in the United States , agreed on Monday to sell a 25 percent stake in itself to the owner of Red Bull China for about $ 166 million .

  17. 但今年7月初,牛根生将蒙牛20%的股权出售给了由中国最大的食品进出口公司、国有的中粮集团(COFCO)牵头的一个财团。

    But in early July , Mr Niu sold a 20 per cent stake to a consortium led by state-owned China National Oils , Foodstuffs and Cereals Corp , China 's largest importer and exporter of food .

  18. 于是他们考虑将股权出售给更大的公司。

    so they considered selling the rights to a larger company .

  19. 国有股权出售的国际比较

    Sale of state-owned equity : international comparison

  20. 同时,沃达丰也在研究将股权出售给另一家电信集团的可能性。

    Vodafone has also been examining the possibility of selling its stake to another telecoms group .

  21. 麦智信表示,美国国际集团可能会将多笔少数股权出售给不同的投资者。

    Mr Wilson says that AIG could sell a number of minority stakes to different investors .

  22. 一些股权出售通过纳斯达克等平台进行;很多甚至连这些私人市场也避开。

    Some sales occur through platforms such as Nasdaq ; many sidestep even these private markets .

  23. 两家公司一致表示,此次股权出售交易不会影响双方个人电脑合资企业的经营状况。

    The sale would not affect the status of the PC joint venture , both companies said .

  24. 未来的股权出售,决不能是上世纪90年代阴暗内幕交易的重演。

    Future stake sales must not be a repeat of the shady insider deals of the 1990s .

  25. 盈科拓展的股东特别大会将于今年年内召开,以批准这起股权出售交易。

    The special meeting of PCRD investors will be called this year to endorse the sale of the stake .

  26. 那天下午,塞恩会见了刘易斯,准备讨论将美林少数股权出售给美国银行的问题。

    That afternoon , Thain met Lewis ready to discuss the sale of a minority stake in Merrill Lynch .

  27. 力拓提出将世界各地铜、铁矿石及铝资产的少数股权出售给中铝。

    Rio proposes to sell Chinalco minority stakes in copper , iron ore and aluminium assets around the world .

  28. 这些银行的大股东都在观望永隆银行股权出售的进程,从中了解永隆银行股权估价的情况。

    Major shareholders in those institutions are watching the Wing Lung process to see the valuation put on their rival .

  29. 过去两周,有3家亚洲低成本航空公司宣布了股权出售计划,以获取扩张资金。

    Three Asian low-cost airlines have announced plans to sell equity to secure funding for expansion over the past two weeks .

  30. 华为渴望将相当大一部分股权出售给一家私人股本公司,以提高该部门在美国的销售额。

    Huawei is keen to sell a sizeable stake to a private equity firm to help the division boost US sales .