
ɡǔ fèn zhì qǐ yè
  • joint-stock enterprise/business
  1. 基于MBO及现代股份制企业治理结构修正模型的国有中小企业治理结构的完善

    Perfecting the Corporate Governance of the SMEs Based on MBO and the Modifying Model of the Corporate Governance of Share-holding Enterprises

  2. G公司是成都医药行业一家股份制企业,现阶段在公司内部管理、外部营销都遇到了发展瓶颈,有人力资源方面也有其特殊背景本身所带来的问题。

    G Corporation is a Chengdu pharmaceutical share-owned company , the present stage in the company internal management and exterior marketing had all met the developing the bottleneck , which was brought by both the human resources aspect and its special background .

  3. CX公司成立于一九九五年十月,是经外经贸部批准有自主外贸进出口经营权和边境小额贸易经营权的民营股份制企业。

    CX Company was established in October , 1995 , a private-owned international trade enterprise with import & export and Border Trade rights approved by the former MOFTEC .

  4. LS建材集团有限公司地处美丽的海滨城市青岛,是一家集PVC塑料型材,门窗制造,上游化工原料生产为一体的民营股份制企业。

    LS Building Materials Group Co. , Ltd. is located in the beautiful coastal city Qingdao , Is a collection of PVC plastic material , doors and Windows manufacturing ; upstream the chemical raw materials production as one of the private joint-stock enterprise .

  5. 借鉴微分对策的思想,结合最优控制理论中Pon-tryagin极大值原理和VanLoon路径耦合方法,研究了两家股份制企业之间不断协调和相互适应的博弈过程;

    A dynamic corporate firm model was developed for differential games , with the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin combined with the path coupling procedure of van Loon to analyze the coordinating and adapting processes of the firms in games .

  6. 方法随机抽取嘉兴市即将破产的企业、国有企业、股份制企业职工各100名为研究对象,采用SCL-90、LES问卷对3组职工对象进行调查。

    Methods Random sampling was used to choose 100 subjects from the employees in the bankrupt enterprise , the state-owned enterprise , and the stock-company type enterprise of Jiaxing city . The symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and the life events scale ( LES ) were applied in questionnaire surveys .

  7. 股份制企业财务评价指标体系初探

    Research on index System of Appraising Finance for Share System Enterprises

  8. 我国股份制企业完善构建经理人约束机制的对策研究

    Study on the constraint mechanism to managers of corporate in China

  9. 股份制企业融资及其风险研究

    The Study of Finance and Financial Risk of Publicly Held Company

  10. 股份制企业管理责任分解

    Resolution of Responsibilities in the Management of Share - issuing Enterprise

  11. 我国国有股份制企业的委托代理关系分析

    Analysis of the Principal-agent Relationship of the State-owned Stock Enterprises

  12. 中国股份制企业分配制度的改革与完善

    The Reform and Inprovement of the Chinese Joint-Stock Enterprises ' Distribution Institution

  13. 海星超市,是西安股份制企业海星集团的全资子公司。

    Sea-star Supermarket is one subsidiary company of Sea-star group .

  14. 试论国有股份制企业实行期股制的不适应性

    Unavailability of executive stock option for state owned limited companies

  15. 股份制企业投资决策原则分析

    An Analysis of Joint-stock Enterprises ' Principles of Investment Decision

  16. 中国股份制企业会计监督体系创新研究

    Research on Accountant Surveillance System Innovation of Chinese Stock Enterprise

  17. 稳健性原则在股份制企业中应用刍议

    The application of conservatism principle in the accounting of the joint-stock enterprise

  18. 晚清人士对股份制企业组织形式优势的认识

    Stock-enterprises : Its Organizational Form and Advantages in the Late Qing Dynasty

  19. 股份制企业筹资最佳资金结构的确定

    Determination of optimal capital structure for fund raising in corporation

  20. 赣州五环机器有限责任公司是一家民营股份制企业。

    As a privately-owned stock enterprise , Ganzhou Wuhuan Machine Co.

  21. 将物质资本股权扩展到人力资本股权是一个发展趋势&对两种不同股份制企业的调查

    Stockholders ' Right from Material Capital to Human Capital is a Developing Trend

  22. 近代中国的第一批股份制企业

    The First Batch of Joint-stock Enterprises in Modern China

  23. 浅谈岩金矿山股份制企业经营内涵

    Elementary introduction to managing intension of the joint-stock company of rock gold mine

  24. 浅谈如何搞好股份制企业中的交通专业保障队伍整组

    How to Have Reorganization of Professional Guarantee Contingent of Communications in Stock Enterprise

  25. (二)设立或者改制为股份制企业以及其他经济组织的。

    Those which establish or are restructured into joint-stock enterprises or other economic organization .

  26. 关于股份制企业真实性审计的探讨

    Study on Reality Auditing in Share System Enterprises

  27. 我国股份制企业统计指标体系设置初探

    Research of Statistic System Index of Stock Enterprises

  28. 中国股份制企业股本权益分析

    Analysis on Chinese Joint - Stock Enterprises Equity

  29. 天津港储运股份制企业设备管理实践与思考

    Equipment Management Practice and Think about Store and Transport Stock Enterprise in Tianjin Port

  30. 奇瑞公司是由安徽地方国有投资公司投资创建的国有股份制企业。

    Chery is a state-owned shareholding enterprise established by Anhui local state-owned investment company .