- 网络financier

As a Financier , financing difficulty getting smaller and smaller , at the same time , the need to follow the rules will be more and stricter .
From matching financier and investor , evolution under informational asymmetry and market maker system of the OTC market , this paper can build the theoretical framework of the OTC market .
Multi-layer OTC market provides more choices for the majority of investors and financiers , who meet different conditions can find their appropriate projects in different layer markets .
First of all it is the basic concept of REITs , REITs operation mode , and the advantages of REITs from three aspects , namely the perspective of investors , financiers , and government using comparative analysis method summary outlines .
Financial market can constantly create new products and satisfy the needs of investors and enterprises .
From the financiers , investors , to regulators , everyone will face a new era .
Due to its unique risk-return attributes , convertible bonds are welcomed by both issuers and investors .
Catalytic role : the way a project encourages other potential cofinancers to join in the project .
Participants pay investors an agreed percentage of their salary for a required period , usually 10 years .
Investment bank connecting corporations and corporations , investors and raisers , is a kind of financial industry with intense intelligence .
The diverse needs of financial services of investors and financiers decide the capital market should be a multi-level marketing system .
To the extent necessary , issuers may separately provide information to investor and to investor 's legal tax and investment decisions .
The convertible bonds has become a favor for investors and capital raisers because of its flexibility , security and high return .
Currently , the city of Chongqing municipal and district ( county ) levels , the government of Chongqing is a major highway construction project for the financier .
In order to re-allocate risks rising from asymmetric information among investors and people who need money , legislators emphasize using effective disclosure systems to protect investors in securities market .
The convertible bond is a kind of mixed financial tool and is welcomed by investors and factors , and the convertible bond market already has been developed into the independent bond market .
Because the convertible bond has the dual natures of bonds and stock option concurrently , has met the needs of investors and the factor , it has brought the benefits that simple stock and simple bond cannot achieved alone .
From the perspective of investors , securitization of assets acts as a good investment instrument : assets are based on securities , which helps to form a new financing source between investors and those who are in need of funds .
Corporate governance is a series mechanisms in place to ensure that the assets of the firm are used efficiently , guaranteeing the suppliers of finance a return on their investment , must restrict the actions which the assets owned stockholders are inappropriate assigned to management .
Once the SMC arises , it will trigger the complete capital chain shrink effect and estimated capital price collapsing effect that will cause great loss of investors , fund raisers and other market event participants and have strong negative impact on financial system and entity economy .
The paper tried to apply the herding , reputation-based herding and incentive-system-base herding to analyze the financing decisions of listed companies .
From the direct effects of non-formal financial and regulatory intervention for the indirect effect of non-formal financial analysis of two levels of departure , the funders , government regulation and financing of the three main funding needs together .
This year Didi also invested $ 100m in Lyft , in a financing round led by Rakuten that included Chinese internet groups Alibaba and Tencent .
Even though homeowners who refinanced at low rates would be " locked in " , there would be nasty consequences from rising rates .
Hony Capital and Legend Holdings , both Beijing-based investment groups , led the Series F round .
Microfinance loan is a financial activity trying to finance the low-income group and help the impoverished .
In many Chinese ports , the vessel planning and financing methods merely based on the experience of decision makers .
Capital structure has a significant positive influence on manager expropriation , which means leverage can not restrain managers from expropriation behavior .
Further research found that , in the choice of debt financing , the higher the concentrated degree of managerial power , the longer maturity is .
The financial contract of the start-up is the cooperative contract between capitalist and entrepreneur where entrepreneur is the central contractor in order to combine produce factor with each other .