
  1. 基于EVA模型对我国上市公司资金使用效率进行了实证分析。

    Based on model of EVA , this article analyses the efficiency of capital raised by Chinese public companies .

  2. 加强内部结算管理提高资金使用效率

    Strengthen Management of Internal Accounting , Raise Efficiency of Capital Use

  3. 林业企业提高资金使用效率的途径

    Ways of Increasing the Fund Used Efficiency by the Forest Enterprise

  4. 规范财政支出管理提高财政资金使用效率

    Standardizing Fiscal Expenditure Management , Increasing Fiscal Funds Usage Efficiency

  5. 另外,还存在着部分资金使用效率不高的问题。

    In addition , there remains the problem of fund use efficiency .

  6. 利用竞标机制提高政府生态资金使用效率

    Introduce the Bidding Scheme to Improve the Efficiency of Government Ecological Funds

  7. 高校预算管理与资金使用效率初探

    Research on Budget Management of College Financial Affairs and Its Capital Efficiency

  8. 江西省上市公司募集资金使用效率的探析

    Analysis on Efficiency of Fund-raising of Jiangxi Listed Companies

  9. 上市公司配股募集资金使用效率是高是低?

    Whether the efficiency is high or low ?

  10. 上市公司募集资金使用效率分析

    Efficiency of Capital Raised by Chinese Public Companies

  11. 资金使用效率低;

    Low efficiency in the use of capital ;

  12. 你有没有考虑到当地的资源并提高资金使用效率?

    Have you leveraged local resource to supplement and enhance the funds you seek ?

  13. 资金使用效率低下、风险大;

    Funds usage is inefficient and risky ;

  14. 报告还讨论了如何通过更明智的支出,进一步提高资金使用效率。

    The report also addresses ways to stretch resources further by spending them more wisely .

  15. 明确财政支持方向,提高资金使用效率。

    And clearly defining the direction of financial support , and boosting efficiency in fund use .

  16. 浅谈提高教育资金使用效率

    The efficiency of educational funds investment

  17. 减少拨付环节,提高资金使用效率。

    ( e ) reduced the procedure in allocation to improve efficiency in the use of funds .

  18. 只有资金使用效率高,企业的绩效才有大的提高。

    Only getting the high efficiency in the use of funds , the performance of enterprises can be greatly improved .

  19. 这包括非政府组织可能会借参与社会救助的名义敛财或者资金使用效率低下等问题。

    This includes non-governmental organizations may participate in social assistance by the name of money-making or inefficient use of funds .

  20. 这些会促进我国海事单位改革现有的预算管理方法,优化资源配置、提高资金使用效率,并且保证交通事业单位正常行使其公共职能。

    These results will accelerate maritime institution to promote budget management , optimize resource and make use of capital efficiently .

  21. 家具企业对库存管理重视不够,导致库存费用高,资金使用效率低。

    Furniture enterprises attach little importance to inventory management , which leads to high inventory cost and low capital utility .

  22. 有委托理财的公司和无委托理财的公司在募集资金使用效率方面存在显著性差异,有委托理财的公司募集资金使用效率较低。

    There is a significant difference in the use of equity financing fund between non - entrusting companies and entrusting companies .

  23. 政府现金管理改革兴起于20世纪70年代,其目的是提高公共资金使用效率,降低政府的机会成本。

    The reform of government cash management started in early 1970s to improve the efficiency of public capital and reduce opportunity cost .

  24. 最终在设计保证金的过程中,可以充分避免保证金过高占用给投资者带来的资金使用效率低下。

    Eventually in the design margin of the process , can fully avoid margin too occupied to investors the fund using efficiency .

  25. 二是发展风险投资有利于优化配置资源,提高资金使用效率,丰富投资方式;

    It 's beneficial to optimize the combination of resources , improve the efficiency of capital utilization , and enrich the investment styles .

  26. 国库集中支付制度有效地提高了财政资金使用效率、加强了财政支出的监督管理。

    The system has effectively increased the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds , strengthened the supervision and management of financial expenditure .

  27. 本文分析了扶贫资金使用效率低下的深层次原因,提出了进行信贷扶贫方式改革的思路。

    The paper analyzes the deep reason of low fund-utility efficiency and advances thoughts on reforming the way of poverty reduction through credits .

  28. 企业在生产经营活动中,由于应收账款的增加,造成流动资金使用效率下降。

    In production and business activities of enterprise , due to increment of account receivable , the application efficiency of flow funds is decreased .

  29. 财政主导型企业融资模式为我国在较短的时间内奠定工业化基础发挥了较高的配置效率,但同时也存在着资金使用效率低下、资金短缺等缺陷。

    This mode establish the basis of industrialization of our country in short period , but efficiency is low and capital is hard up .

  30. 教育主管部门和学校如何通过加强财务管理,提高教育资金使用效率尤为重要。

    It is very important for educational administrative departments and schools to increase the efficiency of educational funds investment through improving the financial management .