
  1. 他对封建文化教育的揭露和批判,是资产阶级改良派要求废科举、兴学校的先声。

    His exposing and critical to feudal education was the beginning of abolishing imperial exam and advocating school education .

  2. 严复是我国19世纪末资产阶级改良派的代表人物之一,他的学说深受西方近代思想的影响。

    Yan Fu is our country one of19 century 's end bourgeoisie reformist 's representative personages , his theory depth Western modern times thought influence .

  3. 其原因为社会改革,西学东渐,文体发展和资产阶级改良派使然。在中国文学理论批评史上是一个光辉的里程碑。

    Which took shape by the social reformation , spread of western culture to the orient , the development of literal style , and the promotion from capital reformists .

  4. 《新民丛报》是20世纪初资产阶级改良派创办的一种重要刊物,是中国新文化运动的舆论阵地之一。

    《 Xinmin Series Newspaper > 》 was an important publication started by the bourgeois reformists in the early period of the 20th century , as well as one of the public opinion fields of the Chinese New Cultural Movement .

  5. 1012年,辛亥革命后第二年,京师大学堂更名为北京大学,当时著名的资产阶级改良派、启蒙思想家、翻译家严复受聘为北京大学第一任校长。

    In i912 , the second year after the1911 revolution , the Imperial University changed its name to Peking university , and the then well-known bourgeois reformist , enlightenment thinker and translator Yan Fu was appointed as the first president of Peking university .

  6. 戊戌维新时间虽然短暂,成果虽说不太明显,但它力图挽救民族危亡,顺应了时代潮流,是资产阶级改良派的一次伟大尝试。

    Hundred Days Reform , the time of which is short , the results of which is less obvious , but it trying to save the nation from peril , conformed to the trend of the times , which were a great attempt at the bourgeois reformists .

  7. 鸦片战争后,随着治外法权的丧失、国际监狱改良运动的发展以及中西法律思想的碰撞融合,以资产阶级改良派为代表的近代监狱改良思想初步形成。

    After the Opium War , with the loss of the extraterritoriality , the development of the international prison-reforming movement and the collision and fusion of the Chinese and Western law thoughts , the modern prison-reforming thoughts that took the bourgeois reformists as the representatives came into being .