
lì dài
  • past dynasties;successive dynasties;through the ages
历代 [lì dài]
  • (1) [past dynasties]∶以往各代

  • 历代王朝

  • (2) [through the ages]∶过去的整个年代

  • 历代名画

历代[lì dài]
  1. 春秋婚姻制度自创建以来既被以后历代所沿袭。

    Marriage systems of Spring and Autumn have been followed by successive dynasties of afterwards .

  2. 《关帝历代显圣志传》中的关羽形象与叙事策略

    The Image of Guan Yu and the Narrative Tactics in Biography of Emperor Kuan in Successive Dynasties

  3. 他保存了历代名人的著作。

    He kept books by all the great names and authorities .

  4. 宠用奸佞是历代王朝亡国的重要原因。

    Bestowing favor on a dubious sycophant often leads to the downfall of dynasties .

  5. AMD的病因及发病机制仍未完全阐明,通过历代长期研究与反复实践,使之逐渐丰富和完善。

    The cause and the happening mechanism of AMD are still not expounded perfectly .

  6. 本文总结了历代IGBT的结构性能特点,介绍了IGBT基本结构的工作原理。

    The characteristics of past IGBT structure and the principle of basic IGBT are also discussed in this paper .

  7. 福建省历代森林封禁碑考析

    Research on Closed Forest Steles of Successive Dynasties in Fujian province

  8. 他家收藏了许多历代的名人字画。

    His family has collected many famous paintings through the ages .

  9. 上巳节的活动内容,历代都有变化。

    The activities of the Shangsi Festival have varied with times .

  10. 盐枭走私是食盐专卖制度下历代政府关注的问题,值得研究。

    Abstract Salt smuggling was an important problem in the dynasties .

  11. 中国历代冶铁生产的分布及其变迁述论

    The Distribution and Its Change of Iron Metallurgical Industry in China

  12. 北京历代帝王庙的综合价值评估

    A Comprehensive Appraisal of Successive Dynasties of Emperor Temple in Beijing

  13. 青海历代屯田垦殖对草原生态环境的影响

    The Impact of Successive Garrison Reclamation in Qinghai on Ecological Environment

  14. 炎帝文化是中华文明的源泉,经过历代提炼、重铸,贯穿于中华民族延续发展的整个历史过程之中。

    The Emperor Yan culture is the source of Chinese civilization .

  15. 关于内蒙古西部地区历史地震问题&读《内蒙古历代自然灾害史料》震灾部分的思考

    Speculation on Historical Earthquake in West Region in Inner Mongolia

  16. 冀南地区解放前历代交通状况考

    Observation on the past traffic state in South Hebei Province before liberation

  17. 民族观及民族思想是对民族和民族问题的基本认识,我国历代都有不同的民族观和民族思想。

    The ethnic thought is basic understanding about ethnic groups and relation .

  18. 策论是历代科举考试中最重要的文体之一。

    Ce-lun is the most important style of Imperial Examinations .

  19. 明王朝历代统治者对其都非常重视。

    In Ming dynasty rulers for its are very seriously .

  20. 并经由历代政府的扶植、推崇以及诸朝名家先贤的继承和发扬,最终发展成为半岛上妇孺皆知的思想。

    Fostered by every dynasty government , praised , inherit and develop .

  21. 历代认为人的寿域为120岁,超越此岁数方可称长寿;

    It is said that people ought to be 120 year old .

  22. 而历代宫殿建筑,又是中国古代建筑中的精华部分;

    And the palaces , is the essence of ancient Chinese architecture ;

  23. 妇女所扮演的角色历代始终未变。

    Woman 's role has remained static throughout the ages .

  24. 方法:查阅历代的本草典籍,进行了整理、归纳。

    Methods : Look through the herbal works , then sum up .

  25. 中国历代粮食价格问题通考

    A Comprehensive Survey of Grain Price in Chinese History

  26. 文明与野蛮的较量&中国历代肉刑兴废述论

    Dispute between Civilization and Barbarism The Expounding of Corporal Punishment in Ancient China

  27. 历代小说著录中的史传意识

    The Historical Consciousness in the Ancient Bibliographies of Novels

  28. 我国历代箱包发展及其民族设计特色

    The Development of Case and Bag of Past Ages and Its National Design

  29. 他是历代土司中最杰出的一位。

    He was the most outstanding of all chieftains .

  30. 对一千多年来历代江西书院的藏书特色及发展、藏书来源、保管和借阅作了初步分析。

    This paper analyses the features , origins , keeping and lending of collection .