
  • 网络historical criticism;historical critique
  1. 现代历史批判法认为这是一个很严重的错误。

    This is the big , bad thing in modern historical criticism .

  2. 现代历史批判反对这点,认为那是严重的时代错误。

    Modern historical criticism rejects that and says that 's wildly anachronistic .

  3. 为什么我一开始要教你们,历史批判法?

    Why have I first been teaching you the historical critical method ?

  4. 这也是历史批判法的一部分。

    That 's part of the historical critical method also .

  5. 这些是现代历史批判法的基本方面。

    These are basic aspects of modern historical criticism .

  6. 这个历史批判法,并不是自己从圣经中跳出来的。

    This historical criticism didn 't just spring out of the Bible itself .

  7. 所以,马克思的研究就转向了社会和历史批判领域。

    Therefore , he changes his research to society and history critical field .

  8. 第四,历史批判教给我们,不要用圣经来解读圣经。

    Fourth , historical criticism teaches you we don 't interpret the Bible canonically .

  9. 意识到那个鸿沟,是现代历史批判法的一个重要方面。

    That consciousness of that gap is a major aspect of modern historical criticism .

  10. 环境史学的历史批判思想

    Historic Critical Thought of Environment History Science

  11. 因为即使用历史批判法,都能导致对经文有各种各样不同的解读。

    Because even the historical critical method can render wildly varying interpretations of these texts .

  12. 这种观念与思想方式,其实已经减弱或干脆丧失了它应有的历史批判与道德批判的意义。

    This kind of idea and thinking method has lost the significance of history criticism and moral animadversion .

  13. 不过现在,我还是回归到,历史批判的方式,来解读这篇文献。

    Now , though , I 'm completely reverting back to the historical critical way of reading this text .

  14. 历史批判与学术总结:明清史学发展中相互联系的两个方面

    Historical Criticism and Academic Summary : The Two Related Aspects in the Development of Ming and Qing History Study

  15. 理性主义和普遍主义的历史批判及其现代意义&索绪尔语言学史思想研究

    The Historical Criticism and Modern Significance of Rationalism and Universalism & a study of Saussure 's concept of linguistic history

  16. 后来它的意思之所以变成历史批判解经,是因为用这种方法解读的才是经文原意。

    It 's come to mean historical critical interpretation of the text because this is what 's really in the text .

  17. 创立了哲学的实践批判原则以实践作为观察世界和社会历史批判的本源;

    Creating philosophical principles for practical criticism : take practice as fountain for observing the world and criticizing the social history .

  18. 试图利用历史批判法,去解决关于经文意思的争议,是没有用的。

    This attempt to use historical criticism , to settle disputes about the meaning of the text , doesn 't work .

  19. 我想说的是学习历史批判法很重要,因为它也是我们环境中的一部分。

    What I 'm saying is that historical criticism is important to learn because it 's part of our environment too .

  20. 根据历史批判法,经文的意思,就是古代作者想要表达的意思。

    The meaning of a text , according to historical criticism , is what the ancient human author intended it to mean .

  21. 在宗教改革运动中所讨论的字面意思,并不完全是,我们所说的历史批判的意思。

    The literal sense that they were talking about in the Reformation was not necessarily what we would call the historical critical sense .

  22. 如果你还想利用经文的话,必须做一些除了历史批判之外的事。

    You 've got to do something else with the text besides just history if you still want to use it as scripture .

  23. 我认为我使用历史批判方法,来教你们是完全合适的,因为我们这是个非宗教的课堂氛围。

    Now I think that this makes perfect for me to use the historical critical method to teach you because this is a secular environment .

  24. 正是这种忏悔意识,使中国现代文学具备了强大的拷问灵魂的力量和深邃冷峻的历史批判意识。

    It was these confession consciousnesses that equipped Chinese modern literature with strong power of interrogating the soul with torture and the abstruse historical criticisms .

  25. 让你们去看就是去看圣经的解读,在没有历史批判法之前,在历史批判法没成为主导之前,是什么样。

    To get you to see this is what interpretations of the Bible look like without historical criticism , before the dominance of historical criticism .

  26. 例如,大部分圣经的历史批判者会说,把三位一体的教义,解读进《创世纪》中当然是错误的。

    For example , most historical critics of the Bible would say , it 's certainly wrong to read the doctrine of the Trinity into Genesis .

  27. 那时,在19世纪,在众说纷坛中,历史批判法开始崛起,并成主流。

    That 's when you have the rise , in the nineteenth century , of the dominance of the historical critical method with all these presuppositions .

  28. 他们认为,这一定是关于耶稣的,所以他们已经在做一些,现代历史批判者会反对的事情。

    They said , no , it 's got to be about Jesus , so they 're already doing something that modern historical critics would then reject .

  29. 经文里说的可不是这位;,而是古代的;,这是历史批判的基础。

    Josiah The text is not referring to that Josiah ; Josiah he 's referring to the ancient Josiah ; that 's the basis of historical criticism .

  30. 对与历史批判法来说这意味着什么,在20世纪:,老师会教神学学生,一点点关于古代近东社会和文化的知识。

    What that means with historical criticism in the twentieth century : you have theological students being taught a little bit about ancient near-eastern society and culture .