
  • 网络Historical physical geography;Historical Geography of Nature
  1. 建国以来我国黄土高原地区历史自然地理研究工作的回顾与展望

    The Review and Preview of Historical Geography Study on the Loess Plateau Since the Liberation

  2. 《地表水》和《历史自然地理》上说,你是条不知安宁、河床屡改的不驯的河。

    In Surface Water and Historical Physical Geography you were described as an unruly river never at rest , changing course again and again .

  3. 民族贫困地区经济作为云南省整个区域经济的一个组成部分,由于历史及自然地理条件的限制,在一定程度上造成经济落后的状况。

    The geographical conditions in ethnic regions of Yunnan are , to some extent , responsible for the backward economic situation there .

  4. 我国许多山区农村由于受历史原因、自然地理条件、市场经济发育水平的限制,成为社会经济发展普遍较为落后的区域。

    Owing to the causes of history , geography and market economy , the mountainous countryside lags behind in socio-economic development .

  5. 第五部分对甘肃油画的发展进行思考,研究了甘肃油画的地域特征,包括历史人文,自然地理等等。

    The fifth part of the Gansu oil painting development thinking of Gansu oil painting , geographical features , including historical , natural geography and so on .

  6. 营口港历史悠久,自然地理环境优越,是全国沿海主枢纽港之一,东北第二大港口,是辽宁中部城市群和东北三省最便捷的出海口。

    Yingkou Port has long history and geographical location , and is one of the nation 's coastal hubs , the Northeast 's second largest port , the most convenient outlet of Liaoning central city group and northeastern provinces .

  7. 但是由于受特殊的历史、自然和地理条件的限制,与全国相比,新疆经济基础薄弱,经济和社会各项事业的发展面临着艰巨而繁重的任务。

    But limited by the history reason , nature and geology conditions , compared with the whole nation , the economic basis of Xinjiang is weak , there are many hard and heavy tasks in the development of all aspects of the society and the economy .

  8. 它隐含着一个民族的历史、宗教、自然地理、伦理道德、阶级状况等文化信息,是研究一个民族文化的活化石。

    They contain such cultural messages of a nation as history , religion , physical geography , customs and habits , moral principles , and class status , and therefore , can serve as living fossils for the study of a nation 's culture .

  9. 在特殊的历史文化背景和自然地理条件下,这种受到南洋文化影响的新建筑式样是对以中原传统民居建筑为模板而发展形成的琼北民居建筑的丰富和补充。

    In the special historical and cultural backgrounds and geographical conditions , this new style of architecture culture in Southeast Asia is on the Central Plains traditional residential architecture as " template " and the development of the formation of northern Hainan Island enrichment and supplement of residential buildings .

  10. 它源于农村经济体制改革,与农村传统政治思想、历史文化积淀、自然地理特点、阶层结构变迁等密切相关,并对农村基层政权建设和社会政治稳定产生重大影响。

    It roots in rural economic system reform and it has close relation with the traditional rural political ideas , historical culture accumulating , natural geographic characters , hierarchy structure flux , and etc , and it brings great influence to rural grass root regime establishment and social political stability .