
  • 网络The Concept of History;the idea of history
  1. 一本改变我们对人类最近历史的观念的书。

    A book that alters our conception of man 's recent past .

  2. 我努力让他了解家谱与个人历史的观念。

    I tried to make him understand the idea of a genealogy and personal history .

  3. 《历史的观念》要义新诠&柯林伍德的历史哲学二题

    The New Explanations for the Major Ideas of The Historical Ideology & Two Topics of Collinwood 's Historical Philosophy

  4. 借此来强调敦煌俗字研究要尊重材料、全面客观,尤其要具有历史的观念。

    Take this to emphasize the the Dunhuang folk characters studied to respect the material , a comprehensive and objective , in particular with the concept of history .

  5. 想象力想利用这个历史的新观念发展。

    Imagination wanted to capitalize on that history in the development of the new concept .

  6. 历史复杂性的观念

    The Concept of Complexity of History

  7. 海德格尔反对客观历史知识的观念,认为人被“抛进”这个世界,其中的语言、文化以及各种生活境况都是给定的。

    Heidegger rejects the notion of objective historical knowledge , instead man finds himself " thrown into " the world in which language , culture and the institutions of life are givens .

  8. 数字时代历史街区保护的观念更新初探

    Renewal of Concept on the Preservation of Historical Street Blocks in Digital Times

  9. 最后,历史遗留的腐朽观念、整个社会的价值观念扭曲导致腐败。

    At last , some historical decay concepts and distort social values caused corruption .

  10. 历史生存论的观念

    The Idea of Historical Existentialism

  11. 历史上的乌托邦观念可分为四种类型:古代乌托邦、前工业时代的乌托邦、工业时代的乌托邦和后工业时代的乌托邦。

    The conception of Utopia could be divided into four periods in historical perspective : ancient Utopia , pre-industry Utopia , industry Utopia and post-industry Utopia .

  12. 进入21世纪,人们对于历史建筑的改造观念已经完成了从静态保护到动态再利用的转变。也就是说,我们要通过改造手段让历史建筑重新被合理、高效地利用起来。

    The conception of reconstructing historical architecture has transformed from static protection to dynamic recycling in 21 century , in another word , historical architecture should be reused reasonably by reconstruction .

  13. 它的产生、发展与盛衰,也无不与中国各个历史时期的审美观念、政治意识、文化习尚、文学理想等等有关,深深打上时代精神的烙印。

    Its emergence . development , rise and fall are concerned with the aesthetic conception , political consciousness , culture vogue , literary ideal and so on during all the ancient Chinese historical periods .

  14. 文章对此作了哲学分析,评论了来自西方的各种人本主义思想,阐述了马克思主义的现实的人及其历史发展的科学观念。

    This paper firstly analyzes these ambiguities in philosophical sense , then makes comments on various humanist thoughts from the West and expounds Marxist scientific concept of ″ realistic people and their historical development ″ .

  15. 中国历史上的正统观念有一个形成、发展的过程,它最早发轫于远古中原诸夏与四夷的华夷之辨,形成内华夏、外夷狄的民族正统理念,攘夷是其主要表现。

    The idea of orthodox in Chinese history was the result of historical development . First of all , there emerged the national legitimate idea that Huaxia was civilized nationality , and out of it was barbarians .

  16. 论新历史主义的读者接受观念

    On the Reception Concept of New Historicism

  17. 18世纪中西交往的历史与中国的世界观念

    The Exchanges Between the East and the West in the Eighteenth Century and Chinese World Outlook

  18. 论文在逻辑层面上,则细致地分析了每个历史时期的女性身体观念所包涵的独特而复杂意义。

    On the other hand , it details feminist body idea , particular and complicated meaning in each historical period .

  19. 回族社会也是如此,在长期的教育实践中形成了自己历史悠久的传统教育观念。

    Society like Hui too , forms his own traditional education idea with a long history among long-term education practice .

  20. 最后,文章对当今历史文化名城保护的观念转变与编制体系创新提出了个人的见解。

    Finally is my personal point about the transformation of the concept and the creative city planning with regard to conservation for historic cities .

  21. 从群山空间的封闭、厚重历史的积压、传统观念的因袭,反思熟透了的厚土。

    Reflect on the squashy and thick land from the confined space of mountains , the backlog of long history , the conventionalism of traditional concept .

  22. 比较中外法制史上的优先购买权,在历史发展的过程,观念形态以及效力范围等方面都呈现出诸多的差异。

    Preemption , through comparative study in legal history at home and abroad , has quite different in historic processes , concepts , force ad effect .

  23. 本文试图通过对相关史料的解读与分析,对北朝历史上引人注目的末世观念给出一个客观的评价。

    This essay tries to interpret the relative historic documents and then give that idea which was conspicuous in the history of the Northern Dynasties an objective evaluation .

  24. “仁义”和“诡道”概念不仅表达了先秦两种不同的战争观念,而且为商周与春秋战国时期这两个相衔接的历史时期的不同战争观念。

    The concepts of " justice " and " cunning " showed different two kinds of ideas of war in Shang and Zhou Dynasties and Spring and Autum Dynasties which were in sequence .

  25. 新历史主义的读者接受观念主要体现在它对共鸣和惊叹现象的独特解说上,这两个概念综合了既往文学接受理论关于文本性和历史性的观念。

    The readers ' reception idea of New Historicism is mainly embodied in its distinctive concepts of resonance and wonder , which integrate the previous literary reception theories about " textuality " and " historicity " .

  26. 随着时代的发展,英语已成为了现代社会最重要的交际工具之一,但是由于历史的原因和传统观念的束缚,导致小学英语教学走进了应试英语、聋哑英语的死胡同。

    With the development of times , English has already become one of the most important social intercourse of modern society , English teaching has walked into " English ", " deaf-mute English " blind alley , since the cause of history and the fetters of the traditional ideas .

  27. 力图通过对不同历史时期历史文学的历史观念的考察分析,客观展现当代历史文学创作中就现代性思考和探询的连续性。

    Through study and analysis of historic ideas in historic literature in vary periods , it reflects the continuous thought about modernity in modern Chinese literature objectively .

  28. 如果有一种人的自由行动,那么,任何历史法则,任何历史事件的观念,都不存在了。

    If there is a single human action due to free will , no historical law exists , and no conception of historical events can be formed .

  29. 或者囿于历史目的论,用一种外在于历史的观念的产物来代替真实的历史。

    Or that is in the " history purpose ", replace the true history with the thing of an idea for outside consist inning history .

  30. 从历史的角度来研究矿业权制度,认为中国历史上缺乏物权的观念,矿业权的概念只是近代才出现的;

    From the historical angle , this paper studies the mining right system and concludes that there was no concept of property right in the history of China and the concept of mining right has occurred only in the modern time .