
  • 网络New historiography;the new history;new historical science
  1. 鲁滨逊新史学的起源

    On the Origins of James Robinson 's New History

  2. 时代在呼唤新史学的同时,也为新史学的发展提供了条件。

    The change of the era called new history and offered the condition for its progress .

  3. 社会记忆理论同时适应和推动新史学研究的发展。

    Social theory of memory promotes the development of new historiography .

  4. 邓实与新史学思潮

    Deng Shi and the Current of Thought in New Historiography

  5. 总之,他为新史学理论之传播、构建做出了相当之贡献,理应在中国近代史学史上占一突出席位,其历史学说在今天仍具有重要的借鉴意义和参考价值。

    He should hold a prominent position in history of modern Chinese historiography .

  6. 首先分析中国新史学产生的时代背景及新史学概念。

    First , it analyzes the era background and conception of new history .

  7. 视角与方法:新史学人物研究纵览

    Perspectives and Methods for the Study of Historical Figures

  8. 商会史研究与新史学的范式转换

    The Study of Chamber of Commerce History and the Paradigm Change of New Historiography

  9. 论梁启超《新史学》与《新民说》的内在一致性

    On the Inner Coherence Between Liang Qichao ′ s New Historiography and New Citizenship

  10. 其次探讨新史学和民族史之间的关系以及梁启超与章太炎的史学研究转向。

    Secondly , the paper analyzes the relationships between the new history and the ethnic history .

  11. 作者不反对引进新史学理论,但反对教条主义;

    The author does not oppose introduction of new theories of historiography , but opposes dogmatism .

  12. 梁启超新史学思想与日本学术资源中介的关系,是需要深入探讨的重要课题。

    This article studies the relation between Liang Qichao 's neo-history theory and Japanese academic resources .

  13. 梁启超(1873&1929年)字卓如,号任公,是中国近代新史学的奠基人。

    Liang Qichao ( 1873-1929 ) is a. founder of new history , in modern China .

  14. 第一章探讨了现代化理论与当代中国新史学的基本情况。

    The first chapter discusses basic situation of the modernized theory and the contemporary China new history .

  15. 他以新史学的范式,来书写其所理解的法律专门史。

    He wrote the history of professional law in his own understanding , from a new perspective .

  16. 传统国学、新史学、西学和马克思主义是吕思勉先生经世致用史学观的理论基础。

    The traditional Chinese studies , new historiography , western learns , Marxism were the theoretical foundation of Mr.

  17. 20世纪初新史学思潮的历史地位

    On the Historical Place of New History in the Beginning of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  18. 梁启超既是中国旧史学的终结者,又是新史学的开拓者。

    Liang Qichao is both the terminator of Chinese old history and the explorer of Chinese new history .

  19. 论新史学方法在黄宾虹美术史论中的运用

    The Application of New History Studies Methodology in the Huang Binhong ' Theory of the History of Arts

  20. 美国社会现代化可以说是产生新史学的社会大背景;

    The modernization of American society can be regarded as the social meta-background for the formation of New History .

  21. 论浮田和民《史学通论》与梁启超新史学思想的关系

    A Review of Kazumi Ukita 's An Introduction to History and Its Relationship with Liang Qichao 's New Historical Thoughts

  22. 留学生是中国历史学由传统向现代转型的主要推动者,中国现代新史学的诞生分为两大流派:一为实证史学,一为马克思主义史学。

    The returned students are the chief promoters in the transformation of Chinese historiography from traditional mould to the modern one .

  23. 新史学和二三十年代的实验主义史学各有侧重地发展了实证主义史学的两个宗旨。

    The new history and the pragmatism history in 1920s and 1930s separately developed the two purpose of the western positivism history .

  24. 梁启超的新史学理论受到多种西方学术文化的影响,地理环境论是其中的一个重要方面。

    Liang Qichao 's theory of neo-historiography was influenced by varied Occidental academic culture , one of which is geographical environmental theory .

  25. 一方面,新史学为历史教科书提供了思想资源、史学观念,促进了历史教科书的编纂和出版;

    In one hand , new historiography provided textbooks of history with thoughts and ideas , promoting the publications of textbooks of history .

  26. 20世纪西方新史学的形成和发展是史家主体意识增强的结果。

    The forming and development of the new western historiography is the result of the enhancement of histo ˉ rian 's subjective consciousness .

  27. 20世纪初年的中国新史学中有一个倾向,即将学术与思想合而并论;

    In the early decade of the 20th century in China , there is a tendency in neo-historiography of combining learning with ideology .

  28. 本文从新史学的角度论证了徽州文书档案对学术研究的重大作用。

    From the angle of new-historiography , this article proves that the copy files of Huizhou have a great effect on academic research .

  29. 地理环境论与梁启超的新史学理论地理环境与人类社会&孟德斯鸠、黑格尔地理环境决定论史观比较

    Geographical Environmental Theory and Liang Qichao s Theory of Neo-historiography ; Geographical Environment and Human society : a Comparison between Montesquieu and Hegel

  30. 传说·历史·历史记忆&从20世纪的新史学到后现代史学

    Legend , History and Historical Memory & From the New Historical Studies in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century to Postmodern Historical Studies