
  • 网络New Church;Nieuwe Kerk;new cathedral;De Nieuwe Kerk
  1. n.工程;计划那会议讨论了一个建新教堂的计划。

    project A project to build a new church was discussed at the meeting .

  2. 战后一个富人在Margate造了一个新教堂。

    A rich man built a new church in Margate after war .

  3. 主教出席了奉献新教堂的典礼。

    The archbishop attended the dedication of the new church .

  4. 在切斯特的主教主持下举行了新教堂的奉献礼

    The new church was consecrated by the bishop of Chester

  5. 新教堂的献堂仪式将在星期日举行。

    The new church will be dedicated on Sunday .

  6. 教宗为献给波兰第一位圣女新教堂行祝圣仪式

    The pope to consecrate a new basilica dedicated to Poland 's first Saint Sister

  7. 大主教把新教堂神圣化。

    The Archbishop blessed the new church .

  8. 然后,我们从皮尔逊学院出发,沿着约克街走,越过新教堂街,向左转,又穿过一条街道,走到星巴克。

    And so , we walk that distance from Pierson College down to the York Street Gate , over to Chapel Street , make the left on Chapel Street , another block down to High walk into the Starbuck 's.

  9. 我是一个耶鲁的学生,出于实验的需要,我住在皮尔逊校园里,我需要走很远的路去新教堂街,去新教堂街上的星巴克店。

    I 'm a Yale college student , for the purposes of this thought experiment and I live in Pierson because I need to walk a great distance to Chapel Street , to the Starbuck 's on Chapel Street .

  10. 他们正准备为一个新的教堂募集资金。

    They 're trying to raise money for a new church .

  11. 新教教堂外的纽埃国王法塔基的墓碑。

    Gravestone of Fataaki , king of Nieue , outside Ekalesia Church .

  12. 人们可以去他们的新教教堂,并在那里祈祷上帝。

    But I 'm going to pray with Catholics , in my church .

  13. 再加上新的教堂。

    And with a new buiiding .

  14. 一个新的教堂小组?

    A new church group ?

  15. 介绍了以新近落成的北京海淀新基督教堂为研究对象的分析研究。

    By recently was completed , Beijing Haidian Christ Church is the study object of this article .

  16. 有时候我们听到有人说博物馆是我们新的教堂

    We sometimes hear it said that museums are our new cathedrals , or our new churches .

  17. 泉州基督教新教教堂

    Protestantism Church in Quanzhou

  18. 基督教长期以来一直是以传教的方式在其它国家建立新的教堂和在这些国家与美国之间进行国际文化交流。

    Christian missions have long been a vehicle for planting new churches in other countries and building intercultural communications between those countries and the United States .

  19. 具体的,特征元素,比如文物,维持和使用,其中一个不错的领域进入紧张之间的新老教堂成立后的功能。

    Specific , characterizing elements , like relics , are maintained and used , by which a nice field of tension comes into existence between the old and new function of the chapel .

  20. 然而,当时的拜占庭建筑几乎全毁,因此建筑师可以自由选择要采取的设计样式,特别是新大教堂的高度。

    However , in view of the almost total destruction of the Byzantine structure , the builders were free to choose their own architectural details , especially with respect to the height of the new edifice .

  21. 我觉得博物馆是有潜力成为新的教堂,但是我们完全没有那样去做我们让自己失望的原因是我们没有适当地学习宗教的艺术,是我们没有适当地学习宗教的艺术

    Now I think that the potential is there , but we 've completely let ourselves down . And the reason we 've let ourselves down is that we 're not properly studying how religions handle art .

  22. 星期天,他给新生命教堂的成员们读了一封信,哈歌德承认自己是个骗子,他想教会组织道歉,祈求组织原谅他的错误。

    In a letter read to members of his new life church sunday , haggard said he is " a deceiver and a liar . " haggard apologized to his congregation in the letter and asked for their forgiveness .

  23. 新的大教堂于1962年落成并被圣化。

    The new cathedral was completed and consecrated in1962 .

  24. 在建筑新的圣莫尼加教堂期间,会众移师到礼堂望弥撒。

    Eventually the hall was used for us to go to Mass while the new St Monica 's Church was being built .

  25. 村里的农民为促成改进学校的目的,正在修建一套新的科学教堂。

    In furtherance of their aim of improving the school , the peasants in the village are building a new set of science classrooms .

  26. 他被册封了他的朋友格里高利在1228年九,他的尸体很快被转移到新建成的教堂同时他的名字。

    He was canonized by his friend Gregory IX in1228 , and his body was soon moved to the newly constructed basilica bearing his name .

  27. 我们有五位已经在我们教堂主持了好几年仪式的神父,他们将让新人们体验花儿教堂的特别婚礼。

    We have five ministers who have been officiating at our chapel for several years and provide our couples with the special Chapel of the Flowers experience .