
  • 网络Museum Square;Museumplein;Museum Plaza
  1. 我经常写梵高的故事,因为我是驻阿姆斯特丹的美国艺术记者,而每年会有大量游客来到全世界最大的梵高作品收藏地——梵高博物馆,它就位于阿姆斯特丹庞大的博物馆广场的中央。

    I often write about van Gogh , because I 'm an American art journalist based in Amsterdam , where tourists flock by the millions to the largest trove of his paintings anywhere in the world , the Van Gogh Museum , at the center of Amsterdam 's sprawling Museumplein ( museum square ) .

  2. 哈尔滨博物馆广场环境历时性比较研究

    Historical Comparison of Harbin Museum Plaza

  3. 文摘:通过对哈尔滨博物馆广场环境的历时性比较研究,提出当前城市设计中亟须解决的问题-如何在城市建设的快速发展中,保护好历史性广场,保护好广场中的历史建筑。

    Abstract : through a historical comparison study of the Harbin Museum plaza , the author presents the current problems existing in the urban design , e.g.How to conserve the historical Plaza and how to conserve the historical buildings inside the Plaza in developing cities .

  4. 国家博物馆大广场中庭烟气控制研究

    The study on smoke control in large atrium of national museum

  5. 银川凯宾斯基饭店位于金凤区,地理位置优越,与银川国际会展中心、银川市行政中心、宁夏博物馆、人民广场等建筑隔街相望;

    Kempinski Hotel Yinchuan is conveniently located right across from the International Conference & Exhibition Center , Ningxia Museum , People 's Square and more .

  6. 里面有非常华丽的文艺复兴宫殿、博物馆和圣马可广场。在圣马可广场,你可以享受露天用餐,在那里乘坐缆车是交通的首选方法。

    Consisting of impossibly gorgeous Renaissance palaces and museums as well as the Plaza San Marco , where you are obligated to dine al fresco , traveling by gondola is the preferred method of getting around .

  7. 那里的气候比西班牙北部的其他地方温和宜人,同时,那儿也有许多很棒的博物馆和别致的广场。

    The climate is normally milder than in other parts of Spain 's north , and it has a number of great museums and picturesque plazas .