
  • 网络Bo'ai County;Bo'ai;boai;Bo'ai Comt;Bo'ai Grafschaft
  1. 分析了博爱县农田林网形成后在生态、经济、社会等方面所产生的显著效益。

    This paper analyzes the obviously ecological , economic and social benefits after setting up the farmland shelterbelt networks in Boai County .

  2. 河南省博爱县污水处理厂设计介绍

    On the design of sewage treatment plant in Bo ' ai county in Henan

  3. 河南省博爱县平原区地下水环境质量数字化综合评价

    Integrated digitization evaluation of environmental quality of groundwater in the Bo ′ ai County plain area in Henan Province

  4. 影像的复魅:纪录片《德拉姆》中的生态美学观河南博爱县青天河峡谷新发现北魏摩崖观世音像

    Cliffside Image of Avalokitesvara of the Northern Wei Period Recently Discovered in the Qingtian River Gorge in Bo ' ai County , Henan