
  • 网络Boss;Hugo Boss;Booz;BOSE;bosch
  1. 雨果博斯(HugoBoss)上周五表示,中国消费者正在控制支出,第二季度来自亚洲地区的收入较上年同期仅增长4%。

    On Friday , Hugo Boss said shoppers in the country were holding back and that Asian revenues in the second quarter were only 4 per cent up on the same period last year .

  2. 目前普拉达(Prada)的预期市盈率为23倍(该公司昨日发布了不错的业绩公告),博柏利为18倍,雨果博斯则为16倍。

    Prada , which released good results yesterday , trades on 23 times forecast earnings , while Burberry is on 18 and Hugo Boss is on 16 .

  3. 认为博斯在画这幅画时脑子里想着布兰特的诗,这仅仅是猜测而已。

    It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant 's poem in mind when doing this painting

  4. 另外我想《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)、《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)、《博斯》和《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans)这几部剧和《纸牌屋》基本上可以列在同一阵线。

    I suspect that Orange is the New Black and The Good Wife and Bosch and The Americans are all in the same basket .

  5. NPR新闻,斯卡特·博斯,爱达荷州博伊西格罗特报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Scatt groth in Boise Idaho .

  6. 博斯公司表示,2012年每10位新任CEO中,就有3位来自外部,而之前三年每10人中只有2位来自外部。

    Three in 10 new chief executives appointed in 2012 were outsiders , against two in 10 over the previous three years , the consultancy said .

  7. 以及根据侦探小说家迈克尔o康奈利的小说改编的电视剧《博斯》(Bosch)。

    and Bosch , a drama based on books by the detective novelist Michael Connelly .

  8. 博斯公司(BoozandCo)估计,在新获任命中,CEO兼任董事长的比例从2000年的40%降至2011年的18%。

    Booz and Co calculated new appointments of chair-CEOs were down from 40 per cent in 2000 to 18 per cent in 2011 .

  9. BBC新闻–教皇弗朗西斯访问希腊莱斯博斯岛上的拘留营,对想法设法到达北欧的难民表示支持.

    BBC News - Pope Francis isvisiting a detention camp on the Greek island of Lesbos to show support forrefugees who are trying to reach northern Europe .

  10. 我以为这一行业在2014年进入了低潮期,当时,普华永道(PwC)将其收购的咨询公司博斯(Booz&Company)更名为Strategy&。

    I thought this sector had reached a low point in 2014 , when PwC rebranded Booz & Company , the consultancy it had bought , as Strategy & .

  11. 博斯公司(BoozandCompany)的研究表明,2012年世界上市值最高的2500家集团中,有270家按照继任计划更换了首席执行官。

    Among the world 's 2500 largest groups by market value , 270 replaced their chief executive in 2012 as a result of succession planning , according to research by Booz and Company .

  12. 另一家咨询公司Strategy&——即原来的博斯公司(Booz&Co)——预计,到本十年末,联网汽车将占到新车的90%,目前这一比例约为10%。

    Booz & Co , another consultancy , expects connected vehicles to account for 90 per cent of new cars by the end of the decade , up from about 10 per cent today .

  13. 雨果博斯(HugoBoss)和CalvinKlein等高端品牌的高端成衣制造商利华成衣集团(LeverStyleInc.)首席执行长司徒志仁(StanleySzeto)说,与前几年前相比,现在的生意可以说是在爬行。

    ' Relative to a couple of years ago , things are crawling ' said Stanley Szeto , chief executive of Lever Style Inc. , a Hong Kong-based maker of high-end clothes for brands such as Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein .

  14. 博斯公司高级合伙人、该研究报告的共同作者佩尔-奥拉•卡尔松(Per-OlaKarlsson)提出,若企业的任命过程更加结构化,外部竞争者往往会受益。

    Per-Ola Karlsson , Booz senior partner and co-author of the study , suggested that outside contenders often benefited as companies adopted a more structured approach to appointments .

  15. 当你和查理及博斯那样的人共事时。

    When you 're riding with men like Charley and boss .

  16. 多瑙河博斯-大毛罗什堤坝的环境影响

    Environmental Effects of the Dam System on the Danube at Bos-Nagymaros

  17. 老博斯当牛仔一定很行,对吧?

    Old boss sure can cowboy , can 't he ?

  18. 我们去那儿待一周吧,只要不是博斯库姆或伯恩茅斯就行。

    Plan a week somewhere , not Boscombe or Bournemouth .

  19. 所以博斯队成败在此一举。

    So it will make or break the boss team .

  20. 博斯预计,普通股东的损失将不会得到补偿。

    Ordinary shareholders are not expected to be compensated for their losses .

  21. 中方是否就博斯沃斯访朝与朝方进行了接触?

    Has China contacted the DPRK on Bosworth 's visit ?

  22. 你晓得我不会违抗你的意思,博斯。

    You know I never gone against you , boss .

  23. 你知道,博斯雇用我时有些迟疑。

    You know , boss had some pause about hiring me on .

  24. 但麻烦却来找我们了,博斯。

    But it 's found us here , boss .

  25. 我是说真的,博斯,说实话。

    I mean it , boss . I 'm asking you straight up .

  26. 邓军率领着博斯队。

    Deng Jun is leading the boss team .

  27. 此外,该报告还指出,雨果博斯、雪佛兰和舒洁则跌出了该榜单。

    Hugo Boss , Chevrolet and Kleenex dropped off the list , the report said .

  28. 博斯队需打败大名队才能进入决赛。

    The boss team needs to beat the diamond team to get pass for the final .

  29. 其他著名的圆桌骑士还有朗斯洛、拜德维尔、博斯、加位哈德、珀西瓦尔、莫德雷德等人。

    Other famous Round Table Knights included Lancelot , Bedevere , Bors , Galahad , Perceval and Modred ..

  30. 拉尔斯表示,缩短交付周期计划,还将有助于降低雨果博斯的复杂性,呈现一个更专注化的品牌。

    He said the programme would also help cut complexity at Hugo Boss and deliver a more focused collection .