
  • 网络General Education;liberal studies;liberal education;Liberal Arts;liberal arts education
  1. 在此基础上,对MIT的通识教育课程设置作了详尽分析。

    Then the course set-up of general education in MIT is analysised in detail .

  2. 在同样于5月5日发表的另一篇文章中,通识教育评审委员会(GeneralEducationReviewCommittee)主席、肖恩·D·凯利(SeanDKelly)教授提出,哈佛的教育应该传授给学生“当下世界的生存之道”。

    In a separate May 5 statement , Prof. Sean D. Kelly , chairman of the General Education Review Committee , said a Harvard education should give students " an art of living in the world . "

  3. WTO与大学通识教育

    WTO and General Knowledge Education in University

  4. 此外,MIT的通识教育重视写作教育和学生口头表达能力培养。

    Besides , MIT is aware of the importance of training students'writing and presentation capability .

  5. 通识教育(Liberalartseducation)放弃培养同质的学生,转而创造这样的校园:在其中人们能够从他们的差异中学到东西,同时发现新的交往方式。

    Liberal arts education has moved away from cultivating homogeneity and toward creating a campus community in which people can learn from their differences while finding new ways to connect .

  6. 今年22岁的墨菲与家人一起生活在纽约州的马马罗内克(Mamaroneck),已经在佛蒙特大学(UniversityofVermont)就读了一年,目前正准备进入哥伦比亚大学的通识教育学院(SchoolofGeneralStudies)读书。

    Ms. Murphy , 22 , who was living with her family in Mamaroneck , N.Y. , had attended the University of Vermont for a year , but was starting at Columbia 's School of General Studies .

  7. 耶鲁学院(YaleCollege,即耶鲁大学本科部)70个专业主要着力于通识教育,仅有极少的几个本科院系着眼于专业性的准备,甚至于耶鲁大学工程系也鼓励并且要求学生探索和学习工程学科以外的领域。

    Yale College ( Yale College , Yale University undergraduate that the Department of ) 70 professional major focus on general education , only very few undergraduate faculty focus on professional preparation , even the Yale University Engineering Department also encourages and requires students Exploration and study areas outside the engineering disciplines .

  8. 新时期师范院校通识教育探析

    On General Education at Teachers Colleges in a New Historical Period

  9. 大学内部结构与通识教育课程的关系。

    The relationship between the university structure and general education curriculum .

  10. 通识教育:我国高等教育改革的新走向

    General education : a new orientation of Chinese higher education reformation

  11. 关于我国通识教育改革与研究的反思

    Reflection on the Reform and Research of General Education in China

  12. 通识教育体系中的美术欣赏课程设计

    The Fine Arts Appreciation Curriculum Design in the General Education System

  13. 通识教育理念融入实验教学改革的模式

    Experimental Teaching Reform Mode on the Basis of General Education Idea

  14. 当前美国研究型大学通识教育课程研究

    A Study on Current American Research Universities ' General Education Curriculum

  15. 本科通识教育课程建设的实践探索

    Practical Explorations of the Building of General Education Courses for Undergraduates

  16. 武汉大学通识教育调查与分析报告

    Report on Investigation and Analysis of General Education in Wuhan University

  17. 通识教育与专业教育整合的理论研究其主要内容包括:理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Integration of General and Specialized Education Theoretical study

  18. 通识教育学士〔香港公开大学〕

    Bachelor of General Studies [ Open University of Hong Kong ]

  19. 大学通识教育课程实施的困境与思考

    Difficulties and Reflection on Implementing General Education Course in the College

  20. 强化通识教育是提高西部民族高等教育质量的必由之路

    General Education is Necessary Road to Improve Western National Higher Education

  21. 美国大学通识教育评价研究

    Research on the Assessment of General Education in American Colleges

  22. 通识教育实施困境及其新理念

    The Predicament of General Education 's Carrying out and Its New Idea

  23. 大学通识教育的理论与实践初探

    Elementary Study on the Theory and Practice of General Education in Universities

  24. 生物教育新课程方案的实践与思考通识教育与扬长教育相结合的探索

    New-course Scheme Practice and Reflect of Bio-educate Speciality in Teachers ' College

  25. 教学实务:大学通识教育的重要环节

    Teaching Practice : an Important Link in College General Education

  26. 辽宁省普通高校体育大学生就业和通识教育关系的研究

    Relationship between PE College Students ' Employment and General Education in Liaoning

  27. 赫钦斯与芝加哥大学的通识教育改革

    Hutchins ' Liberal Education Reform in the University of Chicago

  28. 大同大学通识教育中心助理教授;

    Assistant Professor , General Education Center , Tatung University ;

  29. 新闻专业通识教育应以培养能力为主

    General knowledge education for journalism majors should attach importance to cultivating capability

  30. 传统儒家文化在大学生通识教育中的作用和意义

    The Role of Traditional Confucian Culture in College Students ' General education