
  • 网络Plutarque;Plutarch;Plu-tarch
  1. 普卢塔克曾谈过菲力浦和克里奥帕特腊结婚时发生的一个可憾的场面。

    Plutarch tells of a pitiful scene that occurred at Philip 's marriage to Cleopatra .

  2. 艾特金太太真没教养,大叫大嚷的。指责旁人没有教养的人,表明其本身同样缺乏教养。&普卢塔克

    Mrs. Atkins is a very vulgar woman to shout like that at the top of her voice . He who reflects on another man 's want of breeding , shows he wants it as much himself . & Plutarch

  3. 他高兴得发抖,把帖子拿给普卢塔克妈妈看。

    Trembling with joy , he showed the letter to Mother Plutarque .

  4. 您读的是本好书呢,普卢塔克妈妈。

    That is a good book that you are reading , Mother Plutarque .

  5. 体力日渐衰退的普卢塔克妈妈正病倒在床上。

    Mother Plutarque , whose health was declining , was ill and in bed .

  6. 马白夫替她取了个名字,叫“普卢塔克妈妈”。

    M.Mabeuf had nicknamed her Mother Plutarque .

  7. 一天,普卢塔克妈妈坐在屋角里读一本小说。

    One day , Mother Plutarque was reading a romance in one corner of the room .

  8. 塞孟奈迪斯称绘画为无言的诗,而诗为能言的绘画。&普卢塔克

    Simonides calls painting silent poetry , and poetry , speaking painting . & Samuel Tayler Coleridge

  9. 普卢塔克妈妈正使出这种活力读着她捧在手里的那本小说。

    It was with this sort of energy that mother Plutarque was reading the romance which she had in hand .

  10. 从这时起,普卢塔克妈妈看见一道阴暗的面纱落在那憨厚老人的脸上,不再撩起了。

    From that moment forth , Mother Plutarque saw a sombre veil , which was never more lifted , descend over the old man 's candid face .