
  • 网络Marsilio Ficino
  1. 费奇诺是文艺复兴时期最重要的思想家之一。

    Ficino is the one of the most important thinkers in Renaissance .

  2. 用上帝处流溢而出的柏拉图式的爱,费奇诺不仅将柏拉图的理念世界和基督教的上帝融为一体,而且通过这种爱的循环使人与上帝达成了一致,人成为了上帝在世间的代表。

    Using Platonic love , which emanates from God , Ficino not only combined the world of Ideas with the Christian God , but also made human and God reach a consensus . Human become the representative of God in the world .