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  1. 这项研究调查了22000人,是在宾夕法尼亚州费城Drexel大学医学院LeePeterlin的带领下进行的。

    The study involved twenty-two thousand people . It was led by Lee Peterlin of Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  2. 介绍了美国费城Drexel大学研究出来的多晶氧化铝包层蓝宝石光纤的两种制造方法。

    Two manufacturing methods for sapphire optical waveguides with polycrystalline alumina cladding , developed by Drexel University in Philadelphia , USA are introduced .

  3. 位于加州的沃顿商学院旧金山校区距离位于费城宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)的主校区可能有3000英里,但凭借沃顿的品牌、10年的经营和高科技教学手段,该校区在西海岸的企业家教育十分成功,足以让它安然度过风暴。

    It may be 3000 miles from home in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania but , after 10 years in California , the Wharton brand has been successful enough at ingesting west coast entrepreneurship and high-tech energy to enable its San Francisco satellite to steer a course through the storm .

  4. 费城拉塞尔大学(LaSalleUniversity)的玛丽安娜•丹顿(MarianneDainton)教授说,通常伴侣对彼此越坦诚,他们就越不快乐。她的研究重点是人际交流。

    Often the more open partners are with each other , the less happy they are , says Marianne Dainton , a professor at La Salle University , in Philadelphia , whose research focuses on communication in personal relationships .

  5. 劳伦斯·斯坦是费城坦普尔大学的一位心理学教授。

    Laurence Steinberg is a psychology professor at Temple University in Philadelphia .

  6. 年,来自费城宾夕法尼亚大学的查尔斯·凯恩和尤金·梅莱消除了一半的阻碍。

    In2005 , Charles Kane and Eugene Mele of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia did away with half of that objection .

  7. 费城坦普尔大学的一位生物学教师告诉我们说,有一位学生在装书和行李的时候把他的学期报告也放到他的汽车顶上了。

    A biology instructor at Temple University in Philadelphia told us about a student who placed his term paper on the roof of his car while loading book and packages .

  8. 美国退伍军人事务部长EricShinseki今早加入参议院的行列,在费城的Drexel大学举行会议。

    Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is joining the Senator today in Philadelphia at Drexel University .

  9. KristeneUnsworth在宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷克塞尔大学研究信息政策。

    Kristene Unsworth researches information policy at Drexel College in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  10. 1979年在家乡费城的坦普尔大学获中国历史博士学位。

    Shive received his Ph.D.in Chinese history in1979 from Temple University in Philadelphia , his home town .

  11. 上个月,费城的宾夕法尼亚大学医学院宣布,他们也将为患者提供子宫移植手术的服务。

    Last month , Penn Medicine in Philadelphia announced that it also would start offering womb transplants .

  12. 嘉惠霖医生出生于美国费城,宾夕法尼亚大学医学博士。

    William w.cadbury m.d.was born in philadelphia , USA and graduated from the Medical College of Pennsylania uniersity .

  13. 但是,宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷克塞尔大学医学院的遗传学家莱尔德·杰克逊说,遗传因子排列已经使疾病诊断出现了革命性进展。

    But DNA sequencing has revolutionized the field of diagnostics , according to Laird Jackson , a geneticist at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  14. 同时,费城天普大学的研究者们还称,虽然孩子们的举止可能会显得比实际年龄成熟些,但是他们却不太会听取父母给他们的着装建议。

    Researchers from Temple University , Philadelphia also say that children-although they might appear to act older than their years-are far less likely to take style notes from their parents .

  15. 就读于费城天普大学的马克斯-盖鲁波,当时正和女朋友一起参观费城艺术博物馆,是女友基·柯蒂斯先注意到这幅意大利古画中和他长相酷似的主角。

    Max Galuppo of Temple University was walking around the Philadelphia Museum of Art with his girlfriend , Nikki Curtis , when Curtis spotted his doppelganger in the Italian artwork , titled " Portrait of a Nobleman with Dueling Gauntlet 。 "

  16. 费城托马斯•杰斐逊大学头痛病研究中心(ThomasJeffersonUniversity'sHeadacheCenter)的神经病学教授兼主任史蒂芬•西尔伯斯坦(StephenSilberstein)说,CGRP拮抗药物的疗效似乎不如曲坦类药物,但是阻滞类药物的优点是它们似乎不会引起心血管并发症。

    CGRP antagonists don 't appear to work as well as triptans , but the blockers have an advantage in they don 't appear to cause cardiovascular complications , says Stephen Silberstein , a neurology professor and director of Thomas Jefferson University 's Headache Center in Philadelphia .

  17. 费城有7所大学是在45分钟的路程以�

    Seven law schools within 45 minutes of Philadelphia .

  18. •DormRoomFund(首轮资本公司):经过费城试点后,首轮资本拨出了50万美元,拟投资于费城地区一些大学的在校生或新近毕业生。

    • dorm room Fund ( first round capital ) : piloted in Philadelphia , first round has allocated $ 500k to be invested in current students or recent grads from Philadelphia-based universities .