
  1. 对于一维电子系统来说费米液体理论也不是一个好的模型,因为当应用多体微扰讨论时有红外发散,使这种最常用的方法失效了。

    But it 's not a much appropriate model on one-dimensional systems because of infrared divergences when many-body pertebation theory is used , thus this normal solution failed .

  2. 体系的波函数,由于在空间坐标上玻色子之间的交换满足对称性,而费米子之间的交换满足反对称性,通过单位反对易算符联系起来,构成所谓的玻色-费米映射理论。

    The system wave function , due to the exchange in coordinate space between bosons satisfying the symmetry while the exchange between fermions satisfying anti-symmetry , is linked through the unit anti-commutation operator .

  3. 利用玻色-费米映射理论,通过计算我们发现,体系的约化单粒子密度矩阵,自然轨道和动量分布与δ势垒的强度和粒子总数有关。

    Through the Bose-Fermi mapping and numerical calculation , we find that the reduced single-particle density , momentum distribution and natural orbital of the system are related to the 8 barrier strength and the total particle number .

  4. 利用简并费米统计理论,并考虑到电子运动的相对论效应,求出白矮星的极限质量&Chan-drasekhar极限质量,并进一步讨论了这一极限质量在恒星演化过程中的意义。

    Using degenerate Fermi statistics theory and considering the relativistic effect of electronic move - ment , this paper derives limited mass of White Dwarf Stars-Chandrasekhar limit , and then discusses the importance of Chandrasekhar limit in the stellar evolution process .

  5. 利用这一结果,可以解释矢量流守恒假定下普适V-A费米弱作用理论在解释μ介子寿命时遇到的困难。

    The re-normalized constants are shown to be This result is used to solve the difficulty which occurs when one uses the universal V-A Fermi weak-interaction theory and the conserved vector current hypothesis to explain the lifetime of the muon .

  6. 在费米弱作用理论乃至弱电统一理论中,都是把中微子当作无静止质量的粒子来处理的。

    In the Fermi weak interaction theory and even in the electro-weak unification theory , the neutrino is looked as the massless particle .

  7. 超冷简并费米气体的理论和实验研究也正以惊人的步伐向前迈进,更多新奇的发现将逐步呈现在人们面前。

    The experimental and theoretical researches of ultracold degenerate Fermi gases continue to advance at a dramatic pace . We believe that many novel physical discover will exhibit in front of us .

  8. 分子振动光谱中费米共振效应的理论研究

    Theoretical investigation on the fermi resonance effect in molecular vibronic spectra

  9. 费米宇宙射线加速理论

    Fermi theory of cosmic ray acceleration General Theory on the Evolution of Universe