
  • 网络agricultural producers
  1. 当地农业生产者报道称,不断上升的水位将会摧毁明年超过一半的糖类作物。

    Local agricultural producers report that standing water could half of next year 's sugar crop .

  2. 地方农业生产者的报告,站在水可以破坏到明年的食糖产量的一半。

    Local agricultural producers report that standing water could destroy up to half of next year 's sugar crop .

  3. 农业生产者销售的自产农业产品;

    Self-produced agricultural products sold by agricultural producers ;

  4. 现在,霍奇森把注意力集中在针对公用事业公司或农业生产者的气温或降雨期货合约上。

    Now Hodgson is focused on contracts tied to temperature or rainfall for utilities or farmers .

  5. 农业生产者必须得了解地球,并按照它的律动节奏工作。

    The agriculturist must know the earth and work with it , according to its rhythms .

  6. 价格支持政策以及税费改革的实施使农业生产者支持水平由负向正转变。

    Market support policy and tax and fee reform have caused the producer support to change from negative to positive .

  7. 可为农业生产者、管理人员和科技人员提供网络化、智能化、形象直观的信息服务。

    And the brainpower may be an agriculture producer , handling crew are provided network-rization , intellectualized , penetrating image information service .

  8. 通过加大政策支持、兴办各种农民协会、实行产业化经营来提高农业生产者组织化程度;

    Improving the levels of agricultural producer organizations through increasing the power in policy , founding various fanner guilds and practicing industry management ;

  9. 每位农业生产者都是一名化学家,要为不同的土壤选择适当的作物,要将水果酿造成酒,将牛奶提炼成奶酪;

    Every agriculturist is a chemist , matching soil types with the right crops , transforming fruit and milk into wine and cheese ;

  10. 在这种情形下,提升农业生产者的社会地位,实现农业生产的体面化显得尤为重要。

    In this situation , it is particularly important to realize the decency of agricultural production by enhancing the social status of agricultural producers .

  11. 在为法案寻求支持的同时,政府表示将扩大中小规模农业生产者的税额减免幅度。

    Moving to secure support for the bill , the government said it would expand tax exemptions and rebates for small-and medium-sized agricultural producers .

  12. 脲酶抑制剂为农业生产者在接近植物吸收养分最快的生长后期表施氮肥提供了条件。

    Urease inhibitors allow producers the opportunity to surface apply N at later stages of plant growth closer to time of most rapid plant uptake .

  13. 然而,许多中等收入国家开始增加“被动保护”,以应对工业国对农业生产者的支持,尤其是在粮食产品方面。

    However ," reactive protection " in response to industrial-country support to agricultural producers began to increase in many middle-income countries , especially in food products .

  14. 农产品分销网络是联接农业生产者和客户的通道和纽带,是农产品供应链中的关键环节。

    Distribution network , which is the core phase in Agriculture produce supply chain , is the bridge and tie to connect the producer and the client .

  15. 它使中国出现了数以百万计的小规模、低效率的农业生产者&全国约有2亿农户,平均耕地只有1.5英亩(而且不可出售)。

    It left China with millions of tiny , inefficient producers – there are around 200m household farms with an average size of 1.5 acres , which cannot be sold .

  16. 当前,中国农产品供应链整合进入了一个新的历史阶段,这个阶段的矛盾主要体现在农业生产者与消费者利益方面。

    The current , Chinese agricultural products supply chain integration entered a new historical stage , In this stage the principal contradiction reflected in the interests of the peasants and consumers .

  17. 九十年代以来,我国农产品在政府的引导下,积极实施农产品品牌战略,农产品品牌强势发展,农业生产者的品牌意识空前提高。

    Since 1990s , agricultural in our country guided by our government has implemented tea brand strategy , agricultural brand has developed fast , agricultural growers ' have strengthened brand consciousness .

  18. 为了提高农业生产者体面劳动水平,采取有效的措施,实现农业生产者收入增长是最有效的路径。

    In order to improve the level of agricultural producers ' decent work , the most effective strategy is to achieve the revenue growth of agricultural producers by taking some effective measures .

  19. 利用图像处理技术对小麦病害进行识别的研究,对准确认识小麦病害,指导农业生产者防治病害,减少病害对小麦产量的影响,保证国家粮食安全,具有很重要的现实意义。

    The study on wheat disease detection using image processing technology is significant to recognize wheat disease accurately , reduce the impact of disease on wheat yield and ensure national food security .

  20. 在土地是棉农最稀缺的生产要素的条件下,不同作物的实际播种面积之比,能够更好地衡量农业生产者的决策。

    For Chinese cotton producing farmers , the land is the scarcest factors of production , so the ratio between different crops planting acreage is a best index to measure agricultural producers ' will .

  21. 农产品外贸结构的变化既冲击不同类型农业生产者的福利水平,也使沿海地区农民成为最大受益群体。

    The change in foreign-trade construction of agricultural products not only impacted the welfare level of different kinds of agricultural producers , but also made the farmers in coastal areas be the greatest gainers .

  22. 传统民本思想的民,是一个仅包括农业生产者的整体概念,古代思想家们肯定民众的整体价值时,也否定了民的个体。

    Traditionally ," people " in people-centered thought refers to farmers , an entity of agricultural workers , with negation of taking " people " as individuals when the ancient thinkers confirmed the entity value of people .

  23. 我国《反垄断法》第56条规定:农业生产者及农村经济组织在农产品生产、销售、运输、储存等经营活动中实施的联合或者协同行为,不适用本法。

    Article 56 provides that the Anti-monopoly Law shall not apply to the alliance or concerted actions of agricultural producers and rural economic organizations in the economic activities such as production , processing , sales , transportation and storage of agricultural products .

  24. 本文研究的农村市场是指以农民(农业生产者)为核心市场主体的、服务于农业生产经营并以获取农业生产经营利益为目标的农村商品市场,包括农业生产资料市场和农产品市场。

    In the thesis , the rural market refers to the rural commodity markets , which the farmers are the main market subject , services for agricultural production and management , in order to gain the interests of agricultural production and management .

  25. 通过财政部门、信贷部门、农村集体经济组织和农业生产者等渠道大幅度增加农业投入是不现实的,而证券市场潜力巨大。

    This paper argues that it is unpractical to greatly input resources into county agriculture jointly from the financial departments , credit departments , rural collective economy organizations and agricultural producers , while the securities market has a tremendous potentiality in this aspect .

  26. 农业生产者的体面劳动难以实现,越来越多的农民选择进城务工,直接导致了大量的农村土地出现落荒现象,对我国农村社会的发展,甚至对我国粮食安全都构成了极大的威胁。

    As the decent work of agricultural producers is difficult to achieve , more and more farmers choose to be migrant workers . It results in a large number of uncultivated rural land , which seriously threatens the development of rural society in China and even our food security .

  27. 本文提出的建议是,粮食价格政策要保护农业生产者的利益,同时要增强农民表达利益的能力,政府在制定粮食价格政策的时候要处理好公共利益和自身利益的关系。

    Therefore , the government ought to take producers ' interest into account when making grain price policy , and to deal with the relationships between public interest and government 's self interest . At the same time , farmers are expected to enhance their abilities to produce political pressure .

  28. 农业小生产者受到冲击和排斥,不仅在生产领域,更显著的表现在市场交易领域。

    The agricultural small producer is under the impact and the excluding , not only in realm of production , moreover more remarkable performance in market transaction domain .

  29. 他说,目前的农业法案对大部分生产者是有利的,根据目前的农业法案,如果一个农民的现金流没有呈现正数,就说明他经营不当。

    He said the current farm bill works well for most producers , and noted that if a farmer did not have a positive cash flow under this farm bill , he hasn 't been managing his operation properly .

  30. 由于受我国的农业生产方式以及农业生产者素质的制约,农产品的网络营销在我国仍处于起步阶段。

    Because of the restriction of agricultural production system and the quality of agricultural producer in our country , the Internet marketing of agricultural products is still in starting stage .