
  • 网络Agricultural climate;Agroclimate
  1. 农业气候系统及其动态模型

    The dynamic models of agroclimate system

  2. 农业气候处于农业和气候两大系统的界面,是一个兼受自然因素和人为因素复杂影响的动态系统。

    The agroclimate located in the median surface of two macrosystem of the agriculture and the climate is a dynamic system , which has been affected by both the human factors and natural factors .

  3. 基于GIS的陕西省农业气候区划信息服务系统

    A GIS-based information serving system for agro-climate Zonation in Shaanxi province

  4. GIS技术为农业气候区划的进一步深入提供了有效的技术方法。

    GIS provides an effective method to agricultural climate mapping .

  5. 基于GIS的农业气候资源区域化问题研究&以甘肃省为例

    Study on the Zonal Digitization of Agricultural Climate Resources Based on GIS

  6. 基于GIS的重庆农业气候资源空间分布精细模拟研究

    A Detailed Simulation Study on GIS-based Agricultural Climate Resources Spatial Distribution in Chongqing

  7. GIS支持下的芒果种植农业气候区划

    Agricultural climatic regionalization supported by GIS for mango planting

  8. GIS与农业气候区划

    GIS and Agro - climatic Division

  9. GIS支持下的三峡库区湖北段农业气候资源评估与区划

    Assessment and Division of Agro-climatic Resources Under the GIS in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Hubei

  10. 基于GIS的主要农业气候资源分析&以山东省泰安市泰山区和岱岳区为例

    Analysis on Main Agro-Climatic Resource Based on GIS & A case of Tai ' an city in Shandong province

  11. GIS在农业气候区划中的应用东北黑土区地域界定及其水土保持区划探析

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning Defining of Chernozem Area and Zoning of Soil and Water Conservation in Northeastern China

  12. 在第三次全国农业气候区划大背景下,我们利用先进的GIS技术对陕西苹果按不同时段进行气候适宜性区划。

    Under the background of the Third National Agricultural Climate Division , we used the advanced GIS technology to do the division work of apple .

  13. 3S技术在农业气候论证中的应用研究

    Application of SSS Technique to Agroclimatology Demonstration

  14. 而地理信息系统(GIS)技术的运用,则为农业气候资源的分析和开发利用提供了有效的新方法和新技术,有着广阔的应用前景。

    Having a wide foreground , the application of GIS technique provides an effective new way and new technique for analysing and developing of agricultural climate resources .

  15. 利用GIS技术,综合考虑农业气候指标、土壤因素和地形因子,制作林果特色农业气候区划;

    The agroclimatic zoning of some fruits ( e.g. strawberry , chestnut and apple ) was made by GIS , and agroclimatic indexes , soil conditions and landform were considered comprehensively .

  16. 在信息数据库基础上,利用GIS和计算机技术探讨了重庆地区农业气候资源的空间分布模拟、量化分析与评价、作物布局及气候资源的充分利用等问题。

    On the basis of information database , the part had a discussion on the dimensional distribution , quantitative evaluation , the use full of agroclimatic resources and crop distribution in ChongQing region by making use of GIS and computer .

  17. 利用Mann-Kendall方法,对辽西地区主要农业气候资源突变现象进行了检测。

    In terms of the method of Mann-Kendall , the assay measures the mutation phenomenon of primary agricultural climatic resource in the area of the west of LiaoNing province .

  18. 本文基于GIS技术研究了越南农业气候资源小网格(500mx500m)分布,根据高分辨率资料建立了越南农作物气候区划。

    This article , based on GIS technology , has a research on the grid distributing ( 500mx500m ) of the Agricultural Climate Resource in Viet Nam and builds the crop climate delimitation on Viet Nam with high-resolution data .

  19. 陇南山区农业气候资源特征与开发利用

    Characteristics of Agroclimatic Resources in South Gansu and their effective utilization

  20. 东北地区春玉米农业气候资源数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Agroclimatic Resources for Spring Maize in Northeast China

  21. 新疆石河子垦区农业气候资源的空间分布

    Spatial Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources in the Shihezi Region , Xinjiang

  22. 欧氏距离系数在农业气候相似性研究中的应用

    The use of distance coefficient in the research on Agroclimatological resemblance

  23. 农业气候相似原理与农作物引种的气候诊断方法

    Principle of Agroclimatic analogy and Agroclimatic Diagnostic Method of Crop Introduction

  24. 海南岛与台湾岛农业气候资源比较

    Comparison of Agro - climate Resources in Hainan and Taiwan Islands

  25. 娄烦县农业气候特征分析

    Analysis on the agriculture climate characteristic in Loufan County , Shanxi

  26. 新疆大豆品种区划海南岛农业气候区划

    Climate and regionalization of soybean the agroclimatic regionalization of Hainan Island

  27. 海南岛各县与世界热带国家农业气候相似性研究

    Agroclimatic similarity between Hainan Island and tropical countries in the world

  28. 贵州省水分资源的农业气候分析

    Analysis of agricultural climate concerning the water resources in Guizhou Province

  29. 山区农业气候区划中年平均气温空间序列的正态性研究

    Normality of Annual Mean Temperature in Climate Regionalization in Mountainous Regions

  30. 黑龙江省玉米品种布局的农业气候依据

    Agro climatic basis for allocating Maize Varieties in Heilongjiang Province