
tiān ɡān dì zhī
  • the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Terrestrial Branches
  1. 五运六气以天干地支为基础。

    The theory of five movements six climatic changes based on heavenly stems and earthly branches .

  2. 中国在汉武帝以前用天干地支纪年;

    Gan-Zhis were employed to designate the years before the reign of Wudi Emperor of Han Dynasty ;

  3. 中国传统的天干地支纪年法由十干和十二支依次相配,组成六十个基本单位,两者按固定的顺序互相配合而成。

    The Chinese sexagenary cycle , also known as Stems-and-Branches , is a cyclic numeral system of60 combinations of the two basic cycles , the ten Heavenly Stemsand the twelve Earthly Branches .

  4. 天干地支与十二生肖,是中国古代历法研究的成果,一般来说,十二生肖用于记年,天干地支计时。

    Heavenly Stems , Earthly Branches and the Twelve Animal signs ( shengxiaos ) are brainchild of Chinese ancestors . Generally , the former are used in calculating hours while the latter numbering years .

  5. 天干地支系统在中国古代象数思维中占有重要地位,它们常与阴阳、五行一体运用于构建时空一体的立体宇宙图式。

    The system of tian gan di zhi plays an important role in the ancient Chinese thinking of the image-number , it usually use it to establish the union of spatial-temporal and three-dimensional universal diagram .

  6. 并且学用汉族农历的天干、地支计算纪年。

    School with the Han Chinese and the Heavenly Stems , Earthly Branches Jinian calculation .

  7. 使用60周环计数法以确定年、日、时的天干,地支值。

    The counting method with 60 as a cycle is applied for obtaining the values of the " Heavenly Stems " and " Earthly Branches " .

  8. 天干、地支作为中国传统历法中的纪时符号,在中国历史文化发展的长河里,逐渐被赋予了神秘的色彩,至今还保留在农历之中,其原因在于国人对时空本质的认识。

    The heavenly stems and earthly branches are symbols in the traditional Chinese calendar and have been endowed with mystic colors in the development of China 's history .

  9. 中国古代的阴阳学说建立起一套十天干和十二地支的奇妙体系。

    The ancient Yinyang principle constructed a fantastic system of10 heavenly stems and12 mundane branches .

  10. 在古代,我们的祖先认为一年有10个天干和12个地支。

    In ancient times , our ancestors counted the years with 10 celestial stems and 12 terrestrial branches .

  11. 《说文》中,许慎把“天干”、“地支”都解释为万物在一年中的萌发生长成熟衰亡的循环系统。

    Xushen interpreted the Ten Heavenly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches as a system of the cycle of the seasons in " Shuowenjiezi " .