
  • 网络catholic country
  1. 玛丽意图把苏格兰再度变回一个天主教国家

    that Mary was plotting to turn Scotland back into a Catholic country once more .

  2. 奥地利迷信盛行,但作为一个天主教国家,这不算奇怪。

    As a Catholic country , it 's perhaps no surprise that Austria is steeped in superstition .

  3. 梵蒂冈迫切地希望看到又一个虔诚的天主教国家加入欧盟。

    The Vatican is keen to see another staunchly Catholic nation join the bloc .

  4. 以罗马教皇为首的天主教国家乘蒙古人入侵基辅罗斯之机,企图合并罗斯东正教会。

    The Catholic countries which headed by the Pope took occasion to the Mongolian invasion of Kievan Rus attempted the consolidation with the Rus Orthodox Church .

  5. 当英国还是天主教国家时,人们不仅在每周五不吃肉,四旬斋和其他宗教节日也不吃。

    When Britain was Catholic , meat was off the menu not only every Friday but for the40 days of Lent and other holy days as well .

  6. 在对世界人口最多的天主教国家巴西为期五天访问一开始,教皇本笃十六世公开反对堕胎。

    Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out against abortion at the start of his five-day visit to Brazil , the world 's most populous Roman Catholic nation .

  7. 教皇本笃抵达萨格勒布机场时受到热烈欢迎。这是教皇对这个虔诚的天主教国家进行的第一次访问,分别演奏了梵蒂冈和克罗地亚国歌。

    A warm welcome for Pope Benedict as he arrived at Zagreb airport , the Vatican and Croatian anthems played as he began his first trip to this devoutly Catholic country .

  8. 过去拉丁美洲国家是保守的天主教国家,而在阿根廷、乌拉圭、墨西哥城的带领下,协同巴西,拉丁美洲国家现在已经成为了同性恋权利的开拓者。

    Once a bastion of conservative Catholic values , Latin America has become something of a trailblazer for gay rights , with Argentina , Uruguay and Mexico City leading the charge along with Brazil .

  9. 理论上,在天主教国家是不容非法财与贪污的,最高可被判处死刑,有关官员则表示,艾斯特拉达如果被判刑,可能获得赦免。

    In theory , illegal plundering of money and corruptions are never tolerated in a Catholic country and are punishable by death . however , the related officials indicated Estrada might be pardoned from any death sentence .

  10. 书中说,爱尔兰是信奉天主教的国家,禁止离婚。

    The book told me that Ireland believes in Catholicism and prohibited divorce .

  11. 在信奉天主教的国家里,人们要在大斋期间绝食。

    In Catholic countries , people fast during lent .

  12. 很难理解,但天主教在这个国家是生来具有的。

    It 's very difficult to understand but Catholicism in this country is inbred .

  13. 它也是一些信奉天主教的欧洲国家会热烈庆祝的节日。

    It is also celebrated with much excitement in the European countries ruled by the Catholics .

  14. 意大利是以天主教为中心的国家,也是资本主义发展较早的国家。

    Italy is a nation of Catholic , and it developed its Capitalism earlier than others .