
  1. 蓝牙,一种以10世纪丹麦国王HaroldBluetooth的名字来命名的新无线短距离通信技术,具有常开,低功耗等特点,并致力于简化固定和移动设备之间的短距离通信。

    Bluetooth , the new technology named after the 10th Century Danish King Harold Bluetooth , is an always on , low-power , and short-range radio technology , aiming at simplifying short-range communications among fixed and mobile devices .

  2. 之后,约迪斯与丹麦国王希亚普雷克结婚。

    Hjordis after that married hialprek , king of denmark .

  3. 哈姆雷特很感谢他们,并且允诺在他当了丹麦国王以后会奖赏他们。

    Hamlet thanked them and promised to reward them after he became king of Denmark .

  4. 很久以前,挪威国王浮廷布拉斯与丹麦国王哈姆雷特展开了一场大战。

    Once long ago , King Fortinbras of Norway fought a battle with King Hamlet of Denmark .

  5. 兄弟纽带:罗洛(克莱夫斯坦登饰演)在新一季里还会是这位丹麦国王的忠诚战士。

    Brotherly Bonding : Rollo ( Clive Standen ) will continue to serve the King of Denmark as a faithful warrior in the new season .

  6. 丹麦国王(1808-1839年)和挪威国王(1808-1814年)。同拿破仑一世结盟。他失败后,挪威被转给瑞典(1814年。

    King of Denmark ( 1808-1839 ) and Norway ( 1808-1814 ) who allied himself with Napoleon I , upon whose defeat Norway was awarded to Sweden ( 1814 ) .

  7. 他没有资格当丹麦的国王。

    He does not deserve to be King of Denmark .

  8. 丹麦有国王啊。

    Denmark has a king .

  9. 丹麦的国王有一顶铝制的皇冠,并且在华盛顿纪念碑的顶点就是纯铝的,就像是我们今天选择纯银是一样的。

    The King of Denmark wore an aluminum crown , and when it was chosen as the capstone of the Washington Monument , it was the equivalent of choosing pure silver today .

  10. 丹麦所有的国王和王后,头上戴着金冠,都手挽着手,走到这座山上的那个古教堂里来。于是琴楼上的风琴奏起来了,泉水也发出潺潺的鸣声。

    And up the slope into the old church went all the kings and queens of Denmark , hand in hand , all with their golden crowns ; and the organ played and the fountains rustled .

  11. 埃塞尔雷德死后没有留下有实力的撒克逊继承人,于是贤人会议选择了丹麦首领克努特为国王。

    When ethebred 's death left no strong Saxon successor , the Witan chose Canute the Danish leader , as king in .